

在 introduced意思產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 疫情持續,但學習不能中斷。 今天與同學分享Presentality最新的寫作技巧分析。 英文寫作絕對不只是將單字句型套用在模板上就好了。 用專業的寫作方法讓你的寫作有意義! ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 最近疫情再次高升,駐台灣的Bloomberg 記者寫了一篇文章: Complacency...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過17萬的網紅Smilemiann,也在其Youtube影片中提到,窮飛龍 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kungfeilung 飛龍 IG: http://instagram.com/poordragon 娜美 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%A8%9C%E7%BE%8...

introduced意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-11 08:47:13

Trentodoc: Italian Sparkling Wine from the Mountains​ ​ Have you ever tasted a Trentodoc before? It is an Italian sparkling wine (white and rosé) made...

introduced意思 在 Daphne H.C. Shen Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-14 04:06:04

Hello everyone! How are you? The weather is so nice in London today, it makes me happy! 🥰🥰 Today I want to introduce an illustration I submitted to a...

introduced意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 00:31:44

/ March 15, 2019 US McDonald’s Selling Chinese “Youtiao”? . Summary: McDonald’s in the US has introduced a new item to its breakfast menu which, inten...

  • introduced意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-23 14:18:21
    有 282 人按讚






    最近疫情再次高升,駐台灣的Bloomberg 記者寫了一篇文章:

    Complacency Let Covid Erode Taiwan’s Only Line of Defense

    自滿讓 COVID 侵蝕了台灣唯一的防線




    📌 結構:當調查故事寫


    1. Opening line: 戲劇性開場,不要無聊
    2. Background: 然後再給簡短背景
    3. Key moment: 影響後續發展最關鍵的事件
    4. Outcome: 這個決定的後果
    5. What to do: 國際專家建議應該怎麼做
    6. But.....: 可惜,可能做不到
    7. Details: 後面的部分,再進入細節


    📌 最好的開頭 = 簡短有力、抓住注意力、又可以做結論


    All the virus had to do was get through the border.

    Until this week, Taiwan’s Covid-19 containment appeared to be so effective that virtually no other defenses were put in place: few tests, no local surveillance to pick up undetected infection and close to zero vaccination.

    Lauded as one of most successful places in the world at containment, a high level of complacency about the risks had set in among both the public and authorities. Covid-19 seemed to be something happening only in the outside world.


    All the virus had to do was get through the border.





    📌 給一點背景後,馬上提到關鍵一個決定

    記者們解釋背景的篇幅,就只有三段。他們很快就鎖定關鍵的一個 (錯誤) 決定:

    The virus’s opening was an ill-fated decision on April 15 to shorten quarantine for airline crew to just three days, as carriers struggled to operate their cargo lines with staff undergoing 14-day isolation periods. Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.

    如果他們再花 1-2 段解釋背景,文章就會變得有點無聊,會流失讀者。


    📌 Note:寫作語氣相對正式

    這幾位記者,也許是受 Bloomberg 整體風格影響,還算正式。


    The virus's opening was an ill-fated decision...

    輕鬆口語化的文章,絕對不會用 "ill-fated" (ill 就是生病/不好嘛,fate 就是命運,所以就是「之後的命運不好」的一個決定。這是一個很不錯的字就是了。


    Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.

    哇噻,尤其 "reluctant to be associated with",好。。。委婉啊


    Infected pilots carried a more transmissible U.K. variant, which then spread quickly through a network of "hostess bars". This also made contact tracing harder — because staff and customers didn't want to admit that they worked at or visited these bars.



    📌 強調嚴重性


    Taiwan reported 267 new infections Wednesday, bringing the total over the past few days to 1,291 -- a small number in global terms but an astonishing one in a place that, before May 1, had posted just 1,132 cases during the entire pandemic.

    The surge from zero to quadruple digits signals that undetected spread has been occurring for months, and concern is now growing that Taiwan will go the way of other cautionary tales, from the outbreak last year in Australia’s Victoria state that took a brutal three-month lockdown to quell, to Thailand’s ongoing surge driven by prison clusters.

    "The surge from zero to quadruple"

    這邊,寫的非常好,因為雖然不是真正的 rhyme,還是聽起來很近,所以有節奏感。

    "Go the way of other cautionary tales" 又是一個文筆很好的寫法,就是「變得跟那些拿來警惕大家的故事一樣」的意思。


    這邊他們把最壞的可能性帶進來:就是台灣可能變得跟那些 cautionary tales 一樣。


    但因為他們寫 "concern is now growing...",又沒有說「誰的 concern」,所以應該要馬上帶具有可信度的 source 進來:

    “If they have 300 diagnosed cases, they have 3,000 cases in the community -- they just don’t know it.” said Gregory Poland, a virologist and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s going to require a hard lockdown, what’s called a circuit-breaker approach, and then getting the vaccine out as quickly as they can.”

    這樣就比較有可信度了,也指出一個解決的可能性:lock down,然後疫苗。



    需要完整分析的同學請留言「看 Bloomberg學資深記者如何寫文章」。

    我們每天都在看跟英文溝通/寫作有關的東西,如果想要透過這些「閱讀筆記」跟我們一起看,可在 FB 追蹤我們:https://www.facebook.com/presentality/



    📌 看貝佐斯致亞馬遜股東的最後一封信,學一些英文寫作小撇步

    📌 英文演講實用的結構與技巧

    📌 在演講中的四種敘述角度

    📌 詩人Amanda Gorman的英文演講技巧

    📌 從 Most Dangerous Place 文章,看經濟學人寫作邏輯

    📌 寫作的終極目標是「提供價值」

  • introduced意思 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-17 15:00:14
    有 54 人按讚

    【政策簡單說】創新百百種,聽過 #跨域創新 嘸?-利基者篇📜


    🔍 #利基者(Niche Player):
    #生態系 主要參與成員,貢獻獨特的資源或能力,來共同形塑生態系的價值。


    ➡在 #第29期中小企業趨勢監測報 中以 #智慧家庭 為例,說明如何利用 #AIoT 物聯網科技 協助傳統家電家具製造商的中小企業轉型,走進 #智慧生活跨域創新生態系 ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶


    Previously on the #ECO, we introduced what an #ECO is and the ECO leader. This time, we would like to give a brief introduction to the other main participants of ECO.

    Niche players -> contribute their unique resources or abilities to co-shape the values of ECO.

    Is niche player still unfamiliar with you?

    In the APEC SME Monitor Issue 29, we use the #smart_home as an example and explain that how #AIOT technology helps traditional small and medium-sized home appliance manufacturers transform and advance into the cross-sector innovation ecosystem of smart life.

    Article download and more articles, please click here

    #跨域創新 #利基者

  • introduced意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-16 09:00:31
    有 26 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #FoodIdiom #corn


    2⃣ pee/piss in sb.’s cornflakes
    3⃣ corny
    4⃣ cornball


    Corn is a grain with a special place in the hearts of Americans. First introduced to early settlers by the Indians, it has since become a staple of the American diet, used to make everything from popcorn and muffins to corn chips and corn syrup. Naturally, corn has become part of our language as well.

    Driving though the Midwest, you’ll pass by endless fields of corn, which is eaten by animals and people alike. The adjective1⃣ “corn-fed” is used to describe animals fed or fattened with corn, i.e. “corn-fed hogs.” What about people? If you call someone corn-fed, it means they look plump, well-fed and robust. Ex: Several corn-fed Midwesterners tried out for the football team. When describing people and places, corn-fed can also mean unsophisticated and provincial. Ex: Karen grew up in a small, corn-fed Kansas town.
    只要開車經過美國中西部,你一定會路過一望無際的玉米田,這是種植給動物與人類吃的。形容詞corn-fed就是用來形容以玉米餵食或增肥的動物,如corn-fed hogs(玉米豬)。那人呢?如果你說某人是corn-fed,其實是說這人看起來豐潤、吃得很好、容光煥發,如:Several corn-fed Midwesterners tried out for the football team.(好幾位厚實健壯的中西部人前來參加美式足球隊選拔。)corn-fed如果用來敘述人或地方,也可以指「未經世事、天真的」以及「守舊狹隘的」,如:Karen grew up in a small, corn-fed Kansas town.(凱倫在堪薩斯州的一個守舊的小村落長大。)

    Cornflakes are a popular American breakfast, and if someone peed in them, you’d be pretty mad, right? 2⃣That’s exactly what “pee/piss in sb.’s cornflakes means. Ex: Gee, I wonder who peed in the manager’s cornflakes today.
    玉米片是非常受歡迎的美國式早餐,如果有人在上面撒尿,你一定會抓狂吧!這就是pee/piss in sb.’s cornflakes的意思。如:Gee, I wonder who peed in the manager’s cornflakes today.(老天,不知道今天是誰惹毛了經理。)
    Since corn is such a simple and common type of food, can you guess what the 3⃣ adjective “corny” means? If a joke, story or song is corny, it’s silly, trite or overly sentimental. Ex: Dad always tells such corny jokes. 4⃣ The adjective “cornball” has the same meaning. Ex: Martin has such a cornball sense of humor. And it can also be a noun. Ex: Martin is such a cornball.
    既然玉米是如此簡單又常見的食物,你可以猜猜看 corny 是什麼意思呢?如果有個笑話或故事是 corny 的,就是在說它們是「愚蠢、老套且濫情的」,如:Dad always tells such corny jokes.(老爸老是喜歡講這種老掉牙的笑話。)cornball 當形容詞也有一樣的意思,如:Martin has such a cornball sense of humor.(馬丁的幽默感實在有夠老掉牙。)也可以直接當名詞使用,如:Martin is such a cornball.(馬丁真是個愛講冷笑話的人。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • introduced意思 在 Smilemiann Youtube 的最佳解答

    2014-08-31 17:15:17

    窮飛龍 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kungfeilung
    飛龍 IG: http://instagram.com/poordragon
    娜美 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E5%A8%9C%E7%BE%8E/232140593606065
    Girl: Have you send the message to me
    Boy: Yes, I am
    Girl: You like me?
    Boy: Hmm……

    Girl: Have you send the message to me
    Boy: Yes, I am
    Girl: You like me?
    Boy: Hmm……

    Girl: What date is your birthday?
    Boy: 14th Sept.
    Girl: Nearly
    Girl: Maybe I give the birthday gift to you.
    Boy: Thank you!

    Girl: What date is your birthday?
    Boy: 14th Sept.
    Girl: 14th Sept.
    Boy: Will you give the birthday gift to me?
    Girl: Quinella no.9 and 14
    Girl: What weight are you?
    Boy: 150 pounds
    Girl: Total bet amount: $150
    Boy: Are you crazy?
    Girl: Thank you so much
    Girl: Give me lucky numbers for horse racing
    Girl: Sure win

    Girl: Hello
    Boy: Are you Fruit Jam?
    Girl: Yes
    Boy: My friend introduced me to watch the sci-fi movie.
    Will you watch it with me together?
    Girl: Great, I love it too but I have watched it before.
    But I can watch it again.
    Boy: Ok, see you tonight.

    Girl: Hello
    Boy: Are you Nami?
    Girl: Yes
    Boy: My friend introduced me to watch the sci-fi movie.
    Girl: Great, I like to watch the sci-fi movie too
    Boy: Maybe we watch it tonight
    Girl: But I should be so busy tonight
    For bathing, watch TV, online.
    Boy: Ok, maybe next time.
    Girl: Ok, Bye bye