

在 knockdown拳擊產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,471萬的網紅Free Fire - 我要活下去,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🥊 MP5 - 擂台冠軍,9/26 下手輕一點! 🥊 - 象徵冠軍的金黃色槍身,如同拳擊手般使出重重的一擊 看到這把 MP5,你就準備被 knockdown ! 👉 你被 OUT 了! - 全新傳奇武器 MP5 - 擂台冠軍,9/26 ​冠軍即將誕生! 🚨 裝備後,將犧牲 #裝填速度,換...

  • knockdown拳擊 在 Free Fire - 我要活下去 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-24 14:00:02
    有 511 人按讚

    🥊 MP5 - 擂台冠軍,9/26 下手輕一點! 🥊
    看到這把 MP5,你就準備被 knockdown !
    👉 你被 OUT 了!
    全新傳奇武器 MP5 - 擂台冠軍,9/26 ​冠軍即將誕生!
    🚨 裝備後,將犧牲 #裝填速度,換取 #更驚人的傷害 #更多的彈匣容量

  • knockdown拳擊 在 北歐心科學 NordicHearts Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-12 08:00:00
    有 380 人按讚

    1. 頭部突然加速,會導致腦部衝擊頭顱,是為腦震盪。
    2. 拳擊頭部所致的腦震盪,無法用訓練防禦。你頭骨有多硬,也阻止不了腦震盪。
    3. 拳擊頭部所致的腦震盪,可導致暈眩或昏倒,即Knockdown 或Knockout。在石屎地,暈倒導致頭部撞擊地面,極為危險,可致命!
    4. 長期的小型腦震盪,長遠會累積腦部傷害。故職業全接觸格鬥運動員,會早出現腦部退化症狀。奧林匹克拳擊手不戴頭部防具,是因為防具無法防禦腦震盪,反而增加腦震盪次數及機會。...
    See More

  • knockdown拳擊 在 曹星如Rex Tso Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-02-09 12:31:19
    有 223 人按讚

    又有遊戲玩喇!大家快啲參加啦!不過記住要Click入去 DEF Promotions專頁度玩喎!
    3/11 星期六
    #TaiHing #MassMutual #TsitWing #NikeHK #OlympianCity
    #CMGE #HongKongBroadband #DEFBoxing #DEFPromotions #TheWonderKid #TrainLikeAPro

    #TaiHing #MassMutual #TsitWing #NikeHK #Huawei #OlympianCity
    #CMGE #HongKongBroadband #DEFBoxing #DEFPromotions #TheWonderKid #TrainLikeAPro #ClashofChampions2

    大家玩多個遊戲,職業拳擊入面有個「10-must-score」嘅評分系統,會根據拳手是否主導回合(Aggressiveness)、是否擊中對手(Clean punch)、防守(Defence),同埋體育精神(Sportmanship)去比分,而當被擊倒或者犯規,就會被扣分。留意返兩位拳手當中,一定要有一個達到十分。今次就想大家根據呢短短33秒,Rex Tso同前川龍斗比分。答中而又被抽中,就有機會送你1套2張《王者對決II》380入場券!(總共4套)
    1.Like DEF Promotions 專頁.
    2.以公開模式Share Post, 請copy and paste以下句子 -> 3月11號星期六, 香港會議展覽中心 ,大家一齊睇《王者對決2》!
    2月16號 23:59
    * DEF Promotions Page保留修改,變更及終止活動辦法與條款之權利

    And now for the second and FINAL round of the Clash of Champions 2 ticket give-away contest!

    According to the "10-must-score" system in professional boxing, judges assign scores to the boxers according to their aggressiveness, clean punches landed, the effectiveness of their defense and sportsmanship. At least one boxer must be given a score of "10" for each round, with 1 point deducted for each knockdown or penalty.

    Watch this 33-second video -\-\ how would YOU score Rex and his opponent Ryuto Maekawa? If you answer correctly, you can win 2 x $380 tickets for "Clash of Champions 2", scheduled for Saturday, March 11th at the 8,000+ seat Hall 5BC of the HKCEC. Follow the instructions below for a chance to win 1 of 4 sets of tickets:
    1.Like the "DEF Promotions" page.
    2. Share this post on your Facebook wall (and make it "public") and copy and paste the following: "I'm going to Clash of Champions 2 on March 11th!!"
    3. Tag a friend you'd like to bring to "Clash of Champions 2" and write your score mark the scores for Rex and Maekawa.

    The deadline for this contest is 11:59 pm on 16 Feb 2017!

    *Winners will be decided by random draw.
    *Each Facebook user is permitted to enter this stage of the contest ONCE only.
    *DEF Promotions reserves the right to modify and / or terminate the terms of this contest.

    #TaiHing #MassMutual #TsitWing #NikeHK #Huawei #OlympianCity
    #CMGE #HongKongBroadband #DEFBoxing #DEFPromotions #TheWonderKid #TrainLikeAPro #ClashofChampions2

