

在 jail英文產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare? On a cold evening last month, a Chinese man was walking home near Manhattan...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,想要說一口好英文嗎?你需要訂閱賓狗的嘖嘖計畫!https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 你聽得懂的全英文 news podcast · 為你把複雜的文法,變得簡單好入口 · 讓你的英文發音更漂亮 1【teapot 茶壺】— 名詞 South...

jail英文 在 摳媽與摳比 育兒生活x美妝美食x親子旅遊 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 13:40:52

誰的Line裡沒有它! ——🐈白爛貓療摳比·順便學英文—— 摳媽喜歡走出教室學語言ABC 利用玩的生活方式跟摳比說英文 玩記單字與簡易聊天 自己也能順便複習、練習捲舌頭👅 (身體力行、善用環境、不需大把學費) 位於藝術天堂松菸「松山文創園區」 由作者麻糬爸設計 各個辦公地點主題 有電影院mov...

jail英文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-02 08:37:06

According to me? 梗係唔係啦! [#commonmistakes🌋 ] According to,中文係根據,指既係一種客觀既依據。 所以 we don't give our own opinions with according to, 要講個人睇法,我地就唔會用 accordi...

jail英文 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-10 00:29:34

/ April 10, 2019 Celebrity to Plead Guilty to College Admission Scandal Charges . Summary: All parents hope their children to fare well, but are dis...

  • jail英文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-25 23:16:06
    有 2 人按讚

    Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare?

    On a cold evening last month, a Chinese man was walking home near Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood when a stranger suddenly ran up behind him and plunged ( ) a knife into his back.

    For many Asian-Americans, the stabbing ( ) was horrifying, but not surprising. It was widely seen as just the latest example of racially targeted violence against Asians during the pandemic.

    But the perpetrator ( ), a 23-year-old man from Yemen, had not said a word to the victim before the attack, investigators ( ) said. Prosecutors ( ) determined they lacked enough evidence to prove a racist ( ) motive ( ). The attacker was charged with attempted murder, but not as a hate crime ( ).

    The announcement outraged ( ) Asian-American leaders in New York City. Many of them protested ( ) outside the Manhattan district attorney’s office, demanding that the stabbing be prosecuted as a hate crime. They were tired of what they saw as racist assaults being overlooked ( ) by the authorities ( ).

    The rally ( ) reflected the tortured ( ) public conversation over how to confront ( ) a rise in reports of violence against Asian-Americans, who have felt increasingly vulnerable ( ) with each new attack. Many incidents have either not led to arrests or have not been charged as hate crimes, making it difficult to capture with reliable data the extent to which Asian-Americans are being targeted.

    That frustration erupted on a national scale ( ) this week after Robert Aaron Long, a white man, was charged with fatally shooting eight people, including six women of Asian descent ( ), at spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday night.

    Other incidents that clearly seemed racially motivated have not resulted in arrests. The police are still searching for a man who called an Asian-American mother the “Chinese virus” and spat ( ) at her child in Queens last week.

    In New York State, to charge ( ) such attacks as hate crimes, prosecutors would need to show that the victims were targeted because of their race.

    But proving a racist motive can be particularly difficult with attacks against Asians, experts say. There is no widely recognized symbol of anti-Asian hate comparable to a noose ( ) or a swastika ( ). Historically, many Asian crime victims around the country were small-business owners who were robbed, complicating ( ) the question of motive.

    Under New York State law, certain offenses can be upgraded to hate crimes, increasing the potential prison sentence ( ). As evidence, prosecutors often point to hateful verbal statements or social media posts by the defendant ( ).

    In the past month alone, several assaults ( ) on Asian victims have been reported to the police, including an attack on an older woman who was pushed outside a bakery in Queens. None of the incidents has been charged as a hate crime.

    In fact, the only person who has been prosecuted for an anti-Asian hate crime in New York City this year is Taiwanese. He was accused of writing anti-Chinese graffiti outside several businesses in Queens.

    Wayne Ho, president of the Chinese-American Planning Council, a social services agency, said many of his Asian colleagues were verbally harassed ( ) during the pandemic but chose not to alert law enforcement because they worried the perpetrators, who were often people of color, could be mistreated ( ) by the police.

    “I asked myself, do I want this person in jail?” said Alice Wong, one of Mr. Ho’s colleagues. “Just because you put someone in jail doesn’t make them not hate anyone anymore.”

    Recognizing ( ) this challenge, some law enforcement officials have called for people who commit hate crimes to attend antiracism classes as an alternative ( ) to prison.







    在白人男子羅伯特•亞倫•朗(Robert Aaron Long)被控週二晚在亞特蘭大地區的水療中心開槍打死八人(其中包括六名亞裔女性)後,這種不滿情緒本週在全國範圍內爆發。







    社會服務機構華裔美國人規劃委員會(Chinese-American Planning Council)主席韋恩•何(Wayne Ho)表示,他的許多亞裔同事在疫情大流行期間受到了口頭騷擾,但他們選擇不向執法部門報告,因為他們擔心騷擾者(通常是有色人種)可能會受到警方的虐待。

    「我問自己,我想讓這個人進監獄嗎?」韋恩•何的同事愛麗絲•黃(Alice Wong)說。「把一個人關進監獄並不會讓他們不再憎恨任何人。」


    #高雄人 #學習英文 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • jail英文 在 雙娜新樂園 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-09 12:23:45
    有 20 人按讚




    第一堂課:What is the difference between a rule and a law?

    👉Rules vs. Laws

    While many differences exist between rules and laws, the biggest is the CONSEQUENCE.

    ✍🏻RULES are a set of instructions to help people live and work together. Certain rules can be established at home, school, or the workplace, and often vary depending on the person creating the rule or the conditions and circumstances. For example, two families, Family A and Family B could have the same rule that homework must be finished before their children can watch TV. However, if this rule is broken in Family A, the children lose TV privileges for a week, but if the rule is broken in Family B the children don’t receive their weekly allowance and have to do an extra hour of chores. Because rules are personal in nature, the makers of rules can be flexible in establishing the consequences for breaking them. As in the above example, the same behavior can lead to different consequences depending on the situation and the people involved.

    ✍🏻LAW is a set of legal rules designed to help keep order, protect property, and keep people safe. Laws are created and established by the government and hold everyone to the same standard. Unlike rules, in most cases, the consequences for breaking a law are pre-determined and do not vary based on the conditions or circumstances. The consequence for breaking a law can be a criminal conviction, penalties such as paying a fine, community service, or jail time. Also, when you break the law and are convicted, the government creates documentation of this conviction in the form of a “record” that is kept public and allows people and institutions such as employers, banks, colleges, and the armed forces to view your record at any time.

  • jail英文 在 德州媽媽沒有崩潰 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-24 16:18:23
    有 3,561 人按讚

    影片為 某周末早上偷偷跑回房打算睡回籠覺,

    "You're going to jail."

  • jail英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-31 12:00:11

    · 你聽得懂的全英文 news podcast
    · 為你把複雜的文法,變得簡單好入口
    · 讓你的英文發音更漂亮

    1【teapot 茶壺】— 名詞
    South Africa has warned restaurants not to hide alcohol in teapots.

    2 【die of 因某原因而去世】— 動詞片語
    A renowned Chinese pianist died of Covid-19.

    3【jail 監禁】- 動詞
    China jails 10 Hong Kong activists for an illegal border crossing.

    4【speak out 勇敢發聲】— 動詞片語(通常可能有風險甚至危險)
    Demonstrators in Belarus are speaking out in new and creative ways.

    https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-55475917 EP90、128 也有提到白羅斯喔

    5【join forces 攜手合作】— 動詞片語
    A Japanese company and Kyoto University have joined forces to develop the world's first wooden satellites.

    1)teapot 茶壺
    2)die of 因某原因而去世
    3)jail 監禁
    4)speak out 公開表達意見
    5)join forces 攜手合作


  • jail英文 在 HistoryBro Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-05 00:57:19

    https://reurl.cc/b6gn4d 立刻加入歷史哥會員

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  • jail英文 在 雨城時刻 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-27 21:24:09

    甚至能殺死一個人 ...
    RCM激進主義 - Killing Letters
    編曲:RCM 激進主義
    Sick of my killing letters
    Tear down your faith and voice
    Bleed from your heart and brain
    Girl why you can't against me
    Destroy all the future
    And break down your angel face
    She's falling down again
    Erase all the story
    My garden is your prison
    Like a demon devour your life
    Had I made you hurt? I am feeling sorry
    我傷害你了嗎? 我感到愧疚
    but nothing can be change
    Had I made you lost? I’d kill you again
    我讓你迷失了嗎? 我將再殺了妳
    and over again
    I lose all of you in the end far away from the jail
    到了最後 我失去你 也逃離監獄的枷鎖

