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One Yard From Crushing Loss, Patriots Grab Their 4th Title

(這句不太理解One Yard From Crushing Loss的意思,

Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX, Defeating Seahawks


GLENDALE, Ariz. — The seconds ticked off late in the fourth quarter Sunday,
and how familiar it must have all seemed to Bill Belichick, to Tom Brady, to
the New England Patriots and their fans wondering why, oh why, was this
happening again.
這令人難熬的,第四季度星期天的最後幾秒鐘,似乎對Bill Belichick, Tom Brady,新英

(tick off搜尋了一下意思看大都是使某人不爽,tick sb off
以及勾選、列舉等,但用The Seconds當主詞就不是很理解

("...wondering why, oh why, was this happening again."
這裡的why,oh why不太懂是什麼意思

In their last two Super Bowls, the Patriots had lost in improbable fashion,
last-minute defeats fueled by ridiculous passes and absurd catches, and now
came the Seattle Seahawks, driving to the New England 1-yard line.

(這裡的last-minute defeats fueled by直譯的話應該是"最後一分鐘的失敗起因於..."

("now came the Seattle......"的意思也不太明白
這裡是將主詞the Seattle放到動詞came的後面嗎?

In a frantic finish, and after a dose of karmic payback, the Patriots
survived. It was New England that became a team for the ages, not Seattle,
winning its fourth Super Bowl title, 28-24, when Malcolm Butler intercepted
Russell Wilson’s pass in the end zone with 26 seconds remaining.
贏得第四個超級杯冠軍的新英格蘭隊。當比賽剩下二十六秒時,Malcolm Butler在達陣區
抄截了Russell Wilson的傳球,以28比24分贏得勝利。

(a dose of karmic payback這句整個不懂(炸







“We’ve had some great teams that haven’t won it and I think you’ve got to
just enjoy the moment,” Brady said. “We’ve been on the other end of this
twice now.”

Butler’s catch had the same nauseating effect on the Seahawks and their
supporters as David Tyree’s helmet catch here seven years ago or Mario
Manningham’s sideline grab three years ago did on the Patriots, who lost
those Super Bowls to the Giants by a total of 7 points.
和七年前Dabid Tyree頭盔被搶走的事件,三年前Marip Manningham的副業被發現時對愛

It spoiled the Seahawks’ repeat bid, denying them of dynasty status, and
returned one of the league’s most successful franchises to glory. And it
came on a play call whose merits will be debated in barrooms and boardrooms
in the Pacific Northwest for years to come.

Instead of handing the ball off a second straight play to Marshawn Lynch,
their bruising running back who had already scored a touchdown, the Seahawks
on second down elected to pass. Coach Pete Carroll accepted responsibility,
but in the chaos afterward there seemed confusion.
並沒有將球交給Marshawn Lynch以作出第二個連續表現,海鷹隊在觸地得分之後選擇了傳
球並再度受挫。雖然在之後的混亂中Pete Carroll教練看起來十分困惑,但他依然承擔了

When asked whose decision it was, Wilson deflected the question. The
offensive coordinator, Darrell Bevell, said he was comfortable with the
choice but, considering the result, he would have liked to have called
something different.
當問到是誰決定這項舉動時,Wilson轉移了話題。進攻協調員Darrel Bevell說他當時爽

“We were on the precipice of another championship,” Carroll said. “Nobody
to blame but me.”

In toppling Seattle, New England became the first champion to overcome a
10-point deficit in the fourth quarter, a development that was remarkable and
disorienting all at once. As many comebacks as Brady has orchestrated over
his sparkling career, this one has to rank among the most special.
Because it came against the swaggering Seahawks, who boasted the N.F.L.’s
best defense and would tell anyone who asked as much. Because in its last
eight games, all victories, Seattle had outscored its opponents by 83-13 in
the fourth quarter and overtime — and by 130-26 after halftime — in a
stretch encompassing its stunner two weeks ago in the N.F.C. championship.

Confronted with daunting circumstances, a 24-14 deficit with 12 minutes 10
seconds left, Brady led the Patriots to touchdowns on consecutive drives. The
second provided the margin of victory, with Brady completing all eight
passes, including a 3-yard toss to Julian Edelman, who had nine receptions
for a team-high 109 yards.
刺帶領隊伍進行觸地得分。包含了3碼的跌撞並傳給Julian Edelman接收了九次傳球

“Considering the fact that I almost had two heart attacks,” said Edelman,
still wearing his grass-stained jersey, “it was great.”

So it was, all across the Patriots’ empire Sunday night and, particularly,
in all corners of University of Phoenix Stadium. Rob Gronkowski cut short an
interview because he said he needed to go celebrate. Confetti cascaded from
above. In the interview area, Darrelle Revis was chatting with two reporters
from Japan, one of whom was wearing a pink cowboy hat. One asked Revis about
the victory party.
Darrelle Revis在採訪區和兩名來自日本的記者聊天,一名記者戴著粉紅色的牛仔茂,另

“It’s already begun,” Revis said. “But you want to come? You can come.
But you have to bring the hat.” Then the reporter let Revis put it on.

Although they were asked, and although they would not say, the Patriots said
they derived no additional satisfaction — not in their return to the stadium
where they were denied perfection seven years ago, not after enduring
scrutiny, their image stained, all because of footballs that may or may not
have been intentionally deflated.

For them, for Belichick and for Brady and for defenders everywhere of the
Patriot Way, validation is measured by Super Bowls, and now they have another.

Before the playoffs started, Wilson and Brady sent emails to a mutual friend.
Each quarterback predicted this Super Bowl matchup, and their telepathy made
sense: finishing his third season, Wilson is hewing to the Brady career arc:
midround draft pick, immediate success as a starter, a title by age 25.

The year after Brady won his first championship, New England did not even
reach the playoffs, let alone return to the Super Bowl as Wilson did. Wilson
had won his first 10 games against Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks, but
Brady, even throwing two interceptions, dazzled, completing 37 of 50 passes
for 328 yards and firing touchdowns to four receivers in winning his third
Most Valuable Player award. He joined Joe Montana, his boyhood idol, and
Terry Bradshaw as the only quarterbacks to win four championships, all of
Brady’s coming with Belichick.

“I’m a big Joe Montana fan — I love him to death, I thought he was the
best and everything,” Edelman said, but, “Tom Brady came out here, he’s
been to six Super Bowls, he’s won four with the salary cap. It’s hard to
argue against that.”

All week the Seahawks treated queries about Brady’s brilliance and
LeGarrette Blount’s brawn and Gronkowski’s gronkness, about the Patriots’
wacky receiver-ineligible formations and chameleonic offense — 40 rushes
one game, 14 the next — and flicked them away like cigarette ash. Not out of
arrogance, or disrespect, but the declaration, as stated earlier in the week
by linebacker Bobby Wagner that “we do what we do and we do it very good.”

Confusing offenses is not the Seahawks’ style. They just line up in their
three-deep coverage, with their thumping secondary, and try to impose their
will. Usually successful, the Seahawks were not in the first half. Countering
Seattle’s pass-rush, the Patriots ran quick passes, screens and pick plays,
and they ran them so well that on their second possession Brady guided New
England to the Seattle 10, on a drive that consumed nearly eight minutes.

Chased by Michael Bennett from the left side, Brady made a miserable red-zone
decision — throwing nowhere near a receiver, and right into the hands of
Jeremy Lane at the goal line. The interception prevented one touchdown, but
it indirectly produced another.

On his return, Lane, the Seahawks’ nickel cornerback, sustained an arm
injury. Tharold Simon replaced him, and on the Patriots’ next possession
Brady exposed him. First with a 24-yard pass to Edelman, zipping across the
middle, and then, two plays later, with a perfect slant to Brandon LaFell,
whose 11-yard touchdown put New England ahead, 7-0.

For the Seahawks, their offensive malaise — three series, one first down —
evoked the first 58 minutes of their last game, the N.F.C. championship
victory against the Packers. Nothing Seattle tried, from Lynch’s interior
running to dropbacks by Wilson that were thwarted by the Patriots’ superb
downfield coverage, seemed to work.

Until Wilson found a matchup he liked and exploited it, connecting deep down
the right sideline with Chris Matthews, whose onside kick recovery two weeks
ago proved he had excellent hands. Matthews reached over Kyle Arrington and
fell backward while hauling in his first career catch, a 44-yarder that set
up Lynch’s 3-yard touchdown run with 2:16 left in the first half.
That was far too much time on the clock for Brady, who dissected the Seahawks
as if slowly pulling off a Band-Aid — with short passes to Shane Vereen —
before yanking it off with a 22-yard touchdown fade to Gronkowski with 31
seconds remaining.

But that was also far too much time for Wilson, who has developed a
reputation for clutch passing himself. He drove the Seahawks 80 yards in 29
seconds, a series keyed by a 23-yard pass to Ricardo Lockette and 10-yard
personal foul on Arrington. With the ball at the New England 11 and six
seconds left before halftime, Carroll had a choice: attempt a field goal or
run one final play.

Nothing about the Seahawks’ aggressive personality suggested they would play
it safe, and Wilson whipped a pass on the outside to the 6-foot-5 Matthews,
who exploited his 6-inch height advantage over Logan Ryan, for an 11-yard
touchdown that evened the score at 14-14 heading into halftime.

The Seahawks, masters of the second half and the fourth quarter, were in the
middle of reeling off 17 straight points. They were in control until they
were not — a feeling New England knew all too well, and returned when
Seattle took over with 2:02 to play at its own 20.

Three plays after Wilson opened the drive by throwing a 31-yard pass to Lynch
down the left sideline, Jermaine Kearse made a catch to rival Tyree’s on
this same field in 2008 — defended by Butler, Kearse had the ball bounce off
both thighs and his lower arm before he corralled it at the New England 5.
“I didn’t have any doubt,” receiver Doug Baldwin said. “At that time, you
didn’t think there was anyone on the sideline who didn’t think we’d score.

After a 4-yard run by Lynch, the Seahawks lined up in a three-receiver set.
Based on the formation, Butler said he recognized before the snap that
Seattle was running a play intended to beat man-to-man coverage. It forced
the cornerbacks to line up tight, Butler said.

As Carroll explained it, he did not want to waste a running play against New
England’s goal-line defense — he wanted to save that for third and fourth
downs, if necessary.

Split out wide were Kearse and Lockette, who stood a few yards behind him and
a step to his right. Even though Wilson’s head was not moving, Butler read
his eyes, which were scanning in that direction.

The play was designed, Carroll said, for Kearse to shield his defender,
allowing the trailing receiver, Lockette, to pop open.

“When they made the call, I didn’t question it,” said Wilson, who finished
12 of 21 for 247 yards. He added: “We thought we had them. I thought it was
going to be a touchdown when I threw it. When I let it go, I thought it was
going to be game over.”
It was — just not as Wilson expected.

“It’s going to kill me,” Seattle linebacker Bruce Irvin said. “I think I’
m about to just go lock myself in my room for about two weeks. This one hurt
because we had it. We had it.”
The Seahawks will recover. They are too young, too resilient and too
talented. But they also lost in perhaps the cruelest way possible, to a team
that once specialized in crushing defeats but no more.
The Patriots are winners again. The Patriots are Super Bowl champions.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1422943744.A.DD2.html
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