[爆卦]judging panel中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇judging panel中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在judging panel中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 judging產品中有1231篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【 2021國際年度風景攝影師大賽專業評審 - Kelvin Yuen🌍🇭🇰 】 現在的身份已經不再一樣,有幸受到大會的邀請,以 #2020國際年度風景攝影師 的身份擔任本年度的評審。誰會想到在國際風景頂尖賽事的評審團出現一位來自香港的屁孩。 ' ' 在初接觸攝影時,從沒想到這樣普通的自己竟然有機...

 同時也有92部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過35萬的網紅Trung Bao & Chiwawa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I will be judging the Top 32 of International Throwdown 2021 - Complexity Category You can check out the full list of The Top 32 international Throwdo...

judging 在 Summer ☀ | 快乐妈咪 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 12:12:51

Happy 7 months old, dear baby Ansel! ❤ Today, you turn seven months old and you flashed your wide, toothless grin at me, like how you do umpteen time...

  • judging 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 18:53:38
    有 2,646 人按讚

    【 2021國際年度風景攝影師大賽專業評審 - Kelvin Yuen🌍🇭🇰 】

    現在的身份已經不再一樣,有幸受到大會的邀請,以 #2020國際年度風景攝影師 的身份擔任本年度的評審。誰會想到在國際風景頂尖賽事的評審團出現一位來自香港的屁孩。
    我拍作品從不為賺錢,因為把相片拍成這樣子,在商業社會上是沒任何用途。起初在走藝術路線時,整體風格對香港大眾來說可能比較怪異;#Kelvinism 不是典型高清藍天,不是銀河星空,更不是火紅的晚霞,但我知道自己是在做個人認為對的事,因為清楚知道這個方向會帶領我到達國際風景攝影頂尖的層面…
    我亦清楚自己的定位不希望跟 KOL/Influencer 一詞混為一談,因為風景攝影是非常專門的一項專業,並不是門外漢所說的容易入門。
    非常感激在我當初拍得那樣差勁的時候還選擇追蹤我到現在的每一位 🙌

    「忠於自己,持之以恆地付出,保持精準及執著,把事情做到極致!」Kelvin Yuen (2021)


    In this 8th year of the competition, we are again very pleased to have the depth and judging experience of five of the world’s best photographers and industry professionals.

    -David Burnett, co-founder Contact Press Images, USA
    -Tim Parkin, ON LANDSCAPE Magazine Editor
    -Kelvin Yuen, 2020 International Landscape Photographer of the Year
    -Kaye Davis, NZIPP Grand Master of Photography
    -Jim M Goldstein, Fine Art Photographer and Author, USA


  • judging 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 11:04:36
    有 74 人按讚

    Happy 7 months old, dear baby Ansel! ❤

    Today, you turn seven months old and you flashed your wide, toothless grin at me, like how you do umpteen times every day, when I took a photo of you.

    It's been a month of gastronomic adventure and discovery with you in the past month. Let's see, your favourite food for now includes avocado, banana, pear and pumpkin but you've also tried potato, carrot, blueberries, apple, fish, chicken, sweet potato, brown rice, cereal and more! That's not bad for your introductory month of having solids, right? Although it makes me more exhausted having to cook your meals separately from ours daily, that bright smile of yours makes it all worthwhile.

    You are also getting good at sitting down on your own though you tend to lose balance and fall over after some time. Haha. Like the previous months, you have been drooling and munching on your fingers incessantly but you have yet to cut your first tooth, so let's just wait patiently for now yeah.

    Your sisters say you are very chubby and I think so too, you might just be the chubbiest one of the lot. It is a heartening thing to know because, like me, you are a preemie but I am relieved to see that you are gaining weight steadily. We love seeing your baby rolls and oh, you are easily tickled and will laugh and laugh when it happens.

    We went for your vaccinations earlier this month and you were totally a trooper - your cries lasted merely 1 or 2 seconds despite having a jab on each thigh. That said, I think it's because I was there to comfort you and for now, judging by how you reach out for me or whine whenever I walk away, there is no doubt that you love me deep deep.

    But you know what? That is not even a fraction of how much I love you. I can't even describe it but you are my world, or rather, our world because your siblings love you to the moon and back too.

    Thank you for being a ray of sunshine in our lives and cheering us up every single day - something which we truly need during these gloomy times. Looking forward to more happy days stuck with you 24/7, my darling boy! ❤

    #ahappymum #lastborn #babyboy #7monthsold #growingup #timeflies #cherishingeachday #iloveyoutothemoonandback

  • judging 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-13 11:55:52
    有 74 人按讚

    He's my baby and my boss!

    Yup, judging by how he wails and wakes me several times in the middle of the night, how he demands to be carried, how he protests when I go out of sight, how I need to prepare his every meal, clean him up and bathe him, how he sits back and relaxes while I push or carry him when we are out, there's no doubt that my life revolves around this little boy for now.

    Thankfully, he is such a sweetie pie - who can resist that smile? - who makes it all worthwhile. His siblings say the same too because he also makes them tired, haha. Well, we can't wait to catch Boss Baby 2 and other movies in the cinemas soon! Thanks to United International Pictures Singapore for making us so excited and for sending over the goodies, including this yummylicious chocolate cake from @sweehengsg and our first twinning tees too.

    The 5yo is also waiting for me to bring him to watch his favourite Paw Patrol movie and I hope to find a weekday to bring him when it's not crowded. We'll keep our masks on at all times and I will tell them to eat before or after the show only.

    Hopefully, things will settle in the next few weeks so that we can celebrate the end of exams for the elder ones by watching more movies! Woohoo!

    Happy Monday and have a good week ahead! ❤

    P.S. Can't wait to be able to visit the vaxxed halls soon too! Yup, I'm partially vaxxed for now, was waiting till the baby started on solids before taking my first dose. Some of you asked if I would be taking it and I said yes, and I continued to latch the baby right after too. Stay safe and take care, everyone!

    #ahappymum #uipsingapore #movielovers #bossbaby #bossbabycake #mybabyboy #6monthsold #motherandson #twinning

