

在 instance電腦產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【食材百科】山草藥看似樹枝其實都是寶 ⭐夏天濕度高易誘發風濕痛症 ⭐宜配搭祛濕食材 #星期四食材 舒筋活絡山草藥 不少人都經歷過筋骨痠痛,例如肩頸不適,或者常用電腦工作而患上電腦肩,坐姿不好引致腰骨痛等,很多人都覺得是小問題不值得去看醫生,叫家人幫手按摩一下,或者貼張鎮痛貼就算。中醫理論認為「肝...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅鍾日欣,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我是JC老師 電腦相關課程授課超過6000小時的一位 3ds Max 課程講師 由於實在太多同學向JC老師反映,希望可以有線上課程學習,所以就決定錄製一系列的 3ds Max 線上影片教學 而且不加密、不設限、不販售,就是純分享,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友們 如果這部 3ds Max 教學影片對你有...

instance電腦 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-03 16:13:13

【眼神會說話】眼睛不適則電力大減 ⭐長期用電腦手機要適時休息 ⭐周末到郊外拍拖多看綠色植物 #星期六放輕身心 為情人炮製養眼茶療 情侶們經常凝視彼此的雙眼,最容易發現對方眼睛有沒有異常情況,中醫理論認為「肝開竅於目」,眼睛出現不適症狀可能與肝的健康狀況有關,例如肝火旺的人眼睛泛紅且乾澀,眼白泛黃...

instance電腦 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-08-22 06:42:57

【不通則痛】慢性痛症非常普遍 ⭐痛楚持續三個月以上就屬於慢性痛症 ⭐小心預防積極治理 #星期二提升正能量 養肝腎防筋骨痛 即使未有經歷外傷,不少人偶爾也會出現筋骨痛症,例如常用電腦的人有肩頸痛,OL或者有蹻腳習慣人士易有坐骨神經痛,姿勢不正確引致腰肌勞損會有腰背痛,又或者年紀大有退化性關節炎等。...

  • instance電腦 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-15 18:36:05
    有 181 人按讚




    牛大力 — 性平,有補虛潤肺、強筋活絡的功效,有助紓緩腰肌勞損、風濕性關節炎等症狀。

    鬆筋藤 — 又名寛筋藤,性涼,有舒筋活絡、祛風止痛的作用,有助紓緩風濕痹痛、腰肌勞損、跌打損傷等症狀。

    巴戟 — 性溫,有補腎陽、強筋骨、祛風濕的功效,有助紓緩肝腎不足的筋骨痿軟、腰膝疼痛等症狀。

    伸筋草 — 性溫,有祛風散寒、除濕消腫、舒筋活血的作用,有助紓緩風寒濕痺引致的關節酸痛等症狀。

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    Herbs to soothe joints and improve blood circulation
    Many people have experienced different types of joint pain such as neck discomfort, mouse shoulder (shoulder pain caused by long hours of working in front of computer), and soreness around the waist area due to bad postures.

    They seem to think these discomforts are minor problems. Instead of going to the doctor, they would ask their family members to massage their body or use pain relief patch.

    According to the Chinese Medicine theories, the liver governs the joints, the spleen governs the muscles, and the kidneys govern the bones. Since musculoskeletal pain is closely related to the health of our internal organs, we must take good care of the liver, spleen, and kidneys to relieve the symptoms above.

    We can actually find many ‘treasures’ that can soothe the joints and improve blood circulation in Chinese Medicine halls. They are generally brownish in color and come in bars or strips, for instance, millettia root (‘niu da li’), Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’), Morinda root (‘ba ji’), and Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’). These medicinal herbs can strengthen the joints and promote blood circulation, so do consider using them to make soup.

    Millettia root (‘niu da li’) — mild in nature; can nourish and moisten the lungs, strengthen the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve muscle soreness and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’) — also known as ‘kuan jin teng’ in Mandarin, and it is cool in nature; can relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation, dispel wind from the body, and relieve rheumatic arthralgia, muscle soreness, bruises, and injuries.

    Morinda root (‘ba ji’) — warm in nature; can nourish the yang in the kidneys, strengthen the joints and bones, dispel wind-dampness from the body, and relieve the pain on joints, bones, waist, and knees that are caused by the deficiencies in the kidney and liver.

    Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’) — warm in nature; can dispel wind and cold, dispel dampness from the body, reduce edema, soothe the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve joint pain that is caused by anemofrigid-damp arthralgia (‘feng han shi bi’)

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    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱

  • instance電腦 在 iThome Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-10 09:00:02
    有 6 人按讚

    📢 【中文播出】 重點直擊 re:Invent 2020 ✨✨
    AWS 專家將以中文統整 reinvent 2020 精彩內容在線播出兩場次,只要上線參加並加 AWS 為 LINE 好友,就有機會拿到超實用電腦包!
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    場次:12/10 &12/17, 14:00-15:00

    12/10 節目內容:
    01 AWS 最新發布服務搶先看
    02 有獎徵答!加 AWS 好友拿神秘大禮
    03 盤點上周五大不可錯過演講
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  • instance電腦 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-21 15:10:39
    有 158 人按讚







    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Make an eye nourishing tea for your significant other
    Couples often look into each other’s eyes, and can easily to spot unsuual changes in them. Chinese Medicine opined that ‘the liver opens the vision of the eyes’, therefore eye discomfort might be related to liver health.

    For instance, liver with accumulated heat might cause a person’s eyes to turn red and dry, whereas the yellowing of the white of the eyes might be associated with problems of the liver.

    Excessive eye discharge might mean the body has retained too much heat; staring at the computer monitor or straining the eyes for a long period can cause the eye to itch, turn red and feel tired. Staying up late might also cause dark eye circles to develop.

    If you notice your partners’ eyes are not in a good shape, why not prepare a suitable herbal tea for him or her, and gently message the temple (‘tai yang’ acupoint), as it can help relieve the eyes, and give you a chance to show that you care.

    Tea to soothe dry eyes
    Effects: Clears heat and improves vision. Relieves dry eyes, dry throat and skin dryness caused by dryness.
    Ingredients: half golden monk fruit, 3-4 chrysanthemum
    Preparation: Mash monk fruit. Combine all ingredients into a pot with 1000ml of water and cook for 15-20 minutes.
    This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.

    Tea to soothe dark circles
    Effects: promotes blood circulation to relieve bruising, alleviates dark circles, dark complexion and lips, pimple scars.
    Ingredients: 6g red peony root, 6g peach kernel, 6g mulberry
    Preparation: : Place all ingredients into thermos and add in hot water and steep for 15-20 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-brewed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Two weeks for a treatment.
    Remarks: not suitable for pregnant and menstruating ladies

    ✔Beauty tea recommendation: Dark Circles
    Effects: Promotes blood circulation to eliminate blood stasis. Suitable for dark circles, dull complexion and lip colour and pimple marks

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #我疲憊 #我枯燥 #濕熱 #血瘀 #黑眼圈 #暗瘡

  • instance電腦 在 鍾日欣 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-11-17 15:10:08

    電腦相關課程授課超過6000小時的一位 3ds Max 課程講師
    由於實在太多同學向JC老師反映,希望可以有線上課程學習,所以就決定錄製一系列的 3ds Max 線上影片教學
    如果這部 3ds Max 教學影片對你有幫助的話,請幫我按個讚,給我點鼓勵,也多分享給需要的朋友們喔~

    Compound Objects-Loft路徑擠出成形
    ● 讓2D造型沿著指定路徑物件擠出創建3D物件
    ● 至少需要一個造型一個路徑物件
    ● Create panel / Geometry / Compound Objects / Loft
    ● Get Path:先選物件,再點Get Path選取路徑
    ● Get Shape:先選路徑,再點Get Shape選取物件
    ● Loft物件擠出後具有Instance特性,改變原物件屬性Loft物件會更著改
    ● Loft物件屬性:Path、Shape可以進入編輯
    ● Smooth:平滑

    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGqn3
    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片範例下載:http://bitly.com/2dUKF1R
    AutoCAD 2015 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGm6Y
    TQC AutoCAD 2008 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGQtB

  • instance電腦 在 鍾日欣 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-11-17 15:09:54

    電腦相關課程授課超過6000小時的一位 3ds Max 課程講師
    由於實在太多同學向JC老師反映,希望可以有線上課程學習,所以就決定錄製一系列的 3ds Max 線上影片教學
    如果這部 3ds Max 教學影片對你有幫助的話,請幫我按個讚,給我點鼓勵,也多分享給需要的朋友們喔~

    Compound Objects-Loft路徑擠出成形
    ● 讓2D造型沿著指定路徑物件擠出創建3D物件
    ● 至少需要一個造型一個路徑物件
    ● Create panel / Geometry / Compound Objects / Loft
    ● Get Path:先選物件,再點Get Path選取路徑
    ● Get Shape:先選路徑,再點Get Shape選取物件
    ● Loft物件擠出後具有Instance特性,改變原物件屬性Loft物件會更著改
    ● Loft物件屬性:Path、Shape可以進入編輯
    ● Smooth:平滑

    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGqn3
    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片範例下載:http://bitly.com/2dUKF1R
    AutoCAD 2015 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGm6Y
    TQC AutoCAD 2008 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGQtB

  • instance電腦 在 鍾日欣 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-10-20 10:38:06

    電腦相關課程授課超過6000小時的一位 3ds Max 課程講師
    由於實在太多同學向JC老師反映,希望可以有線上課程學習,所以就決定錄製一系列的 3ds Max 線上影片教學
    如果這部 3ds Max 教學影片對你有幫助的話,請幫我按個讚,給我點鼓勵,也多分享給需要的朋友們喔~

    ● Copy(複製):複製出來的物件是獨立個體,母體與子體是無關的(物件無相關)
    ● Instance(實例):複製出來的物件為雙向連結,不管是修改母體或是子體都會一起修改,(物件雙向連結)
    ● Reference(參照):複製出來的物件為單向連結,修改母體子體會跟著改,修改子體母體不會改(物件單向連結)
    ● Instance(實例)、Reference(參照)對於位向編輯是不會有影響的,如Scale、Rotate、Move…

    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGqn3
    3ds Max 2015 線上教學影片範例下載:http://bitly.com/2dUKF1R
    AutoCAD 2015 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGm6Y
    TQC AutoCAD 2008 2D 線上教學影片目錄:http://bitly.com/2dUGQtB

