為什麼這篇lady gaga中文歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在lady gaga中文歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Benr (Benr)看板lyrics標題[歌詞] Lady Gaga-Telephone完整中...
lady gaga中文歌詞 在 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-04-21 04:03:02
我哋Luvdat最新嘅翻唱歌曲Shallow 已經可以喺YouTube聽到完整版啦,而且仲有Vision嘅中文歌詞聽添♥️♥️ 可能每一個人都會有跟學業糾纏嘅時候,可能你會覺得呢條路好孤單,好迷惘,但請你唔好擔心,因為總有一日你都可以搵到你嘅海岸。 @victoria_luvdat @vision_...
Lady Gaga - Telephone (Official Explicit Version) ft. Beyoncé
(所以並非和諧過的Clean版喔 如有版本差異請自行注意)
= County Jail,February 11,2010 =
(郡立看守所,2010.2.11 婊子監獄)
獄警A: "I told you she didn't have a dick."
獄警B: "Too bad."
(運動場)(配樂是Lady gaga的另一首歌,paper gangsta)
廣播:"Beyoncé on the line for Gaga."
Hello, hello, baby, you called? I can't hear a thing
I have got no service in the club, you see-see.
Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh? You're breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy
(抱歉聽不到 我有點忙)
K-kinda busy K-kinda busy
(有點忙 有點忙)
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy
(抱歉聽不到 我有點忙)
Just a second, its my favorite song they gonna play
And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand-eh
You should've made some plans with me, you knew that I was free
(你知道我本來沒事阿 你要約我也該計畫一下)
And now you won't stop calling me, I'm kinda busy
Stop callin', stop callin', I don' wanna think anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想想)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想談)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me(Stop telephonin' me)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy(I'm busy)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me(Stop telephonin' me)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want, but theres no one home
(你想打給誰隨你高興 但我可不在家)
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bubb'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Can call all you want, but theres no one home
(你想打給誰隨你高興 但我可不在家)
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bubb'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
獄警C:"It's your lucky day. Some idiot bailed you out."
獄警D說:"You'll be back, honey..."
HoneyBee:"You've been a very bad girl. A very,very bad bad girl GaGa!"
Gaga:"Uh-huh,Honey Bee"
(嗯哼,Honey Bee)
Gaga:"Are you sure you wanna do this, Honey Bee?"
HoneyBee:"What do you mean am I sure?"
Gaga:"You know what they say: Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger."
HoneyBee:You know GaGa? Trust is like a mirror: you can fix it if it's broke.
Gaga:But you can still see the crack in that motherfucker's reflection.
Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone won't make me leave no faster.
Put my coat on faster,
leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home,'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector -sorry, I cannot answer!
(Where have you been,Bitch?)
(What the fxxk is your problem?)
Not that I don't like you,I'm just at a party.
And I am sick and tired of my phone r-ringing.
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station.
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls,'cause I'll be dancin'.
(今晚我不接電話 因為我要跳舞)
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'!
(今晚我不接電話 因為我要跳舞)
Stop callin', stop callin', I don' wanna think anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想想)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想談)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin', stop callin', I don' wanna think anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想想)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想談)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
1oz. Rat Poison(一盎司老鼠藥)
1/2oz. Meta-cyanide(1/2盎司的註三)
1/2oz. Fex-M3(1/2盎司的註四)
1 cup Tiberlum(一杯註五)
Shake and Stir
GOOD LUCK!(搖一搖,拌一拌...祝你好運!)
EIN... (7:33)德文"1",但拼錯,應該拼成eins
ZWEI... (7:37)"2"
DREI! (7:42)"3"
Stop callin', stop callin', I don' wanna think anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想想)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Stop callin', stop callin', I don't wanna talk anymore
(別打了 別打了 我什麼也不想談)
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me(Stop telephonin' me)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy(I'm busy)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me(Stop telephonin' me)
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want, but theres no one home
(你想打給誰隨你高興 但我可不在家)
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bubb'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Can call all you want, but theres no one home
(你想打給誰隨你高興 但我可不在家)
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
My telephone!M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
My telephone!M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,and I'm sippin' that bub',
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
We're sorry the number you have reached is not in service at this time.
Please check the number, or try your call again
※註一 You're breaking up on me
ワンピース是"ONE PIECE"沒錯,但應該不是指海賊王裡的大祕寶,而是指一般
※註三 Meta-cyanide,元氰化物
出自Frank Herbert著名的科幻小說"沙丘"(Dune) 一種極致的氰化物劇毒
用來塗在一種叫Gom jabbar的附針指環上,原圖可參考這裡
這種指環被用於小說中一種出名的意志力測試。神經誘導(Nerve induction)在小說中
你的痛覺神經,你一樣會感受到被針刺一樣的痛但你的手其實沒事);這種Gom jabbar指
※註四 Fex-M3
該物第一次被提到,是在星際大戰Star War第一款角色扮演遊戲裡面的遊戲設定資料集
"帝國原始資料(The Imperial Sourcebook)"。該物在使用上類似於箭毒,可以塗在子彈
使用這玩意的則是Boba Fett,星際大戰中著名的賞金獵人:
※註三 1 cup Tiberlum
從中文Wiki看起來好像很無害的樣子,但遊戲的執行製作人Mike Verdu這麼說:
以上所有內容均是Lady Gaga版Pinkieee等許多版友共同校對出來的,請不要無斷轉載
※ 編輯: Benr 來自: (05/18 13:34)