It's my last post for #drawingearthaction and I'd like to talk about food waste.
Since my family grow rice, I was taught not to leave any sing...
It's my last post for #drawingearthaction and I'd like to talk about food waste.
Since my family grow rice, I was taught not to leave any single grain of rice in my bowl, as it's the result of all the sweats under the sun and the bless of the weather. This has became one of my life principle, I rarely dump food, even when I can't finish my meal, I save it in the fridge for my next meal.
I also dumpster dived food too. I remember when I was in Paris, the bin outside the supermarket had lots of fresh food, by fresh I mean not even expired!
When I was in the UK, I can always buy food in good condition in the clearance section. That's when I realized how stupid we are to put the date for fruits and veggies.
It's easy to think of some tips such as make meal plans ahead, buy food on a daily basis, save leftovers, etc. But none of these tackle the real issue, which is our relationship with food.
If we try to understand how food comes from, what food brings us, we wouldn't be so indifferent with food waste.
Just like violence is not about having guns, creating programs dedicated to any groups of people isn't going to stop hate towards them, deep down these are just another form of separation. Anyway, my point is, no matter what social issues we want to solve, the best way is always to home in on our relationship with it.
今天是我為drawing earth action畫的最後一篇,想聊聊食物浪費。
#illustration #illustrator #illustrationartists #artivism #letsdrawthechange #ourplanetweek #counsciousliving #tzuchunchang #sustainability #zerowaste #eco #ecofriendly #mindfuleating #mindfulness #illustrationchallenge #planetearth #插畫 #插畫家 #台灣插畫 #台灣插畫家 #台灣插畫專區 #永續 #有意識生活 #環保 #食物浪費 #正念飲食 #正念
leftovers中文 在 Ricky//英語小蛋糕。English A Piece of Cake。 Facebook 的最佳解答
英文有兩個常見的說法:1⃣️保留日文的發音:omamori (記得ri 不要捲舌要唸成li的音喔)2⃣️lucky charm
"charm"除了大家熟悉的charming魅力外,也可以用在童話故事裡的Prince Charming(白馬王子🐎👳🏻)
還有「魔咒」的意思,就會延伸出一個說法是work like a charm
例如我們可以說"Flattery really works like a charm with my wife since she will stop nagging at me whenever I say her cooking is out of the world! But I often doubt if she's feeding me with the leftovers! "(拍馬屁這招對我老婆真的太有效了!因為只要我說她煮的飯菜好吃到爆炸,她就不會再碎碎唸了!但我常在想她是不是餵我吃噴!😩😩😩」
所以work like a charm就表示「超級有效」或是表示「某人很吃這一套」
"out of the world"就是中文裡說「此物只應天上有」的感覺,是一個很浮誇三八的說法
話說小蛋糕主人的廚藝說不上out of the world,但還是可以讓人津津有味(甩髮300000000次😝😝😝😝😝)