

在 judiciary中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】 法官閣下: 從小我父母便教我要有同理心,要關顧社會上相對不幸的人。儘管在早年職業生涯上取得不俗成就,但我從來沒有意欲將追求個人財富視為人生目標。 當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑...

  • judiciary中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-24 15:23:35
    有 753 人按讚

    【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】



    當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑和擔憂。 令我震驚的是,社會如何漠視對窮人和少數族裔的歧視。既有的社會結構,有時甚至會鼓勵這種歧視繼續發生。同時,我們也無法一如其它地方,享有基本的民主權利和自由。











    Avery Ng Man Yuen’s Statement

    Your Honour,

    I was brought up by my parents to value the importance of empathy, to care and to feel for others in our community less fortunate. Although I enjoyed great success early in my career, I never had a desire to pursue personal wealth in the more traditional sense.

    When I settled back in Hong Kong after years of living abroad, I was baffled and disturbed by how severe the social inequality existed in a city I am proud to call my home. I was struck at how discrimination against the poor and the minorities far too often goes ignored or can even at times is encouraged by the established social structure; and how we cannot have the basic democratic rights and freedoms that other places enjoy.

    These were my motivations to join social activism and enter into politics. I chose to spend my energy to speak for the underprivileged, the disenchanted and often ignored segments of society. To offer a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

    Compared to many, I am privileged to have a great education and a certain level of financial freedom and social standing. We are fortunate enough to be able to lead comfortable lives and have the freedom to choose the path that we take. I chose to fight for social equality. Many of those in this court are not that much different. We all love Hong Kong, the place we call home. We chose our different roles in life but with the same aim: to serve others.

    Sadly, I fear that many of us are increasingly the exception to the rule. Today far too many Hong Kong people do not have that chance, whether that is our elderly who live in poverty, marginalized youth with few opportunities for social mobility, or workers who give up all their time slaving away to provide the bare minimum for their families. These people all struggle to make ends meet with very limited options in life. “Choice” for them is a luxury that they cannot afford. Let alone having the gratification of being able to dictate their own destiny.

    I recognise, with the pressures of life, it is often difficult for people to see beyond their own social bubble. It is harder still to acquire empathy for strangers. Polarized political division increasingly has driven a wedge between people, making it sometimes impossible for people to understand and empathise with one another, to disagree agreeably, and attempt to find some level of compromise.

    It has always been my hope that a more democratic system could be the bridge that heals this social divide or at the very least allow us to choose how we can live together in our home.

    I’m certain that none of us in this court wanted to see the turmoil in 2019, which has seen our whole society suffer regardless of political preference. Distrust, hatred, and fear has engulfed Hong Kong. Today is certainly not the right forum for this immense topic. However, I hope the court can understand that the Judiciary alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted socio-political divide which exist.

    It will take our collective strength, courage, honesty, and empathy to mend our home. Looking at my fellow defendants with their extraordinary history in serving this society, I believe they can do far greater good among us in society than being locked in prison.

    In pursuit of the rights of all Hong Kong people, I have broken the law. I am prepared to face the court’s judgement. I am proud to be in the company of my esteemed fellows who have spent their lives championing the rule of law, fighting for the democracy and voicing for the voiceless.

    I believe the storm-clouds that currently reside over our home will one day lift, and make way for a bright and clear day. I believe love and empathy will eventually prevail.
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  • judiciary中文 在 民主進步黨 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-09-28 12:20:13
    有 1,446 人按讚

    【民主進步黨 31 週年黨慶外交使節酒會 蔡英文主席致詞全文】
    Members of the diplomatic community distinguished guests good afternoon!
    Nine years ago I took the chairpersonship of the Democratic Progressive Party for the first time. As many of you may know in the same year the party had just lost the 2008 presidential election.
    To rebuild the people’s trust in the DPP I launched a small-donor campaign. I asked the public for their support so that we could get back on our feet again and become a viable opposition party.
    I knew regaining the public’s confidence would take time so I didn’t expect the response to come quickly. Within a month a lady who earned a living by washing dishes sent us an envelope. There was 20000 dollars and a note inside. The note said: “I ask for nothing in return but your party to safeguard the sovereignty of Taiwan”.
    There were tens of thousands of people like her. They came from all walks of life generously pledging their support for the DPP. They felt strongly about the democratic values the party stood for. They believed the DPP is a force capable of moving Taiwan forward once again.
    Today I am here commemorating the 31st anniversary of the DPP with you in my capacity as Taiwan’s ruling party. I am pleased to have the opportunity to say we are delivering on those expectations. We have not shied away from the momentous responsibilities placed upon us.
    Since my election I have completed pension reform a task previous administrations were not able to achieve. The number of social housing throughout Taiwan is rapidly increasing. Our long-term care plan is gradually benefitting more and more seniors.
    One of our most critical pieces of legislation the forward-looking infrastructure plan has passed. At the same time we are also working to reform the military the judiciary and the tax system.
    Our economy is improving too. Export orders have seen 12 consecutive months of growth. GDP growth has exceeded past expectations. Following the announcement of public sector wage increases the private sector is also following suit. The unemployment rate in August was 3.76 per cent the lowest it had been in 26 months.
    In addition to this we have taken steadfast and pragmatic steps to broaden Taiwan’s international space and strengthen relations with countries around the world.
    Of particular importance are Taiwan’s diplomatic allies. We are grateful to the 15 countries that voiced their support for Taiwan at the UN General Assembly earlier this month. We are determined to work with all diplomatic allies in order to more effectively support their development.
    For like-minded countries we are furthering trade and investment ties as well as cooperation on issues like innovation green energy and science and technology. We have kept in close communication regarding the shared security challenges in the region.
    Another one of our foreign policy priorities is the New Southbound Policy. We have worked tirelessly for Taiwan to play a greater role in the region particularly in areas of trade investment education tourism and culture.
    We’re seeing the dividends of such efforts. Tourism from New Southbound countries has increased by 36.7% from the year prior. Trade is up 19.39%. The number of students from these countries has also increased by almost 10%. All of this has brought Taiwan and New Southbound countries closer together.
    Taiwan would not be where it is today without support from international society. The countries you represent have walked with Taiwan along our journey towards a democracy. Together we have witnessed Taiwan’s transition from a net-recipient to a contributor around the world.
    Today it is undeniable that Taiwan is an active member of the international community. I’m sure that our efforts in health education human rights regional security and climate change have not gone unnoticed around the world.
    In fact we recently released our very first Voluntary National Review documenting our efforts for the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
    In the coming years Taiwan’s international participation will continue to face many challenges. Taiwan deserves your support so that as a partner we can contribute to a safer healthier and more prosperous global community.
    I started this speech with a story of how one step at a time the DPP regained the trust and confidence of the people.
    This story is also relevant for Taiwan’s international situation. Only through continued support from international society even if it is incremental can Taiwan play a greater role around the world.
    We have already made our intentions clear. Taiwan is ready to work with each of your countries to create a more democratic secure and prosperous international society. I hope that you will also be willing to work with Taiwan for a better joint future.
    I would like to thank you all for coming today. Let us raise our glasses to cheer for our continued friendship. Cheers! Thank you!

  • judiciary中文 在 CommonWealth Magazine Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-04-06 21:30:00
    有 6 人按讚

    "Hong Kong and China are very different in terms of system, society and judiciary, and have very different views and expectations about the territory’s democratic progress and civil society. Let alone, in the eyes of Beijing, Hong Kong always harbored 'leftover evil supporters' of the British government. But for the people of Hong Kong, it felt more like they benefited from the 'leftover glory' of the British colonial period, be it with regard to the rule of law or basic infrastructure. Just by looking at the emotions and historical interpretations regarding the colonial period, you can see the difference between Hong Kong and Beijing."

    ● Click the 'EN-CH' icon to read the article in Chinese.
    ● 點選' EN-CH ' 按鈕,閱讀本文中文版

    #LuPing #HongKong #China #HKChiefexEcutiveElection #CarrieLam #TaiwanInsight #GoToCommonWealthNow

