作者dyingyouth (慢歌3的尾奏。)
標題[歌詞]The Art Of Letting Go
時間Tue Nov 12 00:44:06 2013
I'm making a statement of my own opinion
just a brief little reminder
to help myself remember
I no longer live in your dominion
You're just trifling
nothing more than a liability
Gonna lay all your possessions
outside the kitchen window right now
Letting go
Letting go ain't easy
no it's just exceedingly hurtful
Cause somebody you used to know
is flinging your world around
and they watch as you're falling down
Evidently your words were merely lies
reverberating in my ears and the echo won't subside
There's deep, deep loss of hope and the anger burns in me
I hope you don't get no ideas about reuniting baby
cause that's the last thing I truly need
Your destiny is too much to be believed
so go to Mimi on your contacts, press delete
Letting go ain't easy
no it's just exceedingly hurtful
Cause somebody you used to know
is flinging your world around
and they watch as you're falling down
Baby letting go, ain't easy
Baby letting go, ain't easy
Baby letting go, ain't easy
Oh, just somebody you used to know
is flinging your world around
and you know what
they watch as you're falling, as you're falling down
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 skybrest:真的很好聽 唱法有點不一樣的味道!! 11/12 00:45
→ amo07:一堆聲色單字 11/12 00:45
→ amo07:生澀啦!!! 11/12 00:45
推 lim10337:阿咪的文學造詣到底有多高XD 11/12 00:47
→ lim10337:題外話 go to meet me 一直聽成 go to mimi 11/12 00:48
推 skybrest:說是最近三年的故事 到底是什麼呢!? 11/12 00:49
推 amo07:+1 想說怎麼歌詞又有mimi了 有夠三八= = 11/12 00:49
推 loveyourself:單字太多了 11/12 00:49
→ amo07:流產的孩子嗎? 11/12 00:49
※ 編輯: dyingyouth 來自: (11/12 00:50)
推 IAmFreeAndU:是流產嗎? 不是吧... 11/12 00:51
→ dyingyouth:我也不知道到底是mimi還是meet me,網路上兩個版本都有 11/12 00:51
推 skybrest:我覺得是meet me 11/12 00:52
→ IAmFreeAndU:我覺得歌詞是 不能外帶的精神正常版...XD 11/12 00:52
→ skybrest:is flinging your world around好像怪怪的 11/12 00:52
→ IAmFreeAndU:忘了感謝原PO的歌詞 11/12 00:53
→ skybrest:確定不是在說在節目上還有推特對罵的往事嗎XDDD 11/12 00:53
推 lim10337:咪咪搞雙關嗎? me = mimi 11/12 00:53
推 loveyourself:原po邊聽邊打??強啊。 11/12 00:56
→ dyingyouth:這應該是國外歌迷聽寫的,跟著聽覺得應該有九成正確吧 11/12 00:57
推 IAmFreeAndU:喔!!原來原PO來源是ㄈㄈ尺!! 11/12 00:58
推 tommy770726:我回到gre版了嗎= = 一堆熟悉的高階單字 11/12 00:58
推 tommy770726:Liability用的真好!肥咪真是才女 11/12 01:01
推 anjohn:其實mimi的用字蠻多影集都有出現過耶 11/12 01:02
→ anjohn:因為我看影集會把不會的字寫下 好多都好眼熟 XD 11/12 01:03
推 lim10337:前面的falling down唱得真好 越down越低 大概沒人唱得好 11/12 01:05
推 skybrest:1.29 鎂 11/12 01:09
推 skybrest:我錯了 是mimi沒錯 叫對方去自己的聯絡人裡刪掉mimi 11/12 01:15
推 sweetener:我聽起來覺得是splitting your world around 11/12 01:20
推 lovecarey:iTunes#85 11/12 01:52
推 wxyz1:有2005 Mimi的fu 11/12 02:05
推 lim10337:itunes#57 11/12 02:27
→ tiger7182:台灣$20 11/12 03:52
推 tiger7182:falling down 轉得餘韻十足 11/12 04:01
推 tiger7182:無限repeat中,如此內斂的詮釋真是耐人尋味 11/12 04:19
→ tiger7182:但這種曲風不是應該放在專輯最後一首嗎~~~~ 11/12 04:20
推 rfv22tgb85:推!我也覺得有2005的fu 11/12 08:23
推 lim10337:itunes#29 11/12 11:00
推 Hanabiayu:下跌了 #32 11/12 12:14
推 honkwun:果然不容易紅@@ 11/12 12:58
→ Hanabiayu:不過現在美國深夜了 應該會持續這名次一段時間 等到晚上 11/12 13:44
→ Hanabiayu:七點才可能會繼續上升或下降 11/12 13:44
推 rfv22tgb85:ok!!!!差不多會唱了~ 11/12 15:27
推 fendismiso:第一個fall down聽起來假假的耶? 有修嗎? 11/12 23:14
→ fendismiso:我好喜歡聽press delete一直repeat這兩個字哈哈 11/12 23:14
→ fendismiso:有點想聽聽大屁碧怎麼唱這首XD 11/12 23:15
推 lim10337:我想聽腰瘦克唱 11/13 01:32
推 herohoney:我覺得之後一定會出一堆REMIX XDDDDD 期待 11/13 08:39
推 rfv22tgb85:有啊咪有說有remix版不是嗎~~? 11/13 09:46
→ earthrise:your destiny那邊應該是your audacity 11/13 18:48
推 tommy770726:這篇真的應該轉到GRE板 全是Verbal Advantage常見單字 11/13 19:11
→ tommy770726:dominion liability reverberating subside audacity 11/13 19:12
→ tommy770726:歌詞這麼難很難大紅阿 11/13 19:13
推 puretd:liability讀商學院的應該不陌生吧XD 11/13 20:03
推 gn02174082:也是法學院常見單字XD 11/13 21:12
推 rfv22tgb85:好了~~哈哈哈我已經剪成手機鈴聲了>///< 11/14 00:56
→ rfv22tgb85:我最近上會計一直liability來liability去的哈哈 11/14 00:56
推 samurai4279:初會第一堂課一定會學到的單字呀! 11/14 01:09