

在 left過去式產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,555的網紅屁寶少爺。女僕。男傭,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好久沒Update小寶語言治療的筆記了😝 隨著小寶英文程度變好 口語治療反複練習 #枯燥 #無聊 的機率就越來越高 小寶很幸運 遇到一個非常專業又很有經驗的老師 準備的教材都非常有趣 讓枯燥鍛鍊的過程 多了一些達成目標的小驚喜和遊戲 這也確實讓小寶的英文能力顯著提升🔼#超感恩 這...

left過去式 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-02 23:11:27

時態解析 - 今天來跟大家解析一下魔王級的時態——過去完成式! - 過去完成式的概念其實沒有很困難,到某一個過去時間點為止,另一件事已經完成或是持續好一陣子,這樣就會搭配過去完成式。 - 例如:媽媽回到家以前,我就已經完成作業了。Before Mom got home, I had finished...

  • left過去式 在 屁寶少爺。女僕。男傭 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-10-18 13:04:38
    有 56 人按讚

    口語治療反複練習 #枯燥 #無聊 的機率就越來越高

    小寶很幸運 遇到一個非常專業又很有經驗的老師
    準備的教材都非常有趣 讓枯燥鍛鍊的過程


    這個部分老師通常準備很多圖片 問問他/她/他們在幹什麼?
    ✓練習使用所有有格 Ours/Theirs/hers/his/someone's
    一樣使用各種情境圖片 問問某樣東西是誰的?
    ✓練習使用受格 You/Them/us/her/him
    用圖片 問問這是要給誰的
    ✓練習使用介系詞in front of/behind/next to/right-left hand side of [in/up/on/under這些已經畢業了^^]
    ✓練習使用現在式動詞+s 過去式動詞+ed/或不規則
    ✓練習 Does/is 開頭問句
    用Guess Who【猜猜是誰】桌遊【圖二】,用問句Does your person have a glass?【你的人有戴眼鏡嗎?】Is your person blond【你的人金頭髮嗎?】Is your person wearing hat?【你的人有戴帽子嗎?】等各種問句猜出對方的人是誰?〖這個遊戲大推,就算不練英文練習邏輯思考也很好〗
    練習的語句 What bounces?【什麼東西會彈?】
    What crawls? 【什麼東西會爬?】
    What floats?【什麼東西會浮?】




  • left過去式 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-07-24 18:58:13
    有 340 人按讚

    ❤️ 俐媽英文教室:The Last Lecture
    只剩六個月壽命的大學教授Randy Pausch,會留給我們什麼精采的人生對話呢?
    🏈If you can dream it, you can do it.
    🏈We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.
    🏈Open the encyclopedia. Open the dictionary. Open your mind.
    🏈You've got to get the fundamentals down, because otherwise the fancy stuff is not going to work.
    🏈Self-esteem is not something you can give; it's something children have to build.
    🏈Tenacity is a virtue.
    🏈The brick walls are there for a reason. They're not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
    🏈Look, I'm going to find a way to be happy, and I'd really love to be happy with you, but if I can't be happy with you, then I'll find a way to be happy without you.
    🏈Live in the moment.
    🏈Luck is indeed where preparation meets opportunity.
    🏈Do not focus on little issues while ignoring the major ones.
    🏈The person who failed often knows how to avoid future failures. The person who knows only success can be more oblivious to all the pitfalls.
    🏈Hard work is like compound interest in the bank. The rewards build faster.
    🏈A good apology is like an antibiotic; a bad apology is like rubbing salt in the wound.
    🏈If you want something bad enough, never give up.
    🏈Kids, don't try to figure out what I wanted you to become. I want you to become what you want to become.
    🏈If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.
    🏆 重點句型:
    🎾Left at the bottom of the box was "hope." 此為主詞與主詞補語對調的倒裝句,原句為:"Hope" was left at the bottom of the box.
    🎾I insisted that she be given another ultrasound. 動詞insist表"堅持",為意志動詞之一,因此後面的that子句應為S + (should) + V,故原句為...that she should be given another...,而should省略之後留下that she be given...的形式。
    🎾If I were able to live, we'd be making those mistakes together.表「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣應用過去式,而此時be動詞固定使用were。本句亦可倒裝為:Were I able to live, ...

  • left過去式 在 EN English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-06-25 07:30:00
    有 642 人按讚

    !!!used to/ be used to/ get used to 的分別!!!

    1. S + used to + V1(動詞原型)/N(名詞):過去曾經…

    表示過去經常性動作或習慣或狀態,現在已經沒有這樣的習慣或狀態。used 是動詞的過去式,所以要用改否定要用didn’t use to + V1。問句要用did來造問句。

    ►He used to play basketball five days a week before he hurt his leg.


    ►I used to smoke a lot, but I quit a few years ago.


    ►Did you use to fight with your brother? 你從前常跟你的弟弟打架嗎?

    2. S+ be used to + V-ing (動詞的現在分詞)/N(名詞):習慣於…

    由於經驗的關係,對某件事不再感到驚訝,奇怪或困難,所以已經習慣於某件事。be used to 的句型因為有be這個助動詞,所以在否定句時只要在be後面加not,在疑問句時則把be放到主詞前面。可以用在過去習慣於某件事或現在習慣於某件事

    ►I do the dishes every day, so I’m used to it.

    ►His new job is very busy and he is used to working late until 10 or 11 p.m.

    ►He isn’t used to driving on the left.

    ►He wasn’t used to driving on the left, but now he’s used to it.

    ►Are you used to your new school?

    3. S + get used to + V-ing/N(名詞): 習慣於

    跟第二個用法一樣,只是get是一般動詞,所以表達現在習慣於時,用現在簡單式,get used to + V-ing,改否定時用don’t/doesn’t get use to + V-ing, 問句時把do/does放到主詞前造問句。表達過去習慣於某事,則用got used to + V-ing ,改否定用didn’t get used to + V-ing,問句則把did 放到主詞前造問句。

    ►He gets used to the weather.

    ►I didn’t get used to wearing contact lenses when I first started to wear them.

    很重要, 大家一定要分別清楚!!!

