作者saucy (Elevator)
標題[字辨] won't 跟will not的差別?
時間Tue Dec 9 21:24:26 2014
有查到won't = will not
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1418131469.A.015.html
→ kee32: will 和 won't有三態變化? 12/09 21:54
→ kaifrankwind: will, won't : 過去式 would, wouldn't 12/09 22:07
→ innightmare: will not的縮寫就won't 這跟三態變化有何關係? 12/09 22:10
推 priv: 好怪的問法 12/09 22:50
→ dunchee: 我大概看懂你的意思。是的,"won't"就只是will not的縮寫 12/10 02:23
→ dunchee: ,不像wouldn't那樣保留了would字樣,或是don't, 保留了 12/10 02:23
→ dunchee: do字樣,或是do的過去式否定縮寫didn't,保留了do過去式 12/10 02:24
→ dunchee: did字樣.... 12/10 02:24
→ dunchee: 你就把它當成特例來看。英文裡頭很多這樣子的情況。這沒 12/10 02:24
→ dunchee: 辦法,因為英文的"來源"很雜,所以你往往無法找出一個"單 12/10 02:24
→ dunchee: 一全部通用的公式"來背/來套 12/10 02:25
推 leoblack: 我以為是willn't唸起來很像williamt~所以創個won't 12/10 15:40
推 priv: 因為以前的英文寫成 wollnot,縮寫為 wo'n't 12/10 16:47
→ priv: 這太深究沒意義除非你學語言的 12/10 16:48
推 leoblack: 推樓上專業~知道由來也是個不錯的冷知識 12/10 17:21
→ skyflyer03: Will comes from the Old English/ Anglo-Saxon word 12/12 10:32
→ skyflyer03: wyllan, which came from Dutch willen and German 12/12 10:33
→ skyflyer03: wollen. Some English people used to use 12/12 10:35
→ skyflyer03: will /will not and some used woll /woll not 12/12 10:35
→ skyflyer03: depending on their region and dialect. 12/12 10:36