在 interference定義產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【毋忘831太子站一週年】本台記者單獨採訪 期間被警方票控 (Please scroll down for English Version) 網民於本日(30日)發起旺角「毋忘831太子站一週年」活動,本台記者於朗豪坊採訪時被警方以違反「限聚令」為由票控。 約下午6時,防暴警察於朗豪坊麥當勞外...
interference定義 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的精選貼文
【毋忘831太子站一週年】本台記者單獨採訪 期間被警方票控
(Please scroll down for English Version)
本台記者當時身穿反光衣並佩戴記者證,亦正履行記者職責──記錄現場情況,理應不受限聚令規管(599G附表1豁免羣組聚集:4. 在工作地點為工作而進行的羣組聚集)。該記者亦單獨進行採訪,身邊只有另一名記者進行採訪工作,並不符合群組聚集的定義,警方並沒有合理的票控理由。
本台強烈譴責警方阻礙採訪自由。本台必須重申,當時記者正履行其職責,警方根本沒有合理理由票控記者。根據香港記者協會聲明,採訪及新聞自由均受《基本法》第 27 條、《基本法》第 39 條訂明的《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第 19(2) 條及《香港人權法案》保障。「採訪」本身是一種公民權利,並非特定資格。不論記者的身份是學生、義工或是受僱於傳媒機構,均有權進行採訪。
【One year anniversary of the 8.31 Attack at Prince Edward Station】 While reporting by himself, Campus TV's reporter was issued a penalty ticket.
Netizens called for commemorating the one year anniversary of the 8.31 Attack at Prince Edward Station today (30/8). Campus TV's reporter was issued a penalty ticket for violating the group gathering restriction by the police.
At around 6 pm, police stopped and searched several citizens outside of McDonald’s in Langham Place. While observing the scene at a distance of around 10-15 meters, Campus TV’s reporter was encircled by the police and had his ID card checked. An officer from the Police Public Relations Branch allowed and accompanied our reporter to leave after learning about his identity. Yet, our reporter was intercepted by another PPRB officer and ordered to return to the original area where a search was conducted. According to our reporter, the police did not allow reporters who were present to film or report during the interception. Our reporter was coerced to shut down his camera. In the 45 minutes of interception, our reporter had once again had his identity card checked and registered. Only after being searched was our reporter informed of violating the group gathering restriction, he was issued a penalty ticket outside of NARS in Langham Place at last.
Our reporter was wearing a reflective vest and a press card at that time. Fulfilling the duties of a reporter — reporting the scene — should under no circumstances be regulated by the group gathering restriction. (Exempted group gatherings from Schedule 1 of Cap. 599G: 4. Group gathering at a place of work for the purposes of work) Our reporter was also carrying out his work alone and only had one reporter beside him, which did not meet the definition of a group gathering. Hence, there is no justifiable reason for the police to penalize him.
Campus TV strongly condemns the police’s interference in press freedom, and hereby reiterates that our reporter was fulfilling his duties. The police therefore have no justifiable reason to penalise him. According to a statement from HKJA, the freedom of the press and media’s freedom of reporting are guaranteed by Article 7 of the Basic Law, Article 19(2) of “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” prescribed by Article 39 of the Basic Law and the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act”. News reporting in itself is a form of civil rights instead of a special qualification. Whether a reporter’s identity is a student, a volunteer, or an employee of a media organization, they have the right to report news.
interference定義 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
Oped of Joshua Wong & Glacier Kwong in Washington Post: This is the final nail in the coffin for Hong Kong’s autonomy (Scroll down for English)
Beijing has just hammered the final nail in the coffin for Hong Kong’s autonomy. The promise of “one country, two systems” is dead.
Last week, the National People’s Congress (NPC) introduced a draft decision that purports to “establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms” to “safeguard national security” in Hong Kong. Once passed, the decision will empower the NPC’s Standing Committee to entirely bypass the local legislative process in Hong Kong and implement the infamous “national security law” in the city. On paper, this law aims at prohibiting any act of secession, subversion against the central government, terrorism and foreign interference with Hong Kong affairs. It constitutes, however, a devastating blow to Hong Kong’s already fragile autonomy and civil liberties.
Back in 2003, the Hong Kong government’s forceful attempt to pass a similar piece of legislation in the local legislature was met with uproar from civil society and was aborted. The undemocratic nature of the government proved to be its Achilles’ heel.
More than 15 years later, the legitimacy of the local and central governments faced yet another major challenge amid the 2019 anti-extradition bill movement. But now, Beijing has taken advantage of the global covid-19 pandemic and initiated a series of assaults against Hong Kong’s autonomy while the international community has its hands tied by the virus. It first attempted to institutionalize the “supervisory power” of China’s Liaison Office in the city. The NPC is now further attacking “one country, two systems” by circumventing Hong Kong’s Legislative Council: It legislates by way of inserting the national security law directly to the Annex III of the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s constitution, which will later simply be promulgated by the Hong Kong government.
Three elements helped sustain the 2019 movement: street protests, local electoral institutions and international advocacy efforts. By introducing a series of legal instruments in the name of national security, Beijing wields massive discretionary power to punish protesters and electoral candidates on the one hand, and to cut off Hong Kong from the international society and its crucial support on the other.
Beijing has stepped up its propaganda efforts in Hong Kong by framing the recent protests, peaceful or otherwise, as terrorism. In the future, under the national security law, protesters might easily be subject to much more draconian legal punishments. Worse still, the law explicitly takes aim at foreign interventions “meddling in Hong Kong affairs.” Not only can activists or legislators who have participated in international advocacy efforts be barred from running in elections or even imprisoned, international nongovernmental organizations and other organizations, including their personnel and assets, can also be subject to legal persecution.
Ultimately, without a proper democratic legislative procedure, vague legal terms such as “secession” and “subversion” easily devolve into repressive tools that intrude on our fundamental freedoms and rights, including freedom of speech, assembly and religion. It is not implausible that any criticism against the Chinese or Hong Kong governments — or even demonstration of support for the Hong Kong movements — will soon be construed as a subversive act, punishable by law. This chilling effect will eventually snowball: It starts with widespread self-censorship in the city and then spills over its borders into the rest of the world.
The liberty of the city — from its role of international financial hub to the vibrancy of its civil society — has always been important to the interests of the international community. Furthermore, the promises of “one country, two systems,” “high degree of autonomy” and universal suffrage enshrined in the Basic Law are backed by the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which was recognized under international law. Top-down insertion of the national security law goes beyond a local matter in Hong Kong: It is intended to silence the will of the international community.
Historically, Hong Kong has been the safe haven for the dissident, the liberal-minded and the nonconformist; we speak truth to an increasingly powerful China. Amid the virus, China has revealed its true colors as a rogue state. And in the past year, we have been standing at the forefront against China’s encroaching authoritarianism.
We sincerely hope that the international community will not give in to the economic benefits China has to offer and sacrifice respect for human rights. The economic recession brought by the virus ought not to be resolved through succumbing to China’s encroaching authoritarianism; trade happens on equal and fair terms but not threatening and bullying. We urge the U.S. government to execute the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, impose sanctions on China and include human rights terms in relation to Hong Kong into trade treaties they are about to conclude with China.
We ask you, once again, to stand with Hong Kong.
interference定義 在 麥特教練 x 訓練與生活 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【 跑步,就等於練肌力了嗎】- Part 1
✅跑步是一種非常好的全身運動,而且也越來越流行了,但是有一件事情實在是太有趣了,就是即使是肌力很差的人,仍然可以跑完半馬甚至全馬,門診常常可以發現這樣的跑者,有些人可能連個標準的弓箭步或者深蹲都做不好,或者做不了幾個就覺得腳很酸,也常常有人標準的棒式做不了20秒鐘,但是,這些人卻能夠硬生生把全馬給跑完了,所以,人體真的是很奇妙,就算你不用大腿的力量,其實也可以跑完42公里,很神奇吧!那麼,問題是「肌力」到底在跑步運動中扮演什麼角色呢? 難道馬拉松真的靠意志力就可以了嗎? (引言來自:超越復健診所 凃俐雯醫師 文章)
Noakes認為,肌肉力量受到神經肌肉和無氧特性的交互影響(muscle power factors affected by an interaction of neuro- muscular and anaerobic characteristics) 以及跑步經濟性,對於菁英層級運動員這可能是決定運動表現的關鍵。
✅跑步效率 / 跑步經濟性(Running Economy , RE) 單位:ml O2 /kg/km :定義為在某個速度之下,身體持續運行時,每單位氧氣的吸收率。可介定為每跑1公里身體所需要的攝氧量,數值越低,反映身體使用氧氣的效率越高 (即同樣配速下需求較少氧氣/能量),相對來說更省力。
✅力量訓練的主要目的是透過增加最大強度神經肌肉刺激和肌肉增長,儘管在一些研究上顯示出肌力與耐力訓練會彼此產生干擾現象(interference effect)。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✅前半馬世界紀錄保持者 Zersenay Tadesse ,曾保持當年半馬拉松世界記錄 (58分23秒,至最近才對打破)。
他的最大攝氧量 (VO2 max): 83 ml/kg/min ,身高: 163cm,體重: 54kg,BMI: 20.3,平均每周訓練里數: 145-150公里。
✅ Zersenay Tadesse 強大的秘密,Tadese 的跑步效率異常優秀,數值為 150,遠較於參與實驗西班牙精英跑手所測出的 211 為低。因此,Tadesse 能以較低的最高攝氧量百分比(%VO2max ) 來維持同一高配速 (>19km/hr),研究人員推斷其表現,與此特徵有一定關連。
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