

在 listeners聆聽者產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,646的網紅SU YANG , 蘇婭,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天和明天「哈娜麥莎微醺時刻」的特別來賓,開心邀請我的好朋友,來自太魯閣山林裡的音樂獵人 ~一好·屴夯 Lihaw Lihang! 在2019年得到台灣流行音樂原創大獎原住民的首獎之後,我在花蓮參加Ado 阿洛的演唱會遇見了他,立馬就邀約他上了我的節目,再加上他的製作人是吉他詩人 董運昌老師,也是我...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅A Jie Anime Review,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A Jie 4月新番推薦 2020春 ===本節目由 弓箭傳說贊助播出=== 弓箭傳說 下載連結:https://app.adjust.com/io375bk?campaign=ajie 免費領英雄活動:http://bit.ly/2WoZ4Kv 投稿影片抽Switch活動:https://...

listeners聆聽者 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-19 22:51:21

【絕地求生】男生喺「嗰幾日」要額外留神,隨時「執生」! ⭐女生平日調理好身體 ⭐每個月就有HappyPeriod唔駛忟憎 #星期六隻眼閉 #一句激嬲女朋友 M到呀?你又發咩癲呀? 女生從起床開始就諸事不順,心情奇差,忟忟憎憎,並對男友多多要求。 男生忍不住問:M到呀?你又發咩癲呀? 然後...

listeners聆聽者 在 9m88 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-23 09:49:29

我終於發專輯了! 製作這張專輯速度並不快,不知道大哭過幾次,懷疑自己沒有能力可以把它完成。在摧毀跟重生之間得到很多新的體會,這張作品確確實實帶著我成長。 我很喜歡這張專輯紀錄了這個階段的人生。聆聽者也扮演很大的角色,好像被攝影師給拍下來的照片一樣,我們跟你們都成為了前景與背景,一同在這張相片中存在著...

  • listeners聆聽者 在 SU YANG , 蘇婭 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-14 14:30:25
    有 17 人按讚

    今天和明天「哈娜麥莎微醺時刻」的特別來賓,開心邀請我的好朋友,來自太魯閣山林裡的音樂獵人 ~一好·屴夯 Lihaw Lihang!
    在2019年得到台灣流行音樂原創大獎原住民的首獎之後,我在花蓮參加Ado 阿洛的演唱會遇見了他,立馬就邀約他上了我的節目,再加上他的製作人是吉他詩人 董運昌老師,也是我的老友,就更多的互動⋯;當時他只完成了EP,我記得去年還帶著他們的樂團到我節目現場演奏,非常的喜愛他們整個大地風格的音樂風格!❤️







    「哈娜麥莎微醺時刻」65集 8/14播出
    1、 大小獵人
    3、如果只是如果/feat 蘇婭

    66集 8/15播出
    3、I Say 嘿
    4、母親的話 /鳳林國中(阿卡貝拉清唱)



    「 風的獵人~
    站在太魯閣群山峰頂,我宛如冠鷲,御風而行 」

    This album takes its name from the wind. For the wind is omnipresent: its emotions reach wherever it wills, and it is found nowhere and yet everywhere.

    “Flying on the wind“ embodies my respect and longing for Taroko’s mountains, seas, and canyons, and my endless longing for my mother.

    “Longing”, the heart of this album, comes with a deep reflection on nature and our environment.

    The land is where our roots are. We want our listeners to reflect through our music: What can someone like myself leave behind for the people of this land?

    Ancient ballads carry both the history of this canyon and the memories from my father’s generation.

    As the children of Truku, we sang and passed these mystic ancient ballads on for centuries, enshrining the music in the mountains from whence it came.

    Ancient ballads can be looked at from a new perspective, and re-interpreted through the lens of contemporary music.

    As time passes like the wind, the world resembles an eagle’s ever flapping wings, each generation its own unique legend and beauty.

    Like the singer said: “My songs originated from my mother’s longing for my grandmother, even more so from my longing for my mother.

    The power of longing will turn into crested serpent eagles in the wind and watch over Taroko’s mountains and seas for generations to come.

    Joined by our ancestors, they will remember and look after the tribes and friends living on this land.”


    一好·屴夯 臉書連結

    20:00-21:00 Alian96.3
    「 哈娜麥莎微醺時刻」
    談談心 小小微醺一下 🥂🍷🥃🌹

    App下載「Hinet Hichannel」
    「Alian FM96.3原住民族廣播電台」


  • listeners聆聽者 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-13 12:06:45
    有 309 人按讚










    男友宜:讚美,但不建議浮誇的讚美 。


    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Why are you acting crazy? You are having your period again, aren’t you?

    Girlfriend wakes up with a troubled mind and in a bad mood, and demands the boyfriend’s total attention.

    The boyfriend, who could not stand it anymore: Why are you acting crazy? You are having your period again, aren’t you?

    Just like that, I became upset.

    Women will experience mood swings when they are menstruating. The changes in their emotions might become more drastic if they experience weakness in the qi and blood or the stagnation of the qi in the liver.

    Men around them should try to be more understanding, be good listeners, offer them warm water or a heat bag, and avoid asking unnecessary questions. Here is a ‘How to Take Care of Your Menstruating Girlfriend’ survival guide:

    . Binge eating
    What the boyfriend should do: eat with her and avoid saying sensitive words like ‘fat’, ‘plump’ or ‘pig’.

    .Acne on the chin
    What the boyfriend should do: no need to buy acne cream for her. The acne will go away once the period is over.

    .Drastic change in emotions
    What the boyfriend should do: talk less and do more work. She should be fine after a few days.

    .Prefers to stay home over going out
    What the boyfriend should do: stay by her side as if you are her favorite pillow.

    .Body becomes more voluptuous
    What the boyfriend should do: praise her but avoid exaggeration.

    .Does not enjoy talking as much
    What the boyfriend should do: let her be and do not ask unnecessary questions.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #經期

  • listeners聆聽者 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-28 17:34:17
    有 59 人按讚


    這是一首和 國立臺灣史前文化博物館 National Museum of Prehistory 及 蓋亞文化 出版的台灣史前奇幻冒險小說「風暴之子」擦出火花的歌曲-〈古老森林的後裔 Grandsons of Ancient Forest〉。
    各大平台聆聽 Hear it at Digital Platform:https://snd.click/trt
    ps. 部分國際平台因應年末假期會晚點曝光唷:D
    Some platforms during the year-end holiday will postpone the release date 😀 More detailed song information is as follows!
    特別謝謝帶我們了解許多卑南文化的 葉長庚、宜婷、芸甯,難忘那天驅車前往台東參觀卑南文化的遺址、由你們帶領我們翻閱文獻、近距離觀看這些出土文物,聆聽背景文化與故事。卑南文化做為台灣重要的史前文化之一,能有這些轉譯的發想與執行,每個環節都令人興奮,期待越來越多人以新的目光聆聽這些土地蘊藏的美麗故事。


    Dee ie enssaa dnaaya(半月下的太陽之子)
    Ii issee ento ui(靈魂永駐幻化成樹)
    Kii inssee essaa libaya(聽,森林的細語唏囌)
    io si kenna(唱述大地的美麗故事)
    Mriya dehita
    iude taka emu
    Ameyín sáiya
    主要演奏樂器為Lira de la estela de Luna,是由伊比利半島Luna(月亮)小鎮出土的一座石碑上圖案所復刻出的樂器,中文譯為月亮里拉琴(或稱塔特西里拉琴),該石碑目前存放於西班牙當地Zaragoza博物館,年代距今三千年左右,恰好與卑南文化時期有所重疊。歌曲中點綴著多種原始的傳統樂器,像是以羊趾甲製作而成的 Chajchas、早期以木頭製成的笛子 Quena、會發出下雨聲音的Palo de Lluvia 求雨棒、以種子製成的 Güiro de calabaza seca、跳舞專用的腳鈴 Pad Ghungroo、羊皮手鼓Frame Drum等等,期許用更開闊的聲響,編織出人們對於卑南文化的無限想像。


    【Information about Grandsons of Ancient Forest - Vali Original Soundtrack】

    Vali is Taiwan’s first fantasy-adventure novel set in prehistoric times (more precisely, about 3,000 years ago). It is based on the Peinan culture.
    • Plot: The word “vali” means “wind” in an ancient language of Taiwan, and it is also the name of the boy and clouded leopard in the story. During a fierce storm, a canoe is violently tossed about on the water, staying afloat in spite of the tempest. All that is in the canoe is an unconscious boy, whose survival is a miracle and who will later be named after the wind—“Vali.” He ends up living with a tribe that is not his own, transforming, experiencing rebirth, and embarking on a long adventure…
    • About the song: The song, inspired by the plot of Vali, creates a musical and emotional link between listeners and a lost yet incomparably precious ancient civilization of Taiwan—the Peinan culture. Over 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of a settlement on this island lived and depended on one another while following their religious beliefs. We call this island “Taiwan.” Have you ever listened carefully to its mountain forests and the people who sleep eternally in them? They are telling us the beautiful stories of Taiwan, stories that never should have been forgotten.
    In the song, the boy sings an ancient melody passed down by the village elders, which goes:
    Dee ie enssaa dnaaya (Children of the sun, beneath a half moon.)
    Ii issee ento ui (Their spirits live eternally in the form of trees.)
    Kii inssee essaa libaya (Hear the whispers of the forest,)
    io si kenna (singing the beautiful stories of this land.)
    The beginning of the song goes:
    Mriya dehita
    iude taka emu
    Ameyín sáiya
    (All myths are based on true stories.)
    The main instrument is Lira de la estela de Luna(Lyre of Luna). It is the recreation of one of the oldest string instruments of the Iberian Peninsula. It was created based on an engraving representing a string instrument similar to an ancient Mediterranean lyre. This engraving is on an anthropomorphic funeral stele dating back three thousand years that was found in the town of Luna (Zaragoza) in 1975. The characteristics of the engraving are very similar to the style of the Tartessian period (10 to 6 B.C.).
    Besides, this song is dotted with a variety of original traditional musical instruments, like Chajchas, Quena, Palo de Lluvia, Güiro de calabaza seca, Pad Ghungroo, Frame Drum, etc.

    小說《風暴之子》作者:奇幻作家 葛葉

    Yerko Fuenzalida Lorca

  • listeners聆聽者 在 A Jie Anime Review Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-29 22:00:46

    A Jie 4月新番推薦 2020春

    ===本節目由 弓箭傳說贊助播出===

    弓箭傳說 下載連結:https://app.adjust.com/io375bk?campaign=ajie



    ====2020 4月新番推薦名單====

    刀劍神域 Alicization War of Underworld -THE LAST SEASON-


    輝夜姬想讓人告白~天才們的戀愛頭腦戰~ 第二季


    轉生成女性向遊戲只有毀滅 END 的壞人大小姐


    富豪刑事 Balance:Unlimited






    ►訂閱A Jie動漫頻道◄http://goo.gl/ZSVC3k

    ►動畫點評 播放清單◄http://goo.gl/Y50e4H

    ►精選影片◄簡評九部Fate系列作品 https://youtu.be/zVYcrF9N9qM

    ►精選影片◄A Jie點評 - 龍與虎 https://youtu.be/08sbvWnLpCw

    ↓↓更多A Jie的ACG資訊↓↓

    This channel is only used to recommending anime, comics and games.
    All the videos are not intending to against copyright law, only to assisting commentary and recommendation.
    If it cause any lost of yours, please contact me immediately.
    このチャンネルでは、 主にアニメ、マンガ、ゲームの推奨や評価などしております。

  • listeners聆聽者 在 Diana Wang 王詩安 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-03-29 10:58:16

    創作女聲 Diana Wang 王詩安
    2019全新單曲 【Hello, I said 】

    Acoustic R&B創作女聲王詩安,以紙船比喻人生,


    每天忙碌的步伐,是否常讓你忘了適時停下腳步來好好跟自己對話,以及好好聆聽自己內心的聲音呢?歌聲慵懶富磁性的R&B創作女聲王詩安最新單曲〈Hello, I said〉,講述的就是人生雖然會遇到挫折與挑戰,但只要沈澱一下讓心念一轉,人生也可以成為自己想要的樣子。

    〈Hello, I said〉以Acoustic R&B旋律做襯底,佐以淡淡的和聲,一首簡單慵懶的歌曲卻乘載著人生像是一場不斷面對挑戰的旅程,像是一條小船航行於汪洋大海的動人意象。〈Hello, I said〉是首鼓勵人們勇敢面對挑戰的歌曲,不過沒有陽剛式的精神喊話,而是以心靈交流般的勉勵口吻撫慰著聆聽者的心。因此〈Hello, I said〉以最簡約的編曲方式譜成,王詩安也有別於以往,以最親暱的聲音質地來演唱,彷彿像是與朋友分享心中最私密的情感。

    王詩安以簡單慵懶、看似不著功卻是來自靈魂深處的聲音,在歌曲開場唱著「Hey do you know what this feels like / When you go where no one knows」,與聽者共鳴著人生處於未知境地的茫然感。緊接著王詩安唱出「Like a ship that sailed to sea」,將人生比喻做大海,而自己則是一條航行於其中的小船。

    王詩安接著勉勵聆聽者,就算旅途中大雨來襲,也可以想像成滋養著自己心中的種子,而那種子有朝一日終究會綻放成燦爛花朵,因為每個人都在人生中追尋一個聲音,但那個聲音唯有在暴風雨中才會更加清晰。就像〈Hello, I said〉中所表達的「Just keep your head above the water」,唯有適時浮出水面沈澱一下自己,才會清楚聆聽到人生中所追逐的聲音。

    王詩安的〈Hello, I said〉單曲封面也以細膩的插圖,呈現出勉勵人心、人生就像是一條小船航行於大海面對挑戰的意象,但美妙的是小船是以紙摺成,代表著面對到挫折的事時,轉個念想自己像是航行於大海接受挑戰,也告訴聆聽者,人生再複雜但卻也像一張白紙一樣簡單,而且自己可以決定自己的樣子,決定自己面對人生挑戰的姿態。

    Diana Wang ‘Hello, I Said’
    Diana Wang has made a return with her newest single Hello, I Said. Listeners are exposed to a more personable side with this track that evokes feelings of bliss and inner peace. In this Acoustic R&B single, we experience a melody that fits perfectly with the Spring season. With a light and tranquil voice, Diana delivers a literal note-to-self offering encouragement. Like a hand-crafted paper boat over calm waters, Hello, I Said allows the listener to sail into self-assurance and good vibes.

    Hello, I said
    曲:Diana Wang 王詩安 , Khalil Fong 方大同
    詞:Khalil Fong 方大同
    Produced and Arranged by Khalil Fong@JTW
    Vocal arrangements by Diana Wang
    Recorded at Fu Music Studio by Jeff Li
    All Digital Editing by Jeff Li
    Mixed by Phil Tan
    Mastered by Chris Gehringer@SterlingSound

    Hello, I said
    Hey, do you know what this feels like
    When you go where no one knows
    If you ever feel in doubt
    Or if it rains on your parade

    And you seek you seek the sound
    That grows louder in the wild
    My feet are in the water
    Like a ship that sailed to sea, hey

    Hello, I said to myself yeah
    It's you in this life or you and the world
    I’ll sail the seas to myself
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Hey, do you know what this feels like
    When you know what no one knows
    Do you ever think about
    Or beyond what yesterday brings

    This is this is the sound
    It grows louder in the wild
    Just keep your head above the water
    You will find 自己, hey

    Hello, I said to myself yeah
    It's you in this life or you and the world
    I’ll sail the seas to myself
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah

    For every thousand miles
    That you're feeling down
    There's a way you'll make it through
    Every step of life that you're lost and found
    See the world go round yeah

    (Oh oh oh oh oh)
    Face your fears and soon your sun will rise
    (Oh oh oh oh oh)
    When the rain comes down a seed turns to flower

    Hello, I said to myself yeah
    It's you in this life or you and the world
    I’ll sail the seas to myself
    Yeah yeah yeah yeah

    Produced and Arranged by Khalil Fong@JTW
    Vocal arrangements by Diana Wang
    Recorded at Fu Music Studio by Jeff Li
    All Digital Editing by Jeff Li
    Mixed by Phil Tan
    Mastered by Chris Gehringer@SterlingSound

    Diana Wang王詩安
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DianaWangOfficial/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dianawangofficial/
    微博 Weibo: http://tw.weibo.com/dianawangshian
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/_dianawang

    賦音樂Fu Music
    Facoebook: https://www.facebook.com/fumusicasia/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fumusicasia/

    #王詩安 #DianaWang #HelloIsaid #賦音樂 #FUMUSIC

  • listeners聆聽者 在 Cicada (Taiwan) Youtube 的最佳解答

    2013-12-01 12:40:30

    Cicada 最新專輯《邊境消逝》博客來連結:http://goo.gl/oG8Whg
    Cicada "Coastland" on Bandcamp: http://goo.gl/kgG73F
    itunes: http://goo.gl/OT5m9E

    Cicada's FB: http://www.facebook.com/cicadataiwan

    Cicada's "Coastland"

    Jesy Chiang has always dreamt of dedicating an album to Taiwan's graceful landscapes, composer and leading member of Cicada. To this end, she visited many coastal wetland areas in western Taiwan, immersing herself in its poetic landscape. These visits became the inspiration behind the group's new release "Coastland". The opening track "Flying Sands" begins with a coarse and grainy bass line, later joined by violas and violins. The upbeat "Flapping Wings" features the crystalline notes of a piano and the high soaring sounds of string instruments mimicking a flock of birds flying through scattered clouds. The continuous and tender sound of the string instruments in "Close to the Wetland" brings to life the softness of Cheng Long Wetland Park in Yunlin County. In "Withered Reflection", Taiwan's western coast is musically depicted with a gentle touch, while the next song "Blooms in Dark" is suffused with despair and sadness, creating an image of Mailiao, Yunlin County, allowing listeners to capture a moment of hope as the song proceeds. Despite the melancholy composition in D minor, the last song "Into the Ocean" crescendos with an uplifting energy with its strong, pulsing rhythm. The bonus track "Over the Sea/Under the Water" was the first song of Cicada released three years ago as part of their first EP. Inspired by Taiwanese environmental issues, it was the starting point for "Coastland". After the new violist joined the band, this track was re-arranged and re-recorded for the new album, as a reminder as to where it all started.

    The concept behind the music and the performance in "Coastland" are exquisite, profound, and grand──fans of classical music, chamber music and independent music will all relate. A truly extraordinary conceptual album that will be on repeat by those of who devote their love to Taiwan.




