

在 jointly意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 驚世夫妻今天一唱一和,說台灣繞了一大圈又回到原點,路透社給了清楚的說明。 其中一段 Taiwan's tortured bid for the vaccine, jointly developed with Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), has become an issue of h...

jointly意思 在 Amanda Tann Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-08 06:00:05

收到IG和FB網友的反饋意見,對#一Tann一點英語頗有好評。很感謝大家對我的支持和鼓勵。 其實#一Tann一點英語是多年前,我們「活學教育」和內地的一個大型傳媒機構合作,在內地推廣「全民英語」時,以我的姓氏為品牌,拍攝了多輯的視像英語教學題材,在內地各電視台播放,好讓內地的學生們有多點機會接觸英語...

  • jointly意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-25 20:27:02
    有 2,402 人按讚



    Taiwan's tortured bid for the vaccine, jointly developed with Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), has become an issue of high political and diplomatic drama, after Taiwan accused China of blocking a deal earlier this year, which Beijing denied. China claims democratically-governed Taiwan as its own territory.

    台灣購買輝瑞公司 (PFE.N) 聯合開發的疫苗過程可說是歷經百般折磨 (tortured),已成為一個高度政治外交戲劇,此前台灣指責中國在今年稍早阻止了一項交易,而北京對此予以否認。 中國聲稱 (claims) 民主治理的台灣是自己的領土。

    我特別喜歡 claim 這個字,意思是 state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

    就是說大家都可以 claim 羅女婿是他家的,自己爽就好。

  • jointly意思 在 Amanda Tann Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-08-05 18:07:49
    有 73 人按讚

    是時候給#一Tann一點英語改個英文名字了。和女兒商量後,決定用#TANNtalizingEnglish。Tantalize的意思是,誘人的,吸引的,讓人嚮往的, 引人入勝的。你們說,可好?
    又:教學影片中的男主角就是我生命中永遠的第一男主角:Jackie Lai
    #一Tann一點英語 / #TANNtalizingEnglish:
    Since the introduction of #一Tann一點英語on my IG and FB, I've been showered with positive feedback, support and encouragement. A big Thank You to all my Net-Buddies for your love and kindness.
    Let me let you in on the history of the conception of this idea.
    #一Tann一點英語started off as a series of programs containing fun and colloquial English teaching materials jointly produced by Ever Learning and a sizable electronic media organization from the mainland, in the effort to promote a campaign called 'Everybody learns English'. The programs were broadcast on different stations aiming to provide more everyday English exposure to the mainlanders. I proudly remember that the ratings were quite satisfactory.
    A few weeks ago, while writing up my piece, I was prompted by a sudden impulse that I should try to make my teaching of simple , colloquial English available to my students, their parents and my Net-Buddies through more convenient and user-friendly channels. An ingenious idea suddenly popped into my mind: if I just introduce some simple everyday English into my daily accounts, wouldn't that be like killing two birds with one stone?
    So, it's high time to give #一Tann一點英語 an engaging English name.
    After a brief deliberation with Rosie, we decided on #TANNtalizingEnglish. Tantalizing means attractive, inviting, makes someone's mouth water, keeps someone hanging on. Fitting? You think?
    p.s. The male role in the video was played by my late husband Jackie Lai, the only man who had been and will always be the leading man in my life.

