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雖然這篇isd disc鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在isd disc這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 isd產品中有40篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 20 years ago today, the horrific terror attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City changed the world forever. The danger to us was nearer th...


isd 在 Debbie Lo✨ 羅頌欣 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-16 11:00:43

🎖奧運是最頂級體育舞台,爭取最高榮耀是運動員的目標 🥇🥈🥈🥉🥉🥉 港隊在今屆奧運一共收穫【1金2銀3銅】6面獎牌,創下有史以來最好的成績,真的令人十分鼓舞🥳👏🏻👏🏻 我感謝受邀請參與 #時裝展,穿起今屆以「#奥運進場服 (中國香港)」作主題的男、女運動員設計服飾,活力動感地呈現在觀眾眼前🏃‍♀️...

  • isd 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-11 09:30:34
    有 3,380 人按讚

    20 years ago today, the horrific terror attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City changed the world forever.

    The danger to us was nearer than we imagined. We discovered among us a terrorist group that was planning similar attacks on multiple targets here. Fortunately ISD acted in time to prevent this, and subsequent attacks.

    The greater threat for multi-racial and multi-religious Singapore was not physical, but whether this would damage our social cohesion. We drew on the trust built up over many years among our different communities and with the Government. Working together, we overcame powerful forces unleashed by the extremist attacks that could have pulled us apart.

    The fight against terrorism is far from over. Digital media has allowed extremist ideologies to spread and poison minds. At the same time, our racial harmony is still work in progress. On the 20th anniversary of 9/11, let us resolve to fortify ourselves so that should we ever face another such test one day, we will come through again, stronger, as one united people.

    You can read my full commentary (in four languages) here:
    English: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11
    Malay: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-ml
    Chinese: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-cl
    Tamil: go.gov.sg/20th-anniversary-9-11-tl

    – LHL

  • isd 在 Debbie Lo 羅頌欣 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-16 17:07:20
    有 61 人按讚

    🎖#奧運 是最頂級體育舞台,爭取最高榮耀是運動員的目標

    我感謝受邀請參與 #時裝展,穿起今屆以「#奥運進場服 (中國香港)」作主題的男、女運動員設計服飾,活力動感地呈現在觀眾眼前🏃‍♀️🏃



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  • isd 在 陳奕齊 - 新一 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-08 14:20:56
    有 1,574 人按讚

    😱 中共才被揭露「以夷制夷」要用在地直播網紅來作為「中共大外宣本土化」,這枚德國🇩🇪網紅直播主的中共大外宣就被挖出來。真是可怕的中共垃圾👎👎👎

    📌 新聞內文:「德國《世界報》上月中刊登一篇題為《中國的秘密宣傳員》的長篇報導,其中就提到海雯娜的案例,該報委託英國戰略對話研究所(ISD)對海雯娜的推特帳號進行分析,發現在去年8月至今年4月粉絲數量出現「跳躍式增長」,其中很多帳號都是新創的,另外,很多她的粉絲會針對性轉發親中推文,甚至還有「人」數天內將同一篇推文轉發了數千次之多。」

    🤔 那台灣有多少網紅直播主,是中共捧出來的大外宣呢⁉️ 草包韓國魚,一開始網路上聲量突然竄起,其實也是中共假帳號網軍的炒作有關吧⁉️ 這樣看來,台灣第一位中共大外宣網紅應該是韓草包吧😂😂😂
