

在 is車長產品中有29篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅狂人日誌:MadVnz,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Back to the future] V型引擎我做大的:Cadillac Sixteen #阿B博: 說到美式精神,除了Muscle Car以外不可或缺的一定是那驚為天人的排氣量,而美國人不只把這精神體現在量產車上,甚至在追求低碳排放的未來概念也不可少了這味,所以在2003年 Cadillac...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過192的網紅FPC Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The city low white noise in residential area contains wind sound and train sound. This place is the east exit of Tokyo Kitasenju station. It was recor...

is車長 在 林凱鈞 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-26 09:44:05

【凱鈞話趨勢-防疫專題】防疫啟動自駕當道!精選三大功能級距的13款高性能實用車款,都會悠遊、商務尊榮、舒適休旅一應俱全,安全出行,抑疫非凡! 全台疫情警戒持續升級,減少不必要的外出活動,是防疫的明智之舉。但若遇出行必要時,為降低群聚感染風險,能避免搭乘大眾交通工具,也成為當前聚焦的防疫要點!順應防...

  • is車長 在 狂人日誌:MadVnz Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-23 20:00:39
    有 367 人按讚

    [Back to the future] V型引擎我做大的:Cadillac Sixteen

    說到美式精神,除了Muscle Car以外不可或缺的一定是那驚為天人的排氣量,而美國人不只把這精神體現在量產車上,甚至在追求低碳排放的未來概念也不可少了這味,所以在2003年

    財大氣粗正是美國詮釋豪華車的一種體現,相較於英國Rolls Royce那種彬彬有禮恰到好處的奢華,Sixteen在各方面都表現出“Size is matter”的精神,車長5672mm,車重更是來到2.2噸,輪圈用上24吋,馬力據信更是來到了1000bhp。也許你會認為這是一輛迫害環境友善的殺手,但早在2003年,Cadillac就想到了減碳的應對方式,也就是現在多數車種都會使用的“汽缸歇止”技術,Sixteen可在必要的時候將8個汽缸甚至是12個汽缸停止運轉,進而達成低碳且省油的目的,據信Sixteen的油耗表現更是有著7km/L的表現...等等,你說這樣很差?4輛Altis疊在一起都不一定有這等油耗表現吧!

    不過內裝倒是沒有美國車以往粗糙廉價的感受,皮革、木材、金屬...等各種材質的組合,加上方向盤中水晶雕刻而成的標誌,與中控上方的寶格麗時鐘,各處盡顯這是一輛奢華卻不失格調的Luxury Saloon。




  • is車長 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-03 20:45:43
    有 479 人按讚

    📰 Update: Reported death toll in Taiwan train derailment is 50

    🀄 報導更新: 台灣火車出軌造成50人死亡

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The death toll in the train derailment near a tunnel in Hualien County was given as 50 after the last passengers trapped inside were rescued, the Taiwan Railways Administration said Friday (April 2) evening.

    📌 台灣鐵路局週五 (4月2日) 晚表示,在救出被困在車裡的最後一名乘客後,花蓮縣火車隧道脫軌造成的死亡人數為50人。

    On the first day of the Tomb Sweeping Holiday, more than 450 passengers had taken the Taroko Express train from Shulin, New Taipei City, with Taitung as its destination.

    📌 清明節假期的第一天,有450多名乘客從新北市樹林出發乘坐太魯閣快車,目的地為台東。

    While initial reports suggested a construction vehicle hit the train as it was about to enter the Daqingshui Tunnel in Xiulin, Hualien County, at 9:28 a.m., further investigation revealed a crane truck parked on a slope above the track might have rolled down 20 meters and ended up on the tracks before the train arrived.

    📌 最初的報告顯示,一輛工程車輛將在上午9:28進入花蓮縣秀林的大青水隧道時撞上火車,但進一步調查顯示,停在鐵軌上方斜坡上的工程車可能是滾落20米,並在火車到達之前就在鐵軌上了。

    The first carriage of the train, Car No. 8, hit the vehicle before coming to a stop inside the tunnel with four other carriages. Only the last three cars were still outside the tunnel.

    📌 火車的第一個車廂,第8號車廂,在與其他四節車廂一起在隧道內停下來之前,撞上了工程車。只有最後三輛車廂在隧道外。

    The Taiwan Transportation Safety Board (TTSB, 運安會) said that either the truck’s handbrake had not been engaged or it had malfunctioned. A thorough investigation might last three months before it could produce definitive results.

    📌 台灣運輸安全委員會(TTSB,運安會) 說,這輛卡車的手剎未接合或發生了故障。可能需要三個月才能進行徹底的調查,然後才能得出確定的結果。

    Prosecutors interviewed the driver, who reportedly claimed he had switched on the emergency brake and even put a rock behind the wheels to prevent the vehicle from moving. Under normal circumstances, no outside vehicle should be able to move onto the tracks, the TTSB said, suggesting a fence should have been erected between the track and the construction site above the railway line.

    📌 檢察官會見了這位司機,據報導,這位司機聲稱他已經啟動了緊急煞車,甚至在車輪後方放了一塊石頭,以防止車輛行駛。 TTSB說,在正常情況下,任何外部車輛都不能在鐵軌上行駛,這表明在鐵軌和鐵路線以上的建築工地之間應該建立起圍欄。

    According to a Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) map, most of the fatalities were found in the two first carriages. A total of 146 people were injured, many of them transferred for treatment to several hospitals in the region or receiving first aid at nearby Chongde Railway Station.

    📌 根據台灣鐵道局 (TRA) 的地圖,大多數死亡事件是在兩個頭車廂中發現的。共有146人受傷,其中許多人被轉移到該地區的多家醫院進行治療或在附近的崇德火車站接受急救。

    Both the train conductor and his assistant, aged 33 and 32 respectively, died in the crash, while the youngest victim was a six-year-old girl, reports said. One French national was also believed to be among the victims, while the injured included visitors from Japan and Australia, cable station TVBS reported.

    📌 報導說,列車長和他的助手分別在33歲和32歲時死於車禍,而最小的受害者是一個6歲的女孩。據有線電視台TVBS報導,據信一名法國公民也是受害者,而受傷人員包括來自日本和澳大利亞的遊客。

    Survivors told reporters how power had cut out, and they had to find their way by using the light from their phones. Eye witnesses said many passengers had become trapped under the train seats.

    📌 倖存者告訴記者,電源是如何切斷的,他們不得不通過使用手機上的燈找到路。目擊者稱,許多乘客被困在火車座位下。

    The government set up a special emergency center, while asking traffic to avoid the highways leading to the scene of the crash in order to allow ambulances quicker access. Friday’s crash was described as the deadliest rail accident in Taiwan for the past 40 years, CNA reported.

    📌 政府建立了一個特殊的緊急中心,同時要求交通避開通往撞擊現場的高速公路,以允許救護車更快進入。 CNA報導,週五的撞車事故被描述為過去40年來台灣最致命的鐵路事故。

    🙏 Life is full of uncertainty. May the departed souls rest in peace;
    May the living be safe. It is time for solidarity as the nation grieves.

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/Gdl76y

  • is車長 在 蘋果即時新聞 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-18 11:32:27
    有 457 人按讚

    This is TAIWAN OK?
    《外籍女拒戴口罩「因為會咳嗽」 台鐵拒載!她被勸大爆走 比中指罵髒話》
    #爆廢公社 #口罩 #台鐵

  • is車長 在 FPC Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-07 23:07:03

    The city low white noise in residential area contains wind sound and train sound. This place is the east exit of Tokyo Kitasenju station. It was recorded on roof.

    The length is 25 minutes for Pomodoro Technique. You can use it on study or work. It's funny that there is a broadcast in the middle. You can hear the city sound.


  • is車長 在 FPC Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-05 18:35:11

    The city low white noise in residential area contains wind sound and train sound. This place is the east exit of Tokyo Kitasenju station. It was recorded on roof.

    The length is 25 minutes for Pomodoro Technique. You can use it on study or work. It's funny that there is a broadcast in the middle. You can hear the city sound.


  • is車長 在 7Car小七車觀點 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-16 15:05:21

    ●取消 2.0T 汽油渦輪動力,僅提供 2.5L 油電系統●外觀悉數重新設計,除了 A 柱保留原有設計之外,全車鈑件都經過重新塑造。(車寬/車長/鋁圈加大)●車頭新型紡錘型水箱護罩設計(高度降低)●LED 日行燈整合於 LED 頭燈內,頭燈造型也較舊款更為犀利;尾燈導入 L-shaped 貫穿設計●鋁圈全面升級 1 吋,豪華版為18 吋、F SPORT 為19 吋●內裝兩側導入圓形出風口設計●導入全新 8 吋觸控螢幕,位置前移更就手,並支援 Android Auto & Apple CarPlay 手機連結功能。●F Sport 車型導入 AVS 可變阻尼系統,可針對駕駛模式不同調整阻尼軟硬●全面搭載 Lexus Safety System + 2.0 系統,提供 LDA 車道偏離警示系統、PCS 預警式防護系統附自動煞車輔助(新增偵測前方右轉或左轉行人、緊急轉向輔助)、AHB 智慧型遠光燈自動切換系統、DRCC 全速域雷達感應式車距維持定速以及 LTA 車道追蹤系統。



    記得訂閱追蹤YouTube唷 》》》
    7Car →https://reurl.cc/pdQL7d
    7Car新聞頻道 →https://reurl.cc/MvnRrm
    台灣車文庫 →https://reurl.cc/ar61QQ

