

在 leona好唔好產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅Goodbye HK, Hello UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「千古罪人」帶領各國(暫時)201個議員「指手劃腳」 (人地唔係201位呢個數字,係有名有姓有頭有面,同時亦代表咗好多個國家嘅選民同聲音。下面列晒整個名單出黎,係要證明比嗰班剩係識將一個國家當做偽人同黃藍店咁on9二分法嘅XX仔睇嘅,唔該分比大家知邊個「奶」同那個係「鬼」!) 肥彭聯同前外交大臣...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅AmourBeauty JM,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今次JM想同大家分享我地三四月最愛用既美容產品! 今次我地努力改善,會講唔同價位既Beauty, Hair,nails products. 我地正努力嘗試D平價化妝品!俾D時間我地搜集下再同大家分享!PS 因為我地JM都好想介紹一D我地覺得最最最最最好用既野比你地,所以希望大家唔好介意D產品遍貴!我...

  • leona好唔好 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-24 09:45:56
    有 9,267 人按讚



    肥彭聯同前外交大臣(1995-1997)Sir Malcolm Rifkind(亦係前英國國會國家安全委員會主席(2010-2015))兩個英國保守黨元老「舊電池」,發表聯合聲明,話咁樣:

    //the proposed laws are a “comprehensive assault on the city’s autonomy, rule of law and fundamental freedoms” and “flagrant breach” of the Sino-British Joint Declaration that returned Hong Kong to China in 1997.//

    //“If the international community cannot trust Beijing to keep its word when it comes to Hong Kong, people will be reluctant to take its word on other matters”//

    而Sir Malcolm Rifkind就咁覺得:
    //“This is the most serious threat to the people of Hong Kong that there has been from the Chinese Government since 1997. The people of Hong Kong need, and deserve, our support”//
    (呢次係從1997年到今日,對Hong Kongers最嚴重嘅危機,佢地係極需要同應該得到我地嘅支援。)


    Debbie Abrahams MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
    Gareth Bacon MP
    Andrew Bowie MP
    Andrew Bridgen MP
    Anthony Browne MP
    Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission
    Chris Bryant MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
    Alistair Carmichael MP, Liberal Democrats Foreign Affairs Spokesman
    Wendy Chamberlain MP
    Sarah Champion MP, Chair of the International Development Committee
    Daisy Cooper MP
    Rt. Hon Ed Davey MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and former Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change
    Geraint Davies MP
    Dehenna Davison MP
    Stephen Double MP
    Peter Dowd MP, former Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury
    Tim Farron MP, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats
    Simon Fell MP
    Rt. Hon Liam Fox MP, former Defence Secretary and International Trade Secretary
    Rt. Hon Damian Green MP, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Cabinet Office
    Jonathan Gullis MP
    Andrew Gwynne MP, former Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
    Antony Higginbottom MP
    Wera Hobhouse MP
    Kevin Hollinrake MP
    Christine Jardine MP
    Imran Khan MP
    Daniel Kawczynski MP
    Craig Mackinlay MP
    Paul Maynard MP
    Stewart M McDonald MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
    Gagan Mohindra MP
    Layla Moran MP
    Kieran Mullen MP
    Sarah Olney MP
    Tom Randall MP
    Rob Roberts MP
    Bob Seely MP, Member of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee
    Andrew Selous MP
    Rt. Hon Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Leader of the Conservative Party
    Alyn Smith MP, Scottish Nationalist Party Spokesman on International Affairs
    Jamie Stone MP
    Tom Tugendhat MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee
    Jamie Wallis MP
    James Wild MP
    Munira Wilson MP

    Lord Alton of Liverpool
    Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle, former Leader of the Green Party
    Rt. Hon Baroness Boothroyd of Sandwell, former Speaker of the House of Commons
    Lord Hannay of Chiswick, former UK Ambassador to the United Nations
    Lord Hogan-Howe of Sheffield, former Metropolitan Police Commissioner
    Rt. Hon Lord Howard of Lympne, former Home Secretary and Leader of the Conservative Party
    Baroness Kennedy QC of the Shaws
    Rt. Hon Lord King of Bridgewater, former Defence Secretary and Northern Ireland Secretary

    Ross Greer MSP, Scottish Green External Affairs Spokesperson

    Rt. Hon John Bercow, former Speaker of the House of Commons and former MP
    Rt. Hon David Miliband, former Foreign Secretary and MP
    Rt. Hon Rory Stewart, former Secretary of State for International Development and former MP
    Rt. Hon Jack Straw, former Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, and Justice Secretary and former MP

    Sir David Manning, former UK Ambassador to the United States of America

    Senator Benjamin L Cardin, Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee
    Senator Ted Cruz, Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Senator Josh Hawley
    Senator Edward J Markey, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy
    Senator Robert Menendez, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Senator Marco Rubio, Acting Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee

    Congressman Robert B Aderholt
    Congressman Ami Bera, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, House Foreign Affairs Committee
    Congressman Eliot L Engel, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
    Congressman Mike Gallagher
    Congressman Vicky Hartzler
    Congressman Michael T McCaul, ranking member of US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs
    Congressman James McGovern, co-chair of the Congressional Executive Commission on China
    Congressman Adam B Schiff, Chairman of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
    Congressman Adam Smith, Chairman of US House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services
    Congressman Christopher Smith, former Chair of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee
    Congressman Tom Suozzi
    Congressman Ted Yoho, ranking member of the Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Non-proliferation, US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs

    Grover Joseph Rees, former USA Ambassador to East Timor

    Petras Austrevicuis MEP (Renew Europe, Lithuania)
    Jose Ramon Bauza Diaz MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
    Francois-Xavier Bellamy MEP (European People’s Party, France)
    Vladimír Bilčík MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
    Reinhard Buetikofer MEP (Greens, Germany)
    Katalin Cseh MEP (Renew Europe, Hungary)
    Pascal Durand MEP (Renew Europe, France)
    Engin Eroglu MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
    Anna Fotyga MEP, (European Conservatives & Reformists) Poland former Foreign Secretary of Poland
    Michael Gahler MEP (European People’s Party, Germany)
    Evelyne Gebhardt MEP (Socialists & Democrats, Germany)
    Markéta Gregorová MEP (Greens, Czech Republic)
    Bernard Guetta MEP (Renew Europe, France)
    Rasa Jukneviciene MEP, (European People’s Party, Lithuania) former Minister of Defence of Lithuania and former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
    Eugen Jurzyca MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
    Karin Karlsbro MEP (Renew Europe, Sweden)
    Moritz Körner MEP (Renew Europe, Germany)
    Andrius Kibilius MEP (European People’s Party, Lithuania), former Prime Minister of Lithuania
    Miriam Lexmann MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
    Javier Nart MEP (Renew Europe, Spain)
    Lucia Ďuriš Nicholsonová MEP (European Conservatives & Reformists, Slovakia)
    Urmas Paet MEP (Renew Europe, Estonia), former Foreign Secretary of Estonia
    Peter Pollák MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
    Michaela Šojdrová MEP (European People’s Party, Czech Republic)
    Ivan Štefanec MEP (European People’s Party, Slovakia)
    Romana Tomc MEP (European People’s Party, Slovenia)
    Hilde Vautmans MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium)
    Guy Verhofstadt MEP (Renew Europe, Belgium), former Prime Minister of Belgium

    Jan Figel, former Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia and EU Special Envoy for Promotion Freedom of Religion or Belief outside of the EU

    Leona Alleslev, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party and Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs
    James Bezan, MP, Shadow Minister for National Defence
    Kenny Chiu MP
    Ed Fast MP
    Garnett Genuis MP, Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism & Canada-China Relations
    Erin O’Toole MP, Former Minister for Veterans Affairs
    John Williamson MP
    Members of the Senate
    Senator Leo Housakos, former Speaker of the Senate
    Senator Jim Munson
    Senator Thanh Hai Ngo

    Irwin Colter, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General
    David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and former MP
    Peter Mackay, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Canada
    Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario and Federal MP

    Kevin Andrews MP, Former Australian Defence Minister, Chairman of the Human Rights sub-committee of the Australian Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
    Andrew Hastie MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee for Intelligence and Security, Australia
    Ian Goodenough MP
    Peter Khalil MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
    Dave Sharma MP
    Phillip Thompson MP, Member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
    Tim Wilson MP
    Members of the Senate
    Senator Eric Abetz, former Leader of the Government in the Senate
    Senator Alex Antic
    Senator Slade Brockman
    Senator Matthew Canavan, former Minister for Resources
    Senator Claire Chandler
    Senator David Fawcett, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade, former Assistant Minister for Defence
    Senator Kimberley Kitching, Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Accountability and member of the Joint Standing Committee Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade
    Senator Matthew O’Sullivan
    Senator James Paterson
    Senator Tony Sheldon
    Senator Amanda Stoker
    Vicki Dunne, Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly for Australian Capital Territory
    Janelle Saffin

    Simeon Brown MP
    Marama Davidson MP, co-leader of the Green Party
    Simon O’Connor MP, Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Committee

    Margarete Bause MP, Green Party Spokeswoman for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
    Peter Heidt MP
    Eckhard Gnodtke MP
    Gyde Jensen MP, the Chair of the Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid Committee

    Joar Forssell MP
    Hampus Hagman MP
    David Josefsson MP
    Kerstin Lundgren MP
    Frederik Malm MP
    Niels Paarup-Petersen MP
    Lorentz Tovatt MP

    Viggo Fischer MP

    Senator Ronan Mullen

    Mantas Adomenas MP
    Arvydas Anusauskas MP
    Audronius Azubalis MP, former Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Laurynas Kasciunas MP
    Gabrielius Landsbergis MP
    Radvilė Morkunaite-Mikuleniene MP
    Emanuelis Zingeris MP, Chair of the Subcommittee on Transatlantic Relations and Democratic Development
    Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, former Ambassador of Lithuania to the United States of America

    Alojz Baránik MP
    Ján Benčík MP
    Peter Cmorej MP
    Ondrej Dostál MP
    Gábor Grendel MP, Deputy Speaker
    Jarmila Halgašová MP
    Radovan Kazda MP
    Miroslav Kollár MP
    Vladimíra Marcinková MP
    Peter Osuský MP
    Peter Pollák MP
    Juraj Šeliga MP, Deputy Speaker
    Andrej Stančík MP
    Romana Tabák MP
    Marián Viskupič MP
    Anna Zemanová MP
    Miroslav Žiak MP
    Jana Žitňanská MP

    František Šebej, former MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    Jan Lipavsky MP

    Andrew Khoo, Advocate and Solicitor, High Court of Malaya in Malaysia, former Co-Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Bar Council Malaysia
    Charles Santiago MP, Chair of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights

    U Kyaw Min San, Member of the Bago Regional Parliament and former legal adviser to the International Commission of Jurists Office

    Jung-Hoon Lee, former Ambassador for Human Rights

    Dr John Dayal, former President of the All India Catholic Union and Member of the National Integration Council

    Rafendi Djamin, former Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights
    Yuyun Wahyuningrum, Representative of Indonesia to the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights



    《Juan Guaido:Rise to the Challenge》加返廣東話字幕喇!
    「委內瑞拉代總統Juan Guaido::國民唔堅持同覺悟,哪怕幾有執政意志,都可以係困局」
    英國移民生活網 重要舊文重溫

  • leona好唔好 在 姚嘉妮 Claire Yiu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-29 10:00:47
    有 774 人按讚

    最近天氣都開始轉涼,貼心嘅LEONA就送咗套布料比較厚而且好舒服嘅睡衣比我同怕凍嘅囡囡,咁就唔洗再擔心半夜冷親啦,thank you LEONA💋


  • leona好唔好 在 姚嘉妮 Claire Yiu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-29 10:00:47
    有 777 人按讚

    最近天氣都開始轉涼,貼心嘅LEONA就送咗套布料比較厚而且好舒服嘅睡衣比我同怕凍嘅囡囡,咁就唔洗再擔心半夜冷親啦,thank you LEONA💋


  • leona好唔好 在 AmourBeauty JM Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2013-05-04 12:12:48

    今次JM想同大家分享我地三四月最愛用既美容產品! 今次我地努力改善,會講唔同價位既Beauty, Hair,nails products. 我地正努力嘗試D平價化妝品!俾D時間我地搜集下再同大家分享!PS 因為我地JM都好想介紹一D我地覺得最最最最最好用既野比你地,所以希望大家唔好介意D產品遍貴!我地同得大家介紹一定系物有所值嫁!Thanks For Watching! x

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