

在 least用法產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅和Cindy學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【又長知識啦!】 今天走在路上,突然發現紅綠燈都沒了! 我還是第一次遇到這個情況~~後來才知道是「分區停電」 那分區停電的英文怎麼說呢? 一起來看一下這段英文新聞: Taiwan's state-run power company on Thursday initiated rolling blac...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,取材原片:https://youtu.be/muMAvnnvEp0 Can you tell us about this trip coming up? Yeah, I’m actually really excited. Ever since I’ve been a singer, I’m ...

least用法 在 Joe English|林軒英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:44:29

⠀ 這題關鍵字在洞的後方,for at least 4,000 years...,啟動「完成式」或「完成進行」,考慮時間為現在,故答案選(D)。⠀ ⠀ 其實還滿快的XDD,但不能就這樣結束,今天先來補充一下「現在完成式」的基本考點。⠀ ⠀ 何謂現在完成式?⠀ 「廣義」來說:表「與現在有關連的過去事件...

least用法 在 樂擎 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 05:07:41

1.請學會用英文背英文 請先看這段文字 附停止條件之法律行為,於條件成就時,發生效力。附解除條件之法律行為,於條件成就時,失其效力。依當事人之特約,使條件成就之效果,不於條件成就之時發生者,依其特約。 當中每一個字都是中文,請問你能解釋給我聽嗎?八成不行吧? 英文亦然,英文跟中文本來就是不同...

  • least用法 在 和Cindy學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-13 21:29:27
    有 267 人按讚

    今天走在路上,突然發現紅綠燈都沒了! 我還是第一次遇到這個情況~~後來才知道是「分區停電」
    那分區停電的英文怎麼說呢? 一起來看一下這段英文新聞:
    Taiwan's state-run power company on Thursday initiated rolling blackouts, or short-term power outages around the country, affecting at least 8.46 million customers nationwide after a malfunction caused four generators to trip at Hsinta Power Plant in Kaohsiung.
    新聞來源: https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202105130015

    1. rolling blackout: 分區停電
    2. trip: 停機
    我第一次知道trip有這個用法! 又長知識啦~~

    #英文學習 #小確幸

  • least用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-23 19:00:54
    有 14 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事


    1⃣ a dish (though it's a bit old-fashioned)
    2⃣ Revenge is a dish best served cold
    3⃣ dish it out; sb. can dish it out, but not take it
    4⃣ dish the dirt (on); dish on
    When we say “wash the dishes,” we mean all the tableware, and even the silverware. But in English, whereas plates are usually used to eat from, dishes, which are flatter than bowls, and not as flat as plates (and sometimes have lids), are used to serve or cook food. And a dish can also refer to the food that is served in the dish. Now let’s learn some other dish-related idioms!
    我們知道 wash the dishes「洗碗」是泛指洗所有的餐具,即使是銀製餐具也算在內。但是在英國,plate跟dish則是兩種不同的東西,plate 是進餐時用的淺盤,而 dish 則是比碗淺但比 plate 深的深盤(有時還附蓋子),通常是裝盛菜餚出餐或烹煮食物用。dish 也可以指該道菜。說完了,接下來就來介紹跟 dish 一字有關的諺語吧。

    You know that a serving of food can be called a dish, but what if you 1⃣call a person a dish? It means they’re sexy and attractive. This expression, which sounds a little old-fashioned these days, likely has it’s origins in comparing a person to a delicious dish of food. Ex: Wow, she’s gorgeous—what a dish!
    你知道一道菜可以用 a dish 稱之,但你叫一個人a dish又是怎麼回事?其實是說那個人性感吸引力十足,「是你的菜」。儘管這個表達放在現在已經有點過時,就跟拿一道菜來比喻一個人一樣過氣。如:Wow, she’s gorgeous—what a dish!(哇,那個妹有夠正的──是天菜。)

    Besides food, what else can be served on dishes? Revenge! Have you ever heard the proverb, 2⃣“Revenge is a dish best served cold”? It means that revenge is most satisfying when one takes the time to plan it carefully and carry it out when your enemy least suspects it, rather than immediately after one is wronged. This expression has existed for hundreds of years, but it was made popular when it appeared in the 1982 movie, Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan. Ex: A: How can you let him get away with treating you like that? B: I won’t, but revenge is a dish best served cold.
    除了食物,還有什麼可以裝在盤子上?仇恨!你有聽過俗語「君子報仇三年不晚」(Revenge is a dish best served cold)嗎?指與其立即復仇,花時間慢慢計畫再實行,讓敵人放下戒心之後再復仇,這樣會更令人滿足。1982年電影《星艦迷航記2: 星戰大怒吼》讓這個存在已經好幾百年的老俗語再次流行起來。如:A: How can you let him get away with treating you like that? 你怎麼能忍受他這樣對待你? B: I won’t, but revenge is a dish best served cold. 我不會繼續忍下去的,但是君子報仇三年不晚。

    As a verb, dish means “to serve,” and is the basis of a number of expressions. To 3⃣“dish it out” means to criticize or insult, and is often used in the idiom, “sb. can dish it out, but not take it,” which is used to describe people who are quick to criticize others, but can’t take criticism themselves. Ex: A: I didn’t realize that Karen was so thin-skinned. B: Yeah. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
    dish當動詞指「上菜」,也延伸出好幾種諺語用法。dish it out指「批評,侮辱」,常出現在sb. can dish it out, but not take it.這個諺語中,指「愛批評他人卻批評不得的人」。如:A: I didn’t realize that Karen was so thin-skinned. 我不明白為什麼凱倫會這麼膚淺。B: Yeah. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it.是啊,她愛批評別人,但見不得別人批評她。

    Another idiom with dish as a verb is 4⃣“dish the dirt (on),” which means to gossip about someone or something. Ex: Let’s sit down, have a drink and dish the dirt. The expression “dish on” also has the same meaning. Ex: Why are you always dishing on Patricia?
    另一個dish當動詞的諺語是dish the dirt on,指「八卦某事或某人」。如Let’s sit down, have a drink and dish the dirt.(咱們坐下來喝杯茶聊八卦吧。)也可以用dish on表示:Why are you always dishing on Patricia?(為什麼你總是在八卦派翠西亞?)
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • least用法 在 Ann's English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-28 18:14:27
    有 4 人按讚

    [ ON POINT ]

    Ionno 是很不正式又很懶的 I don’t know 說法,常見於跟好友傳訊息或口頭上回應不重要的事情時,千萬不要在正式工作場合使用這個字lol

    我個人比較常打 idk 這個 #acronym (縮寫),但ionno(或iono)是個非常道地的用法,下次看到朋友打出這個字就不用再去google還goo得霧煞煞啦~

    🔺acronym 是取每字字首合起來的縮寫,如 UN (United Nations),讀成 U-N 兩個字母
    🔺abbreviation 是單一個字的簡寫,如 app (application) ,讀成[ap],不是 A-P-P!




    ➡️ 英文理解、應用力 UP UP





    🔹last but not least, 喜歡的話請儲存起來多多複習!謝謝👻


    ✏️[ IN USE ] 系列:和大家分享覺得有趣或必須學的單字片語,每日一字積沙成塔!

    ✏️[ ON POINT ] 系列:教你最道地的美語用法,讓你說話打字都自然得不得了!

    ✏️Ann’s English 團班資訊:A2初級班七月中即將開班,歡迎私訊詢問

    🌝 歡迎大家和我分享想學的內容!敬請支持!

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