

在 instructed中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #完全是在對英語系教授們喊話喔 【台灣未來的英語教育要更好,新興英文老師們要一起做的事】 我常常被外文系或英語系的學生問,如果想要當一個優秀的英文老師,要做什麼準備。當然,屏除掉同理心、愛、耐心這種老師基本要素,我常常跟他們分享的是:不只要學習「教」,更要學習「學習科學」,尤其是第二語言習得科學。...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅sherrybyw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,NMNL* (No Make No Life) | http://bit.ly/2tVNoin [GIVEAWAY RULES] To enter via this YouTube video: 1. Subscribe to my channel 2. Give this video a thum...

instructed中文 在 歐陽靖 ????? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-23 20:36:24

▼ 中文在下面 ▼ 📸 PHOTO BY @rkrkrk My husband RK ( @rkrkrk ) is a Japanese fashion and travel photographer, living in Tokyo. I'm his wife Gin, seven mont...

instructed中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-05 00:00:49

: 兒子沒點菜之千張蘋果派。 拿到千張之後一直想好好玩玩這個神奇又健康的食材,蘋果派有肉桂香氣,是少數會在心頭繚撥的經典甜點,今天剛好來測試看看。 切薄片的蘋果用一點奶油下去拌炒,蘋果軟化後只撒了極少量的糖調味(小孩一早吃太甜到學校就會一直調皮興奮過動),再撒適量的肉桂粉提香(不愛肉桂者可省略)...

  • instructed中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-09-19 17:29:32
    有 841 人按讚



    例如,我常常問他們,你們覺得要給學生 feedback 嗎?他們常常點頭說要。但再問下去時,通常就回答不出來了。

    • feedback 要怎樣給比較有效呢?

    • 你確定你給 feedback 時,學生都有接受到你給的 feedback 嗎?

    • 為什麼有些 feedback 比較有效,有些沒效呢?哪些 feedback 比較有效?

    • 在口說中,給 feedback 好像會打斷學生,那這樣還要給嗎?

    這些問題,如果沒有遇到第二語言習得相關專業的教授的細心引導,大多的台灣外文系 / 英語系出來想要教英文的準老師們,都難以回答(甚至是修完教程)。

    用科學、實證研究來回答問題,而非用偏見甚多的「個人經驗」、「個人想法」來回答問題和執行教學,是每個頂尖教師應該對自己的要求 - 至少我在哥倫比亞大學求學時遇到的教授是這樣要求的。

    所以不管是英語語用力、英語恆毅力計畫、英語搭配詞、學術寫作、還是全方位口說課,全部都有一個 "theoretical framework",依照著科學已知的內容,再去做教學,學生才不會變成「白老鼠」。


    「中文腦有可能剷除嗎?feedback 應該怎麼給好?input 和 output 誰比較重要?口說的自動化如何養成?」

    這些問題的答案都在期刊論文裡面呀呀!(在 How languages are learned / Teaching by principles 這種教程生用了20年以上的教科書裡找不到喔)。

    ✔︎ 以 corrective feedback 要怎麼給為例,頂尖的學者在期刊論文中做了十足的討論。

    (以下23篇重要的論文,來自 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics 等重要期刊以及專書。本文純為臉書發文,恕無使用 APA style 呈現。若想知道作者,直接 google 應可查到)

    1. How do learners perceive interactional feedback?
    2. The effectiveness of corrective feedback in SLA: A meta-analysis
    3. Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classroom
    4. Learner uptake in communicative eel classroom
    5. Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom
    6. Reexamining the role of recasts in second language acquisition
    7. Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching
    8. Uptake in incidental focus on form in meaning-focused ESL lessons
    9. Recasts, language anxiety, modified output, and L2 learning
    10. Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar
    11. A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output
    12. Recasts and second language development
    13. Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicate classroom across instructional settings
    14. Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learner uptake
    15. Recasts in the adult English L2 classroom: Characteristics, explicitness, and effectiveness
    16. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition
    17. Feedback on corrective feedback — A cast study
    18. Corrective feedback in second language acquisition
    19. Interactional context and feedback in child ESL classroom
    20. Feedback, noticing, and instructed second language learning
    21. Negative feedback in child NS-NNS conversation
    22. Fine-turning corrective feedback
    23. The effects of corrective feedback, language aptitude, and learner attitudes on the acquisition of English articles

  • instructed中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-19 08:00:00
    有 849 人按讚



    例如,我常常問他們,你們覺得要給學生 feedback 嗎?他們常常點頭說要。但再問下去時,通常就回答不出來了。

    • feedback 要怎樣給比較有效呢?

    • 你確定你給 feedback 時,學生都有接受到你給的 feedback 嗎?

    • 為什麼有些 feedback 比較有效,有些沒效呢?哪些 feedback 比較有效?

    • 在口說中,給 feedback 好像會打斷學生,那這樣還要給嗎?

    這些問題,如果沒有遇到第二語言習得相關專業的教授的細心引導,大多的台灣外文系 / 英語系出來想要教英文的準老師們,都難以回答(甚至是修完教程)。

    用科學、實證研究來回答問題,而非用偏見甚多的「個人經驗」、「個人想法」來回答問題和執行教學,是每個頂尖教師應該對自己的要求 - 至少我在哥倫比亞大學求學時遇到的教授是這樣要求的。

    所以不管是英語語用力、英語恆毅力計畫、英語搭配詞、學術寫作、還是全方位口說課,全部都有一個 "theoretical framework",依照著科學已知的內容,再去做教學,學生才不會變成「白老鼠」。


    「中文腦有可能剷除嗎?feedback 應該怎麼給好?input 和 output 誰比較重要?口說的自動化如何養成?」

    這些問題的答案都在期刊論文裡面呀呀!(在 How languages are learned / Teaching by principles 這種教程生用了20年以上的教科書裡找不到喔)。

    ✔︎ 以 corrective feedback 要怎麼給為例,頂尖的學者在期刊論文中做了十足的討論。

    (以下23篇重要的論文,來自 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics 等重要期刊以及專書。本文純為臉書發文,恕無使用 APA style 呈現。若想知道作者,直接 google 應可查到)

    1. How do learners perceive interactional feedback?
    2. The effectiveness of corrective feedback in SLA: A meta-analysis
    3. Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classroom
    4. Learner uptake in communicative eel classroom
    5. Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom
    6. Reexamining the role of recasts in second language acquisition
    7. Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching
    8. Uptake in incidental focus on form in meaning-focused ESL lessons
    9. Recasts, language anxiety, modified output, and L2 learning
    10. Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar
    11. A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output
    12. Recasts and second language development
    13. Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicate classroom across instructional settings
    14. Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learner uptake
    15. Recasts in the adult English L2 classroom: Characteristics, explicitness, and effectiveness
    16. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition
    17. Feedback on corrective feedback — A cast study
    18. Corrective feedback in second language acquisition
    19. Interactional context and feedback in child ESL classroom
    20. Feedback, noticing, and instructed second language learning
    21. Negative feedback in child NS-NNS conversation
    22. Fine-turning corrective feedback
    23. The effects of corrective feedback, language aptitude, and learner attitudes on the acquisition of English articles

  • instructed中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-11-10 16:05:36
    有 1,243 人按讚





    「重點是,我們相信所有同胞都心懷善意——因為這種善意的推定對一個活躍而健全的民主制度而言至關重要,這是我國240年來的依據,也因此我們得以在全球各地挑戰限制促進自由,並將建國時確立的各項權利擴及全體公民。正因如此,我們取得了長足的進步。 」

    歐巴馬總統談話中文全文: http://ait.org.tw/zh/2016-election.html
    歐巴馬總統談話英文全文: https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/11/09/president-obama-speaks-results-election

    President Obama speaks to Americans on the results of last night's election:

    “I have instructed my team to follow the example that President Bush’s team set eight years ago, and work as hard as we can to make sure that this is a successful transition for the President-elect -- because we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. The peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. And over the next few months, we are going to show that to the world.”

    “…But to the young people who got into politics for the first time, and may be disappointed by the results, I just want you to know, you have to stay encouraged. Don’t get cynical. Don’t ever think you can’t make a difference. As Secretary Clinton said this morning, fighting for what is right is worth it….”

    “The path that this country has taken has never been a straight line. We zig and zag, and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and others think is moving back. And that's okay…”

    "The point, though, is, is that we all go forward, with a presumption of good faith in our fellow citizens -- because that presumption of good faith is essential to a vibrant and functioning democracy. That's how this country has moved forward for 240 years. It’s how we’ve pushed boundaries and promoted freedom around the world. That's how we've expanded the rights of our founding to reach all of our citizens. It’s how we have come this far."

    President Obama's full remarks: https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/11/09/president-obama-speaks-results-election

  • instructed中文 在 sherrybyw Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-07-01 23:36:39

    NMNL* (No Make No Life) | http://bit.ly/2tVNoin
    To enter via this YouTube video:
    1. Subscribe to my channel
    2. Give this video a thumbs up
    3. Leave a comment (in English or Chinese) telling me why you want to try Japanese beauty products.
    4. Enter as many times as you'd like and a winner will be selected randomly.

    Note: I will be giving away the June (not April) beauty box since it's the newest one. This giveaway will be on 3 platforms - YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. You can also enter my Facebook and Instagram ones here:

    Instagram | http://www.instagram.com/sherrybyw
    Facebook | http://www.facebook.com/sherrybyw

    I will announce the winner of the Youtube channel in the description box of my next video so make sure you're subscribed! ? If the winner does not email me (as instructed in the announcement) within 7 days, I will be selecting a new winner. Big thanks for NMNL for partnering with me to host this giveaway!

    Snapchat | sherrybyw

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    Sony NEX-5R
    Minolta 35, 50, and 85mm
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    [ EMAIL ]
    Regular - sherry@abrushofbeauty.com
    Business Inquiries - info@abrushofbeauty.com

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