

在 loads中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過26萬的網紅張哲生,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 2020.3.6 17:57 更新: 好消息!在網友吳馥如的協助下,找到了方惠清女士住在彰化市的堂弟,也得知方惠清女士目前人在法國,我已將方女士堂弟的聯絡方式告訴尋人的李寶珊女士之女,希望這對好友能盡快取得聯繫,祝福她們! 【女兒代媽媽尋人】 原尋人文章以英文書寫,發文者是 Chung Phụn...

loads中文 在 Foodie Lei Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 11:17:53

📍🇲🇴 #foodieleimacao · 🌱可持續之味 | Celebrate Sustainability (中文文字請見上一貼文🙏🏻) Sustainable dining is with no doubt the trend in the gastronomy industry -bal...

  • loads中文 在 張哲生 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-05 22:38:42
    有 4,938 人按讚

    2020.3.6 17:57 更新:


    原尋人文章以英文書寫,發文者是 Chung Phụng Anh,以下的中文內容為網友 Borcheng Hsu 代為翻譯。


    我的媽媽是潮州人,1959年生,從小住在柬埔寨,15歲被帶到紅色高棉集中營,與一位名叫 Que Chinh的女孩成為好友。

    1979-1980年間,她們被釋放,逃到越南,也因為她們兩位的父親都慘遭毒手,所以感情特別好。後來Que Chinh的哥哥將她申請到台灣。


    Guan Shin & Co
    Chung Shan Rd, section 1
    225 Alley, Chang Chua, Taiwan
    Đài Loan, R.O.C.



    我的媽媽現在62歲,目前住在美國波士頓,很想念 Que Chinh,希望能找到她。


    媽媽的名字是李寶珊(Lý Bửu Sang)
    媽媽朋友的名字是方惠清(Que Chinh)


    Chung Phụng Anh shared her first post.

    Aching Endeavor of Family Search
    (some of the names have been translated into English by phonic sounds and might not be accurate, and my mom and I don’t know how to use Chinese keystrokes on computers).
    My mom was a Chinese (Teochow) living in Cambodia, and a survivor of the Pol pot Khmer Rouge genocide. In the labour camp of the Khmer Rouge, a friendship was born between her and another lady who eventually settled in Taiwan. Now, my mom is living in Boston, MA, United States, and wishes to look for her endearing friend.
    My mom’s name translated into Vietnamese is Lý Bửu Sang, her Chinese name is written on top of her teenage passport photo here. She was 15 when she was brought from Nong Phenh to the Khmer Rough labour camp, named something sound like Clok-By-Cam-Pot. There, she and her family made friends with a girl a year or so older than her, named Que Chinh, and her family. My grandpa and Ms. Que Chinh’s father was made to carry heavy loads of human feces for fertilization. He eventually died of inhuman condition in the camp, and Ms. Que Chinh’s father was killed off.
    In1979-1980, my mom and Ms. Que Chinh were released and ran to Saigon, Vietnam. They met up regularly in Chợ Lớn (which means literally, Big Market) where gathered a large population of Chinese Vietnamese. The orphaned girls were as close as sisters.
    Eventually, Ms. Que Chinh’s brother sponsored her to go to Taiwan. She initially lived with her uncle, who had a small shopping selling treats. They exchanged letters a few times at Mr. Que Chinh’s uncle’s address attached here (not sure if it's in the correct format):
    Guan Shin & Co
    Chung Shan Rd, section 1
    225 Alley, Chang Chua, Taiwan
    Ms. Que Chinh sent my mom three letters in which she attached her three photos here with the scenes in Taiwan, one of which was with her younger sister in the hats. The girl who turns around with the background of the mountain skyline is Ms. Que Chinh, and so is the girl with the background of the pagoda.
    After that, my mom gave birth to 4 kids and became very busy at first. Then, when she finally had time and wrote to Ms. Que Chinh at the same address, the mail was returned.
    To anyone who lives in Taiwan or knows anyone in Taiwan, please kindly help pass the words to Ms. Que Chinh. My mom misses her very much.
    Thank you for your kind read...

  • loads中文 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-08-30 20:51:06
    有 88 人按讚

    【NEW 文章分享】你們知道澳洲有許多地方鬧鬼嗎?👀位於塔斯馬尼亞的亞瑟港,是澳洲第二主要鬧鬼的地方! 👻

    在十八世紀時這裡是英國與愛爾蘭重刑犯的關押所。而在1996年時更發生了一項槍殺35名遊客的大屠殺😱 因此到目前為止共記錄過兩千多件靈異事件發生,數字並持續上升中😲

    不過白天這裡是座美麗的世界遺產喔😆 擁有超過三十多棟歷史性的建築,還多次贏得澳洲旅遊局的大獎🏆 所以怕鬼的你可不要因為知道亞瑟港的黑暗面而不敢拜訪😉

    這篇主要是介紹亞瑟港夜晚的 Ghost Tour👻 喜歡奇特景點的你千萬不要錯過唷😝

    Ps. 這邊中國遊客超多!到處都有中文指標跟導遊,不用怕英文不好了😆

    #澳洲 #塔斯馬尼亞 #黑暗景點

    Port Arthur has always been one of my favourite Historical sites 😆 Not for its cultural significance, but bcz it's the second most haunted places in Australia 💀

    Over 2000 sightings in the last two decades have been reported🙀 Of course we have to do the GHOST tour with York👻 Where this beautiful site transform into something completely different🙊

    The guide was so cruel😂 After she knew he's scared of ghosts, she asked him to knock on the door where the house was most haunted 😅 We even entered a room where the prison doctor used to dissect people...☠️

    All that aside, this site has over 30 historical buildings with extensive ruins😊 So even if you don't like ghosts, during the day it's still worth a visit😁

    There were bus loads of tourists since I last visited 7 years ago🚌 So better visit before it gets too crowded 🤐

    #tasmania #portarthur #winnystravelnot

  • loads中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-12-06 20:30:00
    有 181 人按讚

    [Food photography workshop / 食物攝影講座] On the table / 餐桌上的風景(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    When I started sharing photos on Instagram two and half years ago, I just wanted to create a portfolio of my pastry creations. I never thought that I'd be officially recommended by Instagram in 2 months and started my journey as an Instagrammer, a blogger, a columnist, and a book author later on.

    I was so attracted to food photography for a while and took loads of photos on what I've made, I've seen, and I've had eventually. That very obsession with the beauty of food and how to capture that is exactly what brings me here. Nowadays when it comes to photography, I'm more drawn to daily life and street scenes rather than to food to be honest. However, I still love to capture table scenes, the interaction between people and food as well as that among people at the table.

    I'd love to share with you how I document my food and pastry life with my camera in this workshop. There won't be much technical knowledge and skills covered as I couldn't even figure them out myself. Instead, I'll be sharing with you how to simply use your phone and camera (auto mode is enough) to tell a more interesting and beautiful story of your table.

    👉👉👉 Know more about the workshop: https://goo.gl/NGeZbK
    🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/applespoon
    ❣️A Nous Paris feature: https://goo.gl/zK1bR4

    一開始經營Instagram的時候,我其實只是單純地想要記錄自己的甜點創作,沒想到兩個多月內就被官方推薦、接著越來越多活動邀約,還上了巴黎的A NOUS Paris和其他媒體。隨著越來越多人看到自己的作品,我也更加習慣用影像來記錄自己的生活。


    12/17我與Open House 18 / 開房子合作,用輕鬆的講座結合workshop方式,和大家分享過去這兩年,我在食物攝影與Instagram社群媒體經營的一點心得。內容會著重在「如何美麗且有趣的紀錄自己的飲食生活」、如何輕鬆使用自己的手機與相機拍出漂亮的照片、如何使用餐桌小物與空間特色來襯托拍攝主題、以及如何使用後製軟體來補足攝影當下的各種不足。「絕對不會」有很艱深的攝影技巧與理論,因為我和川島小鳥一樣只使用自動模式😂所以如果想要學到更加了解自己的相機、更多相機操作方式的不要來喔!🙈🙈🙈


    🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️追蹤我的IG: https://www.instagram.com/applespoon
    ❣️巴黎地鐵報《A NOUS Paris》的人物特寫:https://goo.gl/zK1bR4

