

在 jog英文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子 Empire of Director Bao & Niku & Baku,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這是阿培曾經在我巴褲的書裡面寫的,這文章是阿培本身養狗的經驗,對每個養狗的人都有很大的幫助,希望大家有時間可以把它看完,我翻譯成英文讓大家看: Apei wrote many things into my Baku book. Mainly how to raise dogs, his life e...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,030的網紅Angela Charlotte Cheng,也在其Youtube影片中提到,社群網站 Say Hi: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacharlottecheng/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacharlottecheng/ YouTube: https://www....

jog英文 在 Suetleimama 雪梨媽媽 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-02 12:25:00

【#升小準備|#Phonics篇】#附免費英語能力評估 疫症下的幼稚園生涯將近一年,轉個頭言妹妹就升小學了⋯ 到底zoom上堂佢吸收到幾多?與其擔心同靠估,不如 #讓專業的來,即刻報名 #牛津故事語音課程 (Oxford story phonics)嘅免費英語能力評估! 透過大概十分鐘嘅asse...

jog英文 在 Chloe Wang Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 05:21:20

【Hank手帳的個人使用方法】 積欠許久的內容終於完成了。因為本篇圖多共八張,接下來會依序放上圖說,讓大家可以自行對照。那麼就從第二張圖片開始囉!(往右滑☛) - ▶圖二(年度計畫-空白) ▶圖三(年度計畫-使用) 在年度計畫中,每個月可以自填三個格子。我的作法是將每個格子定一到兩個主題,像是第一格...

  • jog英文 在 寶總監的寶之國與他的狗王子 Empire of Director Bao & Niku & Baku Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-30 06:30:08
    有 3,090 人按讚

    Apei wrote many things into my Baku book. Mainly how to raise dogs, his life experience with dogs and about dog breeds. Its very useful information so please take a look. I translated it into English for everyone to read.

    I wanted to raise all the big dogs available around the world. I wanted to takes turns raising all the big dogs, but I fell for Mastiff.

    Ever since when I was very young, I had a dream to raise all the big dogs available throughout the world. I started working at a very young age. Over the years, I had owned a Neapolitan Mastiff, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, and finally now I am totally focused on taking care of my Tibetan Mastiff.

    To be honest, no matter what the breed, each dog is cute & lovable in its own way. Having own so many dogs, I slowly figured out what I like the most.

    Neapolitan Mastiff, for example, has saggy faces and very short hair. If you don’t clean him up after a meal, the dog can very easily have allergic reactions or skin diseases. It’s quite a chore taking care of this breed of dogs.

    Great Danes are beautiful and usually possesses a lengthy body, but I like ones with a thicker and wider body.

    Caucasian Shepherd is perhaps a breed that is closest to my ideal type. However, shepherds are more primitive, they are not that friendly to small dogs.

    As far as Tibetan Mastiff goes, they are loyal, and gentle around kids, women, and other small animals. Especially during winter, a Tibetan Mastiff would change into a long fur coat, appearing so confident and proud, as if everything else is beneath them.
    When I got to owning a Tibetan Mastiff, that’s when my heart and mind went: “This is the one!” And so… I have been raising one ever since.

    All the dogs I had previously, I have always had them until they passed away peacefully in my arms due to old age. The average lifespan of large-sized dogs are usually a lot shorter than small-sized dogs. 10 -15 years, I would say, is probably the max.

    To manage a large-sized dog, the key is on teaching. I often tell my friends: “As a dog owner you have to be dominant, you have to be more dominant than your dog.” Show ‘em who’s the boss in the house, so to speak lol. As a dog owner if you wish to take your large dog out for a walk, you have to start taking them for a walk when they are still very small, let them get used to walking alongside you, this is basically to socialize them.

    Remember tho, you are taking them for a walk, not the other way around. You have to let them see more, let them become familiarize with what’s happening on the outside. This way, it will lessen the occurrence of your dog having violent reactions to unfamiliar or unknown objects.

    Basically, unless your dog is sick, a dog only starts biting people out of “fear.” They fear that his owner will be attacked, that’s why he goes into “combat mode.” Of course, a dog that is less socialized or a dog with a less dominant owner will more likely become violent (including biting) when they feel threatened or panicking.

    This is the owner’s fault, and not on the dog. Once you improve upon the way you walk the dog and educate the dog the right away, the dog’s violent behavior and violent tendencies will show an improvement.

    Mastiff also goes by another name, “guardian dogs.” If you let a Mastiff stay in one place for over 30 minutes, he’ll think that this place is his place, his territory, and will starting defending it by being aggressive to passerby, this is something to be aware of.

    The question that I was asked the most is… “Mastiffs eat a lot, don’t they? So you must’ve spend a lot of dog food, right?”

    I am more catering to my dog, that’s for sure. I’ll let him eat the good stuff --- beef, full chicken, lamb… But you don’t have to do it like me, tho, just feed him regularly so your dog is not hungry. If you have the time, take him for a walk or a jog, or bathe him, he is going to be really really happy if you do so.

    Lastly, I want remind everyone, as far as large dogs go, because of their huge physique they have tons of pressure on their feet, so it’s best for a dog owner to raise a large-sized dog on a non-slippery floor. Also, for a dog that is not yet 6 months old, don’t let the dog do too much jumping and running because his hip joint isn’t fully developed yet. That’s two things you should keep in mind. So as long as you take the time to walk your dog and do a bit of exercise, you’ll be able to keep their legs healthy, which will reduce a lot of the dog’s leg problems.

    No matter big or small, a dog is family. If you got one, please take care of him/her for the rest of its life. Lastly, just want to say, You reap what you sow.

  • jog英文 在 Suetleimama 雪梨媽媽 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-23 10:43:46
    有 40 人按讚

    疫症下的幼稚園生涯將近一年,轉個頭言妹妹就升小學了⋯ 到底zoom上堂佢吸收到幾多?與其擔心同靠估,不如 #讓專業的來,即刻報名牛津故事語音課程 (Oxford story phonics)嘅免費英語能力評估!

    透過大概十分鐘嘅assessment,導師會初步評估小朋友現時對Phonics及英文嘅掌握程度,分為3個級別6個levels。Oxford Story Phonics其實3歲就可以開始讀,不過有心唔怕遲,一於喺升小學前呢幾個月惡補一下!

    由言妹妹讀K1開始,學校就用Oxford story tree同Oxford reading tree做教材,所以讀Phonics班揀番Oxford就唔會同學校教嘅野產生混亂。牛津獨有嘅「首尾音拼合法 」可以幫小朋友循序漸進咁將英文字詞blend出嚟,唔單止對於speaking 有幫助,亦可以為讀寫作好準備!

    因為疫情我哋暫時都係zoom上堂,每星期兩堂,每堂半個鐘。暫時都係3-4個小朋友小班教學,老師會利用牛津指定教材教授Phonics sounds,又會播放故事錄音,並配合Story Phonics workbook嘅互動小活動由淺入深咁教,言妹妹都好鐘意上堂又有明顯進步👍🏻 未上堂之前好似將學校學過嘅Phonic sounds俾返哂老師,到依家每次上Phonics堂都爭住要舉手答問題,同佢拎住Sound cards溫習都讀得番哂😌 而且仲好熟練咁用拼音方法讀到新認識嘅字,例如由d-og進而拼出fog同jog嘅發音,再認識生字嘅含意。

    Oxford Story Phonics課程教材都可以配合牛津點讀筆使用,落堂後即使家長未必有時間每日同小朋友溫習,都可以叫工人姐姐/家人同佢哋玩點讀筆,而唔怕佢哋學咗唔正宗嘅發音!(事實上言妹妹有時會捉返工人姐姐嘅發音🤣)

    即刻登記免費評估💁🏼‍♀️ http://bit.ly/398nUoi

    了解Oxford Story Phonics課程💁🏼‍♀️ http://bit.ly/2UWxqCH

    #牛津課程 #OUPCourses #英文課程 #英語拼音 #Phonics #幼兒拼音 #幼兒phonics #兒童英語拼音 #兒童 #英語拼音課程 #牛津故事語音課程 #OxfordStoryPhonics #首尾音拼合法 #牛津 #牛津大學出版社 #OxfordUniversityPress #OUPHK

  • jog英文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-14 14:57:36
    有 273 人按讚


    常常有學生問我要怎樣寫英文時,用字可以精準、漂亮一點。今天想以台灣學習者的角度,給大家 2 個方向參考。

    ✔︎ 方法一:努力指數很多,但值得長期投資

    用字想要精準,那就要確實地掌握好各個字是在「什麼樣的上下文」中下面做使用。而要知道在怎樣的上下文中使用,則要有查閱英英字典的習慣(很多人已經想放棄了 lol),因為英英字典在給英文定義時, 很多時候後面會有一個小括弧,解釋該字應該用在怎樣的狀況下使用。

    ➠ 舉例:假如你想要寫, 「這個文章錯誤百出」,那麼第一秒你可能想到:

    The article is full of errors. / The article is filled with errors. (程度:高中英文)

    但我們連中文「充滿」學完,都會學有負面意味的「充斥著」了,英文也可以繼續升級吧? 在英文裡如果想使用「充斥著」,可以考慮使用 be riddled with sth。

    劍橋字典定義說:If a plan or system, etc. is riddled with bad features, such as mistakes, it is full of them.

    因此可以改用 The article is riddled with errors. 就是很漂亮、很到位,但有不會被說亂曬大字的用法了。

    ✔︎ 方法二:努力指數不多,立即見效
    即便是英語母語人士在寫作的時候,第一個想起的動詞通常是偏口語、高頻的。像是 have, has, do, does, get, make, take... 這種「弱弱的動詞」。這時可以考慮在

    ➠ 例如:
    “have“ the same difficulty 調成 experience
    "have" a deeper understanding of 調成 gain
    "get" a driver's license 調成 obtain
    "get" a sense of achievement 調成 derive
    "do" an analysis 調成 conduct
    "do" an investigation 調成 pursue

    我覺得大家可以將像右邊的改寫版中使用的動詞群練熟、使用的搭配也查好,因為像是 gain, experience, obtain, derive, conduct, pursue 都是還算高頻,但又可以用在學術寫作或簡報上使用的字。其他相似字還有 perform、undertake 等。

    ⚑ 講到強動詞,很多英文老師講的強動詞會是表達「動作」的強動詞。例如,會建議大家不要用 run (跑),要用 sprint (短距離衝刺)、jog (慢跑)。 不要用 walk (走),要用 slink (潛行)、trot (小跑)


    我在 10/16 (三) 的晚上有一場「英文學術寫作」的公開課,會更完整地講述學術寫作學習的各個面向,歡迎來參加喔!


    地點: 創勝文教台北總部 (台北市朱崙街60號2F) MRT 南京復興站
    時間: 10/16 (三) 7:30-9:00 pm (7:00 開放進場)

    (程度建議:多益超過 500 分、有學習學術寫作需求者、有議論文寫作需求者、托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT 寫作分數上不去者)

  • jog英文 在 Angela Charlotte Cheng Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-01-21 20:00:12

    社群網站 Say Hi:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelacharlottecheng/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelacharlottecheng/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/angelacheng1993

    if that
    life-threatening off the record stuff that
    tough things
    enough though drive-through
    give thanks
    have thoroughly

    [ UH vs AH ]
    bug – bog
    cub – cob
    bum – bomb
    buddy – body
    done –Don
    duck – dock
    got – gut
    hog – hug
    hot – hut
    hobby – hubby
    collar – color
    jog – jug
    luck – lock
    Ron – run
    pup – pop
    sock – suck
    putt – pot
    shot – shut

    Sliding Speech Practice

    1. I’ll call you later tonight.

    2. Nice to finally meet you.

    3. What time do you think you’ll get there?


  • jog英文 在 JR Lee Radio Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-04 22:35:41

    關鍵少數Hidden Figures主題曲 - Pharrell的 ' Runnin' '



    Summertime in Virginia was a oven
    All the kids eating ice cream with their cousins
    I was studyin' while you was playing the dozens (dozens)
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't

    Runnin' from the man (man) runnin' from the badge (badge)
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't
    Runnin' toward our plans (plans) and the judges hands (hands)
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't

    I know they say you crawl for your own
    But in my mind I already jog
    If I stand still I cannot get far
    They want the Moon, I'm on Mars

    Sometime my mind dives deep
    When I'm runnin'
    I don't want no free ride
    I'm just sick and tired of runnin'
    Some nights I cry
    Cause I can see the day comin'
    Together we fight
    Oh, but no more runnin'

    You and I are not different from each other
    Shut our eyes, when we slumber I see numbers
    Black and white, we're computers, I am colored
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't

    From runnin' to exams (exams) to jobs for a man (man)
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't
    In the law of the land (land) the women were often banned (banned)
    Don't act like you was there when you wasn't

    I know they say you crawl for your own
    But in my mind I already jog
    If I stand still I cannot get far
    They want the Moon, I'm on Mars

    Sometime my mind dives deep
    When I'm runnin'
    I don't want no free ride
    I'm just sick and tired of runnin'
    Some nights I cry
    Cause I can see the day comin'
    Together we fight
    Oh, but no more runnin'

    I know they say you crawl for your own
    But in my mind I already jog
    If I stand still I cannot get far
    They want the Moon, I'm on Mars

    Sometime my mind dives deep
    When I'm runnin'
    I don't want no free ride
    I'm just sick and tired of runnin'
    Some nights I cry
    Cause I can see the day comin'
    Together we fight
    Oh, but no more runnin'