《Der Besuch》
因爲工作關係,接觸到Antje Damm既插畫,上星期去歌德學院俾我見到圖書館有佢既書(重點係唔多字,大約係A2程度)。 書名 Der Besuch中文係探訪咁解,個內容關於一個好多不安既阿嬸,日日都自我居家隔離。 有一日有個細蚊仔唔見左紙飛機,直接入左個女人屋企玩左一日...
《Der Besuch》
因爲工作關係,接觸到Antje Damm既插畫,上星期去歌德學院俾我見到圖書館有佢既書(重點係唔多字,大約係A2程度)。 書名 Der Besuch中文係探訪咁解,個內容關於一個好多不安既阿嬸,日日都自我居家隔離。 有一日有個細蚊仔唔見左紙飛機,直接入左個女人屋企玩左一日。佢走左之後,令阿嬸個屋企由黑白變到充滿顏色。
呢本書幾得意,除左令我諗起我經常好似個細路仔係咁打搞啲內向型( Introvert )朋友外;同Hugo讀既時候,佢問我點解個細蚊仔搞到個女人屋企咁多顏色。 我同佢講因爲小朋友好活潑,帶到好多色彩俾大人,就好似佢咁每日都令我生活多左好多樂趣。
I learned about Antje Damm's work due to some related products before, and last week when I was in Goethe Institut's library, I found that they carry a book by her.
Der Besuch means The Visit, it is about a old lady who quarantined herself every day due to her anxieties. One day a little boy lost his paper plane and got into her home and brought colours to her home while doing so.
Personally I resonates the book as I am often the little boy who intrudes my introvert friends' lives. While reading with Hugo, the books can be read differently. He asked me why the woman's home got so colourful after the boy visited. I told him that kids are often very energetic and they bring colours to dull adults, like how he brings me joy and add colours to my life.
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