[藝術感酒標與美酒 - Myicellar X Ovolo]
Myicellar 這天與 Ovolo 藝術空間合作,選了七瓶帶有藝術酒標的葡萄酒:
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[藝術感酒標與美酒 - Myicellar X Ovolo]
Myicellar 這天與 Ovolo 藝術空間合作,選了七瓶帶有藝術酒標的葡萄酒:
- Contratto For England Rose Pas Dose 2014
- Al-Cantara Occhi Di Ciumi DOC 2019
- Leeuwin Estate Art Series Riesling 2019
- Josmeyer Fleur de Lotus, Alsace AOC 2019
- Mollydooker - Euphoria Sparkling Verdelho 2019
- Orin Swift Abstract Red Blend 2018
- The Hobo Wine Company Folk Machine Gas- Food & Lodging, Pinot Noir 2017
主持人為七瓶美酒逐一細說背後的故事、酒莊主人使用的藝術酒標的含意等等,當中有不少是可以直接感受到箇中用意,例如 Josmeyer Fleur de Lotus, Alsace AOC 2019 的酒標上帶著很有禪意的畫以及中文字 “蓮”,它是關於 “愛蓮說”,”出淤泥而不染” 是最多人認識的一句,而酒體是偏向清純、不花巧,帶香甜但很快就會散去,帶著什麼都很快歸向平靜的感覺,給我平和、放鬆的體驗,非常獨特。其他美酒都帶著漂亮的酒標,Mollydooker - Euphoria Sparkling Verdelho 2019 用上瓶外與瓶內的漂亮圖案,整合成立體的美感;Contratto For England Rose Pas Dose 2014 除了古典感的酒標,瓶底更有隱藏的油墨圖案,這些一切都帶出很多額外的滋味
各位有興趣買這些藝術美酒的話,可以到 https://www.myicellar.com/market/ 或者下載 Myicellar app 購買,購買時記得輸入優惠碼 “CheerswithDream”,買滿 HK$300 就會有 HK$50 優惠,不要錯過啊
Myicellar @myicellar
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lodging中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的精選貼文
這件【明 湯煥 遊西山詩 Poems on Traveling to the Western Mountains, Tang Huan, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)】混合了楷書、行書和草書,不但沒有違和感,還讓人覺得獨樹一格!
秋日宿西山臥佛寺。西日猶在山。暮烟已生樹。馬首緣岡迴。僕夫指前路。側逕遙解鞍。空林散狐兔。衲子慣逢迎。惜茲煩禮數。方丈花木深。供張混妍素。坐覺萬籟虛。月采波光注。蟲鳴露下莎。蔬剪霜前瓠。幾年塵鞅間。觸此烟霞痼。中夜魂夢清。心地欣如故。胡不聞琅璫。車音乃驚寤。因思出世難。山靈亦成誤。 遊香山寺。秋晴山暖野花發。小雨石徑無塵埃。果園槭槭響墮葉。香澗泠泠漱古苔。危磴千盤但佛閣。藏舟一壑為玄臺。漫言人世與茲絕。上方金碧令心哀。鄰初道人。
🔽 Tang Huan (dates of birth and death unknown), had the style name Yaowen and the sobriquet Linchu. A native of Hang County in present day Zhejiang, he passed the imperial examinations at the provincial level in the fourth year of Ming dynasty emperor Longqing's reign (1570). Tang was both a talented painter as well as an expert carver of seals. Gao Shiqi (1644-1703) once said of Tang, "renowned in his own lifetime for his calligraphy, he embarked upon his path by studying the Jin dynasty masters."
🔽 This work contains two poems, entitled "Taking Lodging at Lying Buddha Temple in the Western Mountains in Autumn" and "A Trip to Fragrant Hills Temple." Revealing the influence of Yuan dynasty "mixed script," its calligraphy contains a blend of kaishu, xingshu, caoshu, and zhangshu (regular script, cursive script, grass script, and draft script, respectively). However, clearly marching to the beat of his own drummer, Tang writes in a manner freer, bolder, and more untrammeled than his influences.
🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10907/en/page-1.html