

在 inspire中文產品中有54篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,410的網紅周永鴻 台中市議員,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 雖說您將離開台灣,但台灣永遠不會離開您!祝福酈英傑處長鵬程萬里! --------------- 轉載 @美國在台協會 AIT 貼文 📝酈英傑處長給台灣人民的道別信 「隨著我擔任美國在台協會處長的日子即將畫下句點,我也即將離開台灣,我想藉這個機會和大家分享,這一番歷練對我來說的意義是什麼。當我...

 同時也有27部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅ソヨン SOYOUN,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✰⋆。:゚・*☽:゚・⋆。✰⋆。:゚・*☽:゚・⋆。✰⋆。:゚・*✰⋆。 大家好,我是韓國Soyoun 希望大家會喜歡我的影片和無厘頭的笑聲。 Based in Taipei🇹🇼 I speak Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese. I have a v...

inspire中文 在 Vivien Chan Campbell Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-21 11:41:34

Peter Rabbit 2解老公思鄉之情 一家大細笑唔停! 父親節呢個廿四孝老豆都係做司機同埋同D仔睇《比得兔2:走佬日記》(Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway。中文版有男神陳豪同森美配音,所以今日都見到佢哋出現呀!我哋睇嘅英文版入面嘅Peter Rabbit由James C...

inspire中文 在 KatherineChoi蔡穎怡ⓗⓚ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-30 13:20:47

🥲🥲Even I’m elite athlete, I can’t promise that I can stop no matter anybody skate/walk towards me when I’m in the middle of a spin💔 Just like what I w...

  • inspire中文 在 周永鴻 台中市議員 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-10 09:00:32
    有 139 人按讚

    轉載 @美國在台協會 AIT 貼文

    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑
    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen
    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.
    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.
    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.
    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.
    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.
    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.
    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.
    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.
    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.
    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "
    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen
    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • inspire中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-09 14:15:22
    有 75,960 人按讚












    — 美國在台協會處長 酈英傑


    📝A Farewell Letter from AIT Director W. Brent Christensen

    "As my time as AIT Director draws to a close and I prepare to leave Taiwan, I want to take this opportunity to tell you what this experience has meant to me. It is not an exaggeration to say that this has been the honor of my life and the fulfillment of a career-long aspiration.

    The first time I left my hometown at age 19, it was to come to Taiwan. From that early age, Taiwan became synonymous for me with the ideas of exchange and understanding, exploration and adventure. Taiwan represented both disorienting foreignness and unexpected opportunity, as I tried new food – like shuijiaos and qiu doufu – and learned to navigate my way through streets crowded with bicycles and scooters. And struggled to make myself understood with my rudimentary Mandarin. But all the while discovering the kindness and generosity that welcomed me wherever I went.

    It felt appropriate for me to serve my first tour as a U.S. diplomat in the place that first sparked in me a lifelong interest in Asia – and in Taiwan in particular – and in cross-cultural understanding and shared purpose, or in other words, diplomacy. After that, my career took me to other places, but mostly still in the China region. But the memories of my experiences in Taiwan stayed with me. And finally having the opportunity to serve as the top U.S. diplomat to Taiwan was the culmination of all the years that came before. It is clear that I have a lifelong connection to Taiwan, or “yuanfen,” that has led me to return again and again.

    People often ask me why I have such a fondness for Taiwan. “Isn’t it obvious?!” I always think. But when forced to explain my affection for and professional fascination with Taiwan, I usually come back to a few themes.

    First, dynamism and constancy; progress and preservation; innovation and tradition. Every time I return to Taiwan, I am immediately struck by the many ways Taiwan has advanced as a society. Taiwan’s democracy grows more mature, its economy more prosperous, its environment more cared-for, and its arts and culture more vibrant.

    Taiwan’s industry continues to set the benchmark for global innovation in some of the most sophisticated technologies, but at the same time, Taiwan society is remarkable for its stability and cultural continuity. Taiwan’s people, despite their relative wealth and stature, continue to be modest and unassuming. Taiwan’s most ancient traditions are alive and well. Cultural and historic sites are restored and preserved. Young people may learn calligraphy techniques handed down for generations, but then share their work on Instagram.

    Second, for the United States, Taiwan exemplifies the intersection of shared interests and shared values. Our partnership is about making sure our economies are beneficiaries rather than casualties of technological development and ensuring that technological development advances rather than undermines our principles. Our shared values of freedom, diversity, equality, and transparency inspire our efforts to build the resilience of democracies around the world. And we continue to find new ways to contribute to global problem solving, both because it benefits our own peoples and because we share the belief that this is what it means to be a good neighbor in the 21st century.

    Finally, I associate Taiwan – and the broader U.S.-Taiwan relationship – with hope, promise, and growth. This friendship has expanded and flourished over the past 40 years; I believe every person who has done this job walked away knowing they left this partnership better than they found it. I will similarly leave AIT with a sense of accomplishment and success, knowing that the U.S.-Taiwan partnership is deeper and stronger than ever, and feeling immensely proud of my small role in getting us there.

    But more than any of these things, I will remember the ways that Taiwan has touched me personally. I will always remember my first Christmas in Taiwan – and my first Chinese New Year. I will remember the warmth of Taiwan friendship, the faith of my fellow church members, the taste of a mango bing on a hot summer day, the echo of “Fur Elise” from the recycling truck, the fragrance of jasmine blossoms in village alleyways – these are just some of the memories I will treasure. I will remember the long dinners with dear friends, full of laughter and stories. And I will remember their many kindnesses. I will remember all the ways big and small that you, the people of Taiwan, touched my life and the lives of my family. And for that, I thank you.

    I may be leaving Taiwan, but Taiwan will never leave me. "

    -- AIT Director William Brent Christensen

    ✅Read the letter: https://bit.ly/3hUrsgw

  • inspire中文 在 英式主婦 British Housewife Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-20 22:25:02
    有 48 人按讚

    Peter Rabbit 2解老公思鄉之情

    父親節呢個廿四孝老豆都係做司機同埋同D仔睇《比得兔2:走佬日記》(Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway。中文版有男神陳豪同森美配音,所以今日都見到佢哋出現呀!我哋睇嘅英文版入面嘅Peter Rabbit由James Cordon配音,基本上就係James Cordon style嘅Peter Rabbit!大家有睇開佢個節目就知道,充滿英式幽默。

    呢次個故事發生喺英國Gloucester。我估計其實係源於原著入面嘅Tailor of Glouscter一角。Tailor of Gloucester呢個角色係作者Beatrice Potter喺Gloucester呢個地方構想出嚟,係佢最鍾意嘅角色之一。而喺Gloucester呢個inspire佢設計同寫Tailor of Gloucester故事嘅建築,依家係一間museum加gift shop叫「Beatrix Potter's House of the Tailor of Gloucester」。點解我會知呢?係因為我老公老家就喺隔離郡。我陀住細細B時,佢一個人返去探親,就同老爺奶奶去咗呢度,仲買咗相中呢隻Peter Rabbit比仲喺肚裡面嘅細細B。今日睇戲時都見到呢間shop同一D Gloucester取嘅景,搞到佢好開心,因為好耐冇返過老家喇!

    套戲除咗可以睇到好真實嘅英國郊區同小鎮風情外,仲有正宗英式幽默同諷刺式笑話。細B話呢套戲係佢睇過最好睇嘅戲,而我老公同我同大B就笑到唔停!當然當中有大人先識笑嘅嘢啦!另外亮點係飾演Mr McGregor係當年Harry Potter入面演Ron嘅大佬,work with dragon果個Bill Weasley嘅Domhnall Gleeson。嘩咁大個了而且演出好有喜感!其實佢已經喺英國同澳洲上畫,媒體有好多好評!香港就7月1日公映。我就諗住正式上時同大細B再去睇廣東話版嘅森美同陳豪呀!太好睇想睇中文點演繹!


    Sony Pictures

    #sonypictures #peterrabbit2 #peterrabbitmovie #kidsmovie #暑期猛片 #英式主婦

  • inspire中文 在 ソヨン SOYOUN Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-14 19:08:54



    Based in Taipei🇹🇼
    I speak Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese.
    I have a variety of videos on my channel so I hope you can find a couple that inspire you or brighten up your day!!
    Please subscribe, rate and comment😊


    Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/farm_girl_soyoun/tip

    📩 soyoun0628@gmail.com


    YouTube 【Soyoun Music】: https://www.youtube.com/soyounmusic
    YouTube 【ソヨン SOYOUN】:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVqBdE3SS-Rbhik62eobZBg

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__soyoun__
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soyoun0628/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/soyoun628


  • inspire中文 在 ソヨン SOYOUN Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-15 08:00:03

    Based in Taipei🇹🇼
    I speak Korean, English, Japanese and speak a little Chinese.
    I have a variety of videos on my channel so I hope you can find a couple that inspire you or brighten up your day!!
    Please subscribe, rate and comment😊


    Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/farm_girl_soyoun/tip

    📩 soyoun0628@gmail.com


    YouTube 【Soyoun Music】: https://www.youtube.com/soyounmusic
    YouTube 【ソヨン SOYOUN】:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVqBdE3SS-Rbhik62eobZBg

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/__soyoun__
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/soyoun628
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Soyoun628/


    Wiz Cheng ウィズ チェン
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/wiz_official_51?igshid=fr3qm2nex3j0

    YouTube: With Wiz Japan

    全部的影片都會有中文字幕 請再稍等一下🙌🏻
    留言請等有中文字幕時 在留言


  • inspire中文 在 FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-03 19:19:14

    INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon
    FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeo...
    TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiograngeon

    Please subscribe to support my channel !
    請大家訂閱為了支持我的頻道 !


    * 中文:
    歡迎你們收看 #COFFEETALK 的第一個影片。
    今天我跟法國Youtuber @Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 聊天對我們兩位法國人來說什麼叫“體驗台灣夢”?他住台灣三年,我自己住八年多, 我們來跟大家分享自己的經驗與看法。

    請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們🙏

    * English:
    Hi everyone!
    Here is the first video of a new series called #COFFEETALK where I approach different topics that could inspire any of us. For this first video I am inviting LOUIS @Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 to discuss about what is like to live the Taiwanese dream.
    After three years living in Taiwanese and eight years for myself, we are sharing our experiences and bring up different aspects that amazed us.

    Hope you guys enjoy the video, please don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me !
    Lots of love to you all :)
    Thanks for being here on my journey.

    * Français:
    Bonjour tout le monde.
    Voici la première video de ma nouvelle série #COFFEETALK où j'aborde différents sujets qui peuvent nous inspirer.
    Pour cette première video, je reçois un Youtuber français @Bonjour Louis! 我是路易 pour aborder le sujet "Vivre le rêve Taiwanais". Après trois ans à Taiwan et huit années pour moi, nous partageons nos expériences et points de vue sur ce qui nous touche le plus vivant içi.

    J'espère que vous apprécierez cette video.
    N’oubliez pas de laisser un petit LIKE ou un COMMENTAIRE pour aider l'algorithme, et de vous ABONNEZ pour supporter cette chaîne.
    Merci à vous et a la semaine prochaine pour une autre video !!


    Production ➤ Fabio GRANGEON
    🎼 Music by ➤ Polo Lu
    * Intro music: rights by HAAWK for a 3rd Party

    #fabiograngeon #fabio #法比歐 #coffeetalk

