

在 lack動詞產品中有30篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅英語島雜誌 English Island,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【缺】英文叫做 lack,但怎麼那麼容易用錯? 原來 lack 有三種詞性,動詞、名詞以及形容詞。 三個都可以用來表示「缺乏」,但都要搭配固定的用法! 》英語島WEEKLY 訂閱制學習 每月NT$99 立即訂閱 https://bit.ly/3o9Yr2y 》在IG上追蹤英語島 https:/...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,790的網紅倉庫的女人Claire,也在其Youtube影片中提到,approach discuss contact lack 這幾個都是經常困擾英文學習者的幾個動詞,還有哪些很困擾你呢?留言...

lack動詞 在 步步|英文x英國生活Babysteps English Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 09:58:07

【英國特別的擇偶文化】 🇬🇧Banter是一個很特別的英式用字,很少會在美式英語中聽到  它基本上等於「英式幽默感」,不知道大家有沒有聽說過英國人其實是很禁得起玩笑的,尤其是熟絡的朋友間,常常會開很大尺度的玩笑😝  在上一篇貼文我有說過英國男生比較不太主動、有點害羞,所以在約會中會用開玩笑...

lack動詞 在 Kenneth Lau Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 12:46:45

/ 常犯嘅英文作文語文錯誤好多,我哋今次探討下一部分先: . 名詞: (1) advice ❌ Let me give you an advice. ✅ Let me give you a piece of / some advice. ➡️ advice 係 uncountable noun,唔好...

  • lack動詞 在 英語島雜誌 English Island Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-06 12:23:57
    有 151 人按讚

    【缺】英文叫做 lack,但怎麼那麼容易用錯?

    原來 lack 有三種詞性,動詞、名詞以及形容詞。

    》英語島WEEKLY 訂閱制學習 每月NT$99
    立即訂閱 https://bit.ly/3o9Yr2y


  • lack動詞 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-15 19:02:12
    有 14 人按讚

    好多香港同學學左好多年都未學識用lack呢個生字,仍然成日聽到I am lack money呢類 ‘I am go to school’ 類型嘅句子。

    lack呢個字係及物動詞,唔需要I am lack sth, I lack sth就已經啱曬。

  • lack動詞 在 Miss Nancyelle 南西大爺 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-10 20:59:07
    有 118 人按讚


    Dear Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

    Have you ever visited Taiwan? It is a small island right next to China that has an area of 35,808 square kilometers with 23.6 million inhabitants. YES. We have our own constitution, our own government and our democratically elected leaders. We are a sovereign state.

    And YES. Taiwan is a developed country. Although Taiwan has been excluded and blocked or barred from many international organizations and communities due to China’s interference and suppression, Taiwan still managed to have the best healthcare system and advanced medical technologies among the best in the world.

    Do you still remember? In the end of 2019, it was Taiwan that warned WHO and China about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, but Chinese authorities silenced doctors and refused to admit. Then what have you done?

    You did not make it public! You tolerated China’s lack of transparency and decided to be their accomplice in making the coronavirus pandemic a global catastrophe.

    You deliberately put people’s health at risk, and now the whole world suffers from China’s initial denials, continuous cover-ups and your inability. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had 91,595 deaths by today. How much more to come?


    No one judges you because of your race or skin color, nor hairstyle nor gender, but your dereliction of duty! And, hey, those judgments and complaints actually come from not only Asia, not just Europe, but all over the world!

    You have always treated Taiwan’s absence in WHO with indifference. Like a wicked ally of China. And when this whole coronavirus gone wild, you continued to refuse all the kind warnings and messages from Taiwan. We’re always here, and we’re willing to help.

    How dare you accuse Taiwan of these unfounded allegations when you’ve always been the person with power who keeps discriminating and trampling Taiwan and Taiwanese people the whole time?

    In Taiwan, we value human rights, liberty and equality. We are always described kind and friendly. Yet facing injustice, on no account must we endure. We strongly oppose your malicious smear and bullying. We demand a public apology from you to Taiwan and Taiwanese people.


    彈到屎 / 動詞 介詞 名詞 /

    n. 台語念比較傳神




    昨天氣到決定寫一封英文信,結果寫到大半夜可惡。好久沒寫英文作文,好生疏喔天啊😂 我只想做個好國民,但當個好國民有點累🙄



  • lack動詞 在 倉庫的女人Claire Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-22 16:41:57
