

在 legs英文產品中有78篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅C's English Corner,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #超棒練聽力素材 #英文就是是要融入日常生活中啊 週末大家過得好嗎?有沒有睡飽飽? 我以前有睡眠的困擾,主要是白天工作用腦過度時,晚上會感覺思緒還在腦袋裡衝來衝去,沒辦法把它們抓住,整個頭冷靜不下來。後來我用Insight Timer,是一個有很多冥想療程的APP,才慢慢懂得控制這些暴衝的思緒,每次...

 同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅九粒Jolie 你的英文Bestie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Everyday is rest day. ❣️記得按下右邊的收藏小內褲 🩲才可以隨時回來複習吶👏🏼 💫今日英文 1️⃣ scare 嚇 2️⃣ balls 膽子 (男生蛋蛋) 3️⃣ rest 休息 4️⃣ all the way 完全地 一直 5️⃣ stairway 樓梯 6️⃣ re...

  • legs英文 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-27 20:30:32
    有 307 人按讚

    我以前有睡眠的困擾,主要是白天工作用腦過度時,晚上會感覺思緒還在腦袋裡衝來衝去,沒辦法把它們抓住,整個頭冷靜不下來。後來我用Insight Timer,是一個有很多冥想療程的APP,才慢慢懂得控制這些暴衝的思緒,每次邊聽也會邊想說,哇這真的很好練英文聽力耶!(職業病發作哈哈)因為:
    1. 這些音檔的聲音都非常清晰
    2. 講話非常緩…慢……
    3. 其實聽久了就抓得到脈絡,同樣的字會一直重複,頂多是不同的老師會有不同用字,但整體來說內容很接近,就算聽不懂也很好猜,聽久了自然而然就會了

    剛開始若怕全英文聽不懂的話,可以找15~20分鐘的療程,因為老師在這20分鐘內只會講最重要的內容(也就是等一下會教的英文部分),若找30分鐘以上的,可能會帶個奇幻旅程的故事(走入青草地或在雲朵中翻滾之類的🤣 ),每個老師說的故事都不一樣可能會讓初學者緊張。

    以下是幾個 improve your sleep系列的療程裡,很常出現的脈絡和用字,先有個概念後,再猜一猜應該也可以聽懂七成。
    1. 找個舒服的地方躺好
    🧘‍♀ Let’s begin by coming into a comfortable position lying down.
    position: 位置
    🧘‍♀ Please find comfort in a soft spot. Bring your eyes to a close.
    comfort: 舒服、舒適
    2. 放鬆心情
    🧘‍♀ Gently close your eyes.
    🧘‍♀ Allow yourself to come into a state of complete stillness.
    stillness: 靜止不動的狀態
    🧘‍♀ Remind yourself that there’s nowhere else you need to be. Nothing you need to do or think about. (提醒自己跟自己說,現在哪裡都不需要去了,什麼也不需要想了。)
    🧘‍♀ Allow your body to rest a little more deeply, simply letting go.
    let something go/let go of something 這用法幾乎每個療程都會出現,冰雪奇緣的主題曲那首 “Let it go~let it go~~”就是要叫Elsa放掉那些包袱、壓力,讓它走吧不要管了的意思。

    3. 專注呼吸
    🧘‍♀ Bring your attention to your breathing. Notice the gentle rise and fall of your belly as you breathe in and out. (專注在你的呼吸,感覺吸氣呼氣時,你的肚子微微往上、往下。)
    bring your attention to... 把你的注意力帶到...
    🧘‍♀ Just simply experience the air as it flows in and out of your body.
    flow (液體/氣體) 流動
    4. 引導各個部位有意識的放鬆:
    🧘‍♀ Guide your awarenee to your face.
    awareness: 意識
    🧘‍♀ Notice your jaw. Notice if you’re holding onto any tension or tightness in your jaw. Let that go.
    tension: 緊張、焦慮 tightness: 緊繃
    🧘‍♀ Allow your entire mouth to soften.
    soften: 使柔軟
    🧘‍♀ Release any tension in your brow.
    release: 釋放、鬆開
    🧘‍♀ 其他常被點名要放鬆的部位:
    cheeks 臉頰
    the crown of your head 頭頂
    scalp 頭皮
    throat 喉嚨
    neck 脖子
    elbows 手肘
    forearms 前臂
    wrists 手腕
    the back of your hands 手背
    fingers 手指頭
    upper back 上背
    lower back 下背
    hips 屁股
    pelvis 骨盆
    thigh 大腿
    calves 小腿
    ankles 腳踝
    feet 腳
    knees 膝蓋
    toes 腳趾
    legs 腿

    🧘‍♀ peaceful 平和的
    🧘‍♀ comfortable 舒適的
    🧘‍♀ calm 沈穩安靜的

    我最近比較常聽的是一位叫Meg James的Relax Into Deep Sleep,不算是最好的但還是有成功讓我入睡,之前我很愛一位老師的冥想療程,但中間一度太久沒用,我現在竟然找不到那個音檔了,我那時真心覺得那個老師有魔力,他用斬釘截鐵又帶有磁性的聲音說 let go and fall asleep時,我真的就整個睡翻了😂 😂


  • legs英文 在 我媽叫我不要打鼓 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-17 17:53:32
    有 48 人按讚

    (English is belowed)
    最近翻照片翻到了2017年,我最愛的鼓手 Antonio Sánchez 帶著他的樂團 Migration 來台灣 河岸留言 演出,想起了之前我曾經翻譯過他的DVD "Master Series"的一段話,非常感動且給我很大的能量,但之前有被盜過帳號都不見了,於是決定再找出來聽打一次重新翻譯分享給大家。

    也再次謝謝 河岸留言可以邀請這麼棒的樂團來台灣!!

    如果不知道Antonio Sanchez是誰的,他是Pat Metheny band的鼓手,葛萊美獎得了好幾座,同時已經得了奧斯卡等N個獎項的電影 Birdman 「鳥人」,這部整部電影配樂只有鼓聲,所有鼓也都是他錄的。

    一些來自 Antonio Sanchez 對鼓手們的金玉良言 (出自他的 “Master Series” DVD )


    嗯,當我還在成長時,我總是夢想著可以在很棒、高聳、最大的場館,跟著大型樂團,以及最棒的音樂家們一起演出。 這夢想當然很棒,但你總是要從某些名不經傳的小地方當作你的起點。

    突然之間,我意識到我正在小酒吧、小俱樂部、或是某家餐館、某個婚禮場演出 — 而且沒有人在專注聽你演奏,那時我覺得很沮喪而且覺得被冒犯了,舉例來說。我以前做很多婚禮場,而且在上面演奏「熱愛105度C的你」(註一) 上百次,演奏時心裡想「我在這邊銃三小?」、「快讓我離開這吧,殺了我吧,我可以演比這個帥一百倍以上的曲目!」於是,我在演奏時只想打卡下班,就沒有把我的專注放在音樂上面。

    又或者某天,我在某間小酒吧演出,正在演奏搖擺樂,或者一些我真的很喜歡的音樂風格,但沒有人在注意聽我們演奏,大家都在看大銀幕上的棒球比賽。 我就想說「好吧,反正沒人在聽,我就把我昨天練功的招式都丟進去音樂吧。」而那時我只是胡亂的丟我練過的招式,並沒有在那個音樂裡面,我也沒有在聽其他音樂家演奏了什麼,不過也許其他音樂家有聽到我做的事情。


    舉例來說,當我在九零年代晚期開始跟Niels Pedersen一起做巡迴,那是個非常高強度的演奏,它是個三重奏,每次演出的晚上,我的腦袋好像快爆炸一樣,因為我並不習慣如此需要長時間專注程度的高難度演出,我才了解到我浪費了太多時間以前演奏的時候沒有把專注力放在音樂上。



    註一:原文是說演奏「La Mecarena」,90年代的當紅歌曲。這邊為了年輕讀者,使用較貼近現在的105度C的你。

    註二:Niels Pedersen 全名是 Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (N.H.O.P.),是從70-90年代活躍的傳奇的低音提琴手,演奏速度可以超級超級快又具備非常豐富的音樂性。


    Recently I found a picture that my favorite drummer
    Antonio Sanchez and his band "Migration" touring in Taipei in 2017. And few years ago I've seen his DVD and felt so inspired from these words. I decided to translate it into Chinese to share with other Chinese drummers.

    There's maybe little mistakes because English is not my mother language.

    Some wise words from my all-times favorite drummer Antonio Sanchez from his DVD - "Master Series".

    And the last things I wanna said, hmm, has a lot to do with attitude to work with music and musicianships. Hmm, When I was growing up, I was always dreaming of playing in a nice, tall, the biggest stadium and the biggest band with the greatest musicians in this world. And that’s great except that we all have to start somewhere. And I, all of a sudden, I was playing in a little bar, or small pub, or some restaurant, or a wedding where nobody was paying an attention. And I really felt depressed and I felt violated. And for example, I’ve been played for a wedding gig, and I would be playing “La Marcaena” for a hundred times , and I would be like “What am I doing here ?”, “Get me out of here, shoot me, this is not for me, I’m so much better than this !”
    And I was not putting my heart into it at all. When the next day, I would play in some small bar, I was playing maybe swing or something that I really like, but nobody was paying an attention. Everybody was looking at the screen, the baseball game. And I would be like “Well, nobody is paying an attention, then I just gonna playing practice whatever I was working on yesterday.” And I was NOT in the moment, I was not listening to what the other guys were playing. And maybe the other guys were listening to me.

    So, when I luckily started getting better and better opportunities music-wise, and the situations start getting a little more the manling. I realized that I did not have the concentration I took for me to be able to deal with some of the situations. Uh, for example when I started to play with Niels Pedersen in the late 90s, it was a very tense gig , it was just a trio, and every night I would end would headache , because I was not used to have a lot of concentration and focusing that much, for that amount of time.
    I realize that I’ve wasted a lot of time not being into the music not putting my heart into it. Because, I mean I really feel like if a, you have two arms, two legs, and you are able to play , you are lucky already. And I think if you are playing in some small restaurant, or wedding, or whatever. You treat that situation like the best gig in the world in the most beautiful opera house or the biggest stadium, and you treat you felt the musicians like the greatest musicians you could play with. I think you are on the right path. You put your heart into it, and you give the music and musicians the respect they deserved. Then I can assure you really good things are gonna happen to you. So that’s it for me, thank you so much for coming, hope see you next time.

  • legs英文 在 寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子 Empire of Director Bao & Niku & Baku Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-30 06:30:08
    有 3,090 人按讚

    Apei wrote many things into my Baku book. Mainly how to raise dogs, his life experience with dogs and about dog breeds. Its very useful information so please take a look. I translated it into English for everyone to read.

    I wanted to raise all the big dogs available around the world. I wanted to takes turns raising all the big dogs, but I fell for Mastiff.

    Ever since when I was very young, I had a dream to raise all the big dogs available throughout the world. I started working at a very young age. Over the years, I had owned a Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, and finally now I am totally focused on taking care of my Tibetan Mastiff.

    To be honest, no matter what the breed, each dog is cute & lovable in its own way. Having own so many dogs, I slowly figured out what I like the most.

    Neapolitan Mastiff, for example, has saggy faces and very short hair. If you don’t clean him up after a meal, the dog can very easily have allergic reactions or skin diseases. It’s quite a chore taking care of this breed of dogs.

    Great Danes are beautiful and usually possesses a lengthy body, but I like ones with a thicker and wider body.

    Caucasian Shepherd is perhaps a breed that is closest to my ideal type. However, shepherds are more primitive, they are not that friendly to small dogs.

    As far as Tibetan Mastiff goes, they are loyal, and gentle around kids, women, and other small animals. Especially during winter, a Tibetan Mastiff would change into a long fur coat, appearing so confident and proud, as if everything else is beneath them.
    When I got to owning a Tibetan Mastiff, that’s when my heart and mind went: “This is the one!” And so… I have been raising one ever since.

    All the dogs I had previously, I have always had them until they passed away peacefully in my arms due to old age. The average lifespan of large-sized dogs are usually a lot shorter than small-sized dogs. 10 -15 years, I would say, is probably the max.

    To manage a large-sized dog, the key is on teaching. I often tell my friends: “As a dog owner you have to be dominant, you have to be more dominant than your dog.” Show ‘em who’s the boss in the house, so to speak lol. As a dog owner if you wish to take your large dog out for a walk, you have to start taking them for a walk when they are still very small, let them get used to walking alongside you, this is basically to socialize them.

    Remember tho, you are taking them for a walk, not the other way around. You have to let them see more, let them become familiarize with what’s happening on the outside. This way, it will lessen the occurrence of your dog having violent reactions to unfamiliar or unknown objects.

    Basically, unless your dog is sick, a dog only starts biting people out of “fear.” They fear that his owner will be attacked, that’s why he goes into “combat mode.” Of course, a dog that is less socialized or a dog with a less dominant owner will more likely become violent (including biting) when they feel threatened or panicking.

    This is the owner’s fault, and not on the dog. Once you improve upon the way you walk the dog and educate the dog the right away, the dog’s violent behavior and violent tendencies will show an improvement.

    Mastiff also goes by another name, “guardian dogs.” If you let a Mastiff stay in one place for over 30 minutes, he’ll think that this place is his place, his territory, and will starting defending it by being aggressive to passerby, this is something to be aware of.

    The question that I was asked the most is… “Mastiffs eat a lot, don’t they? So you must’ve spend a lot of dog food, right?”

    I am more catering to my dog, that’s for sure. I’ll let him eat the good stuff --- beef, full chicken, lamb… But you don’t have to do it like me, tho, just feed him regularly so your dog is not hungry. If you have the time, take him for a walk or a jog, or bathe him, he is going to be really really happy if you do so.

    Lastly, I want remind everyone, as far as large dogs go, because of their huge physique they have tons of pressure on their feet, so it’s best for a dog owner to raise a large-sized dog on a non-slippery floor. Also, for a dog that is not yet 6 months old, don’t let the dog do too much jumping and running because his hip joint isn’t fully developed yet. That’s two things you should keep in mind. So as long as you take the time to walk your dog and do a bit of exercise, you’ll be able to keep their legs healthy, which will reduce a lot of the dog’s leg problems.

    No matter big or small, a dog is family. If you got one, please take care of him/her for the rest of its life. Lastly, just want to say, You reap what you sow.

