

在 iphone郵件一次刪除產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過39萬的網紅iPhone 瘋先生,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 經常用iPhone內建的郵件收發Email嗎?最後總是會出現一串從我的iPhone傳送文字,那要怎麼刪除或修改呢?透過這方法即可...

iphone郵件一次刪除 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-07-02 20:15:09

立即Follow @businessfocus.io 【蘋果WWDC】蘋果WWDC 2020發佈會網上舉行,iOS 14正式發佈主介面支援Widget! . 受新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響,今年的蘋果全球開發者大會(WWDC 2020)以全新形式在網上舉行,日期定於6月22日,並且會透過 A...

  • iphone郵件一次刪除 在 iPhone 瘋先生 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-31 21:29:03
    有 152 人按讚


  • iphone郵件一次刪除 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-27 19:22:42
    有 318 人按讚

    破千名學員加入!最後優惠倒數 ► https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH


    TikTok Is No Free App
    Everyone I know uses TikTok. Especially during the pandemic, the video-sharing app has provided free entertainment for millions of teenagers. But serious ethical and privacy issues remain. ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, is based in Beijing and subject to Chinese laws that require companies to work with government intelligence agencies if asked. There can be no guarantee that your private information won’t be shared with the Chinese government.
    1. TikTok 抖音(中國公司開發的軟體)
    2. pandemic 全球大流行疫情
    3. ethical and privacy issues 道德與隱私問題
    4. sth’s parent company ……的母公司
    5. be based in 將某地設為總部;以某處為主要地點
    6. subject to 使服從;使隸屬;使遭受
    7. government intelligence agencies 政府情報機構
    Furthermore, TikTok censors unflattering information about China. The company says it has updated its moderation guidelines, which no longer reference specific countries and incidents, but whatever the official wording, the intent is clear. Using TikTok means acceding to this suppression of free speech and violation of our privacy. It might be fun to sing and dance with your friends, but don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s free.
    8. censor unflattering information 審查不符上意的資訊
    9. update its moderation guidelines 更新它的審查準則
    10. no longer 不再
    11. reference specific countries and incidents 提及具體的國家與事件
    12. official wording 官方的措辭
    13. the intent is clear 該意圖是明確的
    14. accede to 答應;同意
    15. the suppression of free speech 言論自由的壓迫
    16. make the mistake of 犯下⋯⋯的錯誤

    —John, Brown University, neuroscience

    Less Hype, More Fun

    When it comes to privacy, TikTok worries me no more than U.S. social-media apps do. Mobile apps live in what technologists call a “sandbox.” Unlike apps on your computer, which have access to the whole machine, mobile apps can only view a limited portion of your data—the parts to which users give it access, such as your contacts. Sometimes they exceed the user agreements in certain limited ways, but deleting TikTok out of anxiety that the Chinese are reading your private text messages is irrational.
    17. when it comes to… 當提及⋯⋯
    18. no more than 最多;不超過;僅僅*
    19. social-media apps 社群媒體應用程式
    20. sandbox 沙盒
    21. have access to 可以進入⋯⋯
    22. a limited portion of ⋯⋯的一小部分
    23. exceed the user agreements 超越用戶協議
    24. out of anxiety 出於焦慮
    25. irrational 不合理的;沒有理性的
    —Reed, University of Texas, finance

    *no more than: https://bit.ly/2OXMbSK, https://bit.ly/3g71mVA

    The Real Problem
    Privacy should be a concern, and it’s good to hear the federal government is at least looking into it. But the bigger issue with TikTok is the drain on productivity. If Instagram is caffeine, addictive but with a clear purpose, TikTok is cocaine. I have in mind friends of mine who rot their brains watching TikTok videos for hours at a time—all while on “five-minute study breaks.”
    26. it’s good to hear 很高興聽到……
    27. the federal government 聯邦政府
    28. looking into sth 調查;研究
    29. the drain on productivity 生產力耗盡
    30. caffeine 咖啡因
    31. addictive 使人上癮的
    32. cocaine 古柯鹼
    33. have sth in mind 想好;慮及
    34. five-minute study breaks 讀書時的五分鐘休息時間
    —Sam, Columbia University, financial economics
    Join the Club

    TikTok’s connection to China doesn’t concern me—almost every other social-media platform has equally difficult privacy concerns. Facebook is paying a $5 billion fine to the Federal Trade Commission for violating user privacy. Google keeps every search a user makes, and many Google services on Android devices and iPhones track the user’s location. I’ve no doubt that my iPhone, which was made largely in China and contains all my banking information, emails, text messages and more, gives Apple a frightening amount of information about me.
    35. connection to 與⋯⋯的關係
    36. privacy concerns 隱私顧慮
    37. pay a fine 繳交罰金
    38. violate user privacy 違反用戶隱私
    39. track the user’s location 追蹤用戶的位置
    40. have no doubt 毫無疑問
    41. be made in china 是中國製造
    42. banking information 銀行資訊
    43. a frightening amount of information 數量驚人的資訊
    —Andrew, Georgetown University, government


    事實查核: https://bit.ly/30PaeZE

    tick sb off: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/tick-off

  • iphone郵件一次刪除 在 雲爸的3c學園 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-25 02:00:12
    有 43 人按讚


    iOS 13.4 推出了新的 Memoji 貼圖以及「檔案」App 的「iCloud 雲碟」檔案夾共享。此更新項目也包含錯誤修正和改進內容。
    九種新的 Memoji 貼圖,包含「有著愛心的微笑表情」、「拜託的手勢」以及「開趴的表情」
    從「檔案」App 進行「iCloud 雲碟」檔案夾共享
    在您設定了 S/MIME 時,回信時會將已加密的電子郵件自動加密
    具備 Apple Arcade 的 App Store
    支援「通用購買」,單次購買參與的 App 即可跨平台在 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad、Mac 和 Apple TV 中使用
    最近玩過的 Arcade 遊戲會顯示在 Arcade 標籤頁中,以便您在 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad、Mac 和 Apple TV 上繼續遊玩
    第三方導航 App 支援 CarPlay 儀表板
    來電資訊會顯示在 CarPlay 儀表板上
    「AR 快速查看」支援 USDZ 檔案中的音訊播放
    當 VPN 在配備全螢幕顯示器的 iPhone 機型上中斷連線時,在螢幕上加入了狀態列指示器
    解決了若 iMessage 停用時,「照片」可能無法將影像分享至「訊息」的問題
    解決了在 Safari 中同時啟動「深色模式」和「智慧型反相」時,網頁可能無法反相顯示的問題
    修正了在 Safari 中的 CAPTCHA 標題可能顯示不正確的問題
    修正了即使沒有登入,「iCloud 雲碟」似乎在 Pages、Numbers 和 Keynote 中仍可使用的問題
    解決了 Apple Music 中的音樂錄音帶可能無法以高品質連續播送的問題
    解決了 CarPlay 在部分車輛上可能中斷連線的問題
    解決了在 CarPlay 中「地圖」的顯示畫面會從目前地區短暫移開的問題
    解決了在「家庭」App 中點一下保全攝影機的活動通知時,可能會打開不同錄製項目的問題
    部分功能可能無法在所有地區或所有 Apple 裝置上使用。如需 Apple 軟體更新項目安全性內容的相關資訊,請參訪此網站: