

在 innocent意思產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅GagaTai 嘎嘎台,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 台灣BL影集《無邪》前傳👉bit.ly/3h6a2ht 我現在是被黑點CP閃的意思嗎😎😎 《無邪》前傳短片 劇情簡介: 五歲的予時,因為一場遭遇,激化出了第二人格-Noah,Noah是個沈默的人,無任何七情六慾,他一路保護著予時成長,直到遇到了吳鉦。 予時想要擁有吳鉦,但Noah對吳鉦始終不...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,第一個單字是 long live、l-o-n-g 空格 l-i-v-e、long live 萬歲,例句是:Netizens in Brazil have expressed their dissatisfaction with Beijing by starting a "Long live Tai...

innocent意思 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-11-02 06:05:25

被誤會或陷害了怎麼辦?用英文證明自己的清白 - 1⃣️I was framed 我被陷害了 frame 在這不是相框的意思,而是作為動詞,被陷害的意思。 2⃣️It is a misunderstanding 這是場誤會 understand是理解,misunderstand 就是不理解,變成 mi...

innocent意思 在 Study with Willow Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 14:21:32

. ✔️托福聽力模擬*1 ✔️VoiceTube *3 ✔️韓文第二冊第五課練習本 ✔️普生影片Animal Movement ✔️資管導論期末筆記&一些考古 晚上回家後和同學討論報告之外就沒特別做事了( ;´Д`) 在社科圖坐了一整個白天 好累啊 今天早上騎車的時候順便聽了一篇Ted Talk “...

  • innocent意思 在 GagaTai 嘎嘎台 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-08 18:00:19
    有 6 人按讚



    《無邪》前傳短片 劇情簡介:





    🌈導演丨謝羽筑 善变少女
    🌈編劇丨謝羽筑 善变少女
    🌈主演丨張得中、蟻大點 AT
    🌈特別演出丨李宇劭、李晉廷 TingLee

    #GagaOOLala原創作品 #同志音樂愛情故事 #無邪 #Innocent #黑點CP #謝羽筑 #夏花藝術 #張得中 #蟻大點 #李宇劭 #李晉廷 #我愛你不是因為你是誰 #而是我在你面前可以是誰 #lgbt #lgbtq #GagaOOLala

  • innocent意思 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-18 19:50:31
    有 56 人按讚

    【絕食第80日】【80th Day of Hunger Strike: Update & Volunteers' Thoughts】
    17 / 9 / 2020

    ▍「除了停止了探訪外,這裡任何東西都沒變過。廁所依然是那麼髒,他們(入境處)連一塊香皂都沒有多給我們。」- 羈留者O生氣的說






    ▍“I am very angry about this lockdown. They (ImmD) did nothing more to advance any prevention or protection measures. Just lockdown. We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” — Detainee I

    Due to the discovery of the 2nd confirmed case of COVID-19 on 6th September, CIC has suspended all visit. All detainees have since been unable to receiving basic hygienic products from their visiting friends. It has been 10 days. Below are some thoughts of our volunteer H:

    CIC is exceptionally meticulous, or better put, bureaucratic about the hand-in articles from visitors to detainees. A book must be totally clean, even a stamp that says “Donated by XX School Library” would made the book ineligible for handing in; The soap must be in blue, yet stores often sell this brand of soap in a pack of six, so volunteers would always be left with 4 bars of non-blue soap; when you bought the towel with the exact wording, the staff will always let you know that your towel is “knock-off” and therefore unaccepted; M&M must come in 5 packs of the same colour. When the articles I bought first got rejected by CIC officers, I was very frustrated. In terms of their function, the towels and soap I bought were just fine. And every time I visited, I always saw other visitors’ “unapproved” articles got rejected. Imagining coming all the way with the hope of giving a little something to make your detainee friend’s life slightly better, and yet got rejected for the bureaucratic instructions of CIC, would you feel upset?

    Nevertheless, my angry and frustration has been numbed as I visited CIC more frequently. In order to successfully got the articles to detainees, I have become an expert. I have memorised the entire list of approved hand-in articles and know the prices for each item. And over time, I have stocked up these articles for the detainees. In the past few days, our concern group have received several calls from detainees, saying that they are lacking certain hygienic project. “We are running out of toothpaste, soap and hand wash.” they said. I would love to let them know that I have stocked up, yet I now have no idea when I can give things to them due to the lockdown in CIC.

    From these calls from detainees, not only had I learnt about the certain items they need, but also what freedom meant to them. “40 detainees from 7/F have been sent to the isolation camp, do you have any news about them?”, detainee S asked me. “Actually I need help. I don’t want to stay long time in CIC. There is positive case here. CIC is not safe.” Detainee R said. I think the current lockdown of CIC have demonstrated exactly how CIC is not safe. There is a high risk for cross-infection of COVID-19 in CIC. So, why is the authority so determined to detain this group of innocent people, and put their health and lives in danger?

    “Most detainees have wrote a complaint letter together to the Immigration Department against the lockdown and ask for reasons.” Said O. “Hope this complaint letter could help reopen visit soon.”

  • innocent意思 在 Janice甄玲司 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-09 06:08:38
    有 455 人按讚


    知道這是什麼意思嗎?因為_ _ _ _🥰


    終於有人答對了! 恭喜「阿昌」 🎉

    👉抖音:Janice920ya ( ❤️影片)

    👉IG: Janice920ya


    👉FB 粉專 Janice甄玲司

    #janice甄玲司 #photography #expecting #persistence #Portrait #Contentcreator #graceful #greatmodel #brandambassador #teethwhitening #ambassador #brightsmile #becomebetter #expecting #innocent #innocentgirl #kindheart #considerategirl #energtic #enthusiasticgirl #enthusiastic #frankgirl #fearlass #brave #genuine #independentgirl #maturewoman #wittygirls #vibrantgirl #outgoinggirl #optimisticgirl

  • innocent意思 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-05-29 18:00:28

    第一個單字是 long live、l-o-n-g 空格 l-i-v-e、long live 萬歲,例句是:Netizens in Brazil have expressed their dissatisfaction with Beijing by starting a "Long live Taiwan“ campaign on Twitter.

    巴西不甩中國,狂 po「台灣萬歲」!

    中國大使館寄信給巴西的國會議員,說「識相點兒,不准給台灣新總統祝賀兒!」結果巴西議員讀了「奇摩吉恩賀」,到推特發起 #VivaTaiwan 的貼文標籤,意思是「台灣萬歲」,給蔡英文總統祝賀,結果超多巴西網友響應,大洗版。這個「萬歲」,可以說 long live。


    第二個單字是 tally、t-a-l-l-y-、tally 總計,例句是:The tally of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. has surpassed 100,000.

    武漢肺炎全球肆虐,最嚴重的是哪個國家呢?答案是美國。美國目前總計有 10 萬人,因為武漢肺炎而死,非常嚴重。但是,美國政府卻一步步解除封城,搞得人民人心惶惶。這個「總計」就是 tally。


    第三個單字是 victimize、v-i-c-t-i-m-i-z-e、victimize 加害,例句是:India should refrain from victimizing innocent birds.


    印度在邊界看到一隻鴿子,這鴿子腳上綁有一組數字,印度人就覺得,太可疑了!這是什麼密碼,想傳達什麼訊息?抓起來!結果鄰國巴基斯坦的村民就說話了:欸抖,那隻鴿子是我的,它不小心飛過去了,可以還我嗎?其實,這不是第一次,印度常常說小鳥是間諜。欸印度怎麼這麼緊張啊?背景是這樣,印度跟巴基斯坦都在爭取同一塊土地,叫作「克什米爾」。目前,他們各佔有一半的「克什米爾」,不過還是吵不停,討厭對方。所以一隻鳥飛過,也可以氣噗噗。鴿子無辜被加害,這個加害,就是 victimize。


    第四個單字是 standoff、s-t-a-n-d-o-f-f、standoff 僵持不下,例句是:India and China have engaged in a border standoff.


    剛剛才說,印度跟巴基斯坦不合,現在要看另一位鄰居中國,跟印度吵什麼。先給你一點畫面,想像你面前有一張世界地圖,印度左上角的鄰居是巴基斯坦,他們不合;印度的右上角鄰居是中國,他們也在吵架。印度跟中國吵什麼呢?印度跟中國的邊界,有些部分是高山連綿,國界那條線要畫在哪裡,雙方意見不同,所以他們總覺得,對方又在吃豆腐、自己好吃虧。這樣僵持不下的狀況,就是 standoff。


    最後一個單字是 scrub、s-c-r-u-b、scrub 取消,例句是:NASA's SpaceX launch was scrubbed due to inclement weather.

    美國本來要在 5 月 27 號禮拜三發射火箭,送人上太空!結果天候不佳,只好取消,最快這周六會再試一次。取消就是 scrub。


    恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!如果喜歡我們的 podcast,希望你可以訂閱,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️

  • innocent意思 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-01 22:08:05

    ■ 更多林子安:
    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5


    | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of A Dandelion's Promise by Jay Chou


    也會因為悲劇結尾跟著一起哭,Happy ending的時候一起感到滿足!


    歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽這些cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!


    A Dandelion's Promise is such Jay Chou's signature R&B style with the lyric by Vincent Fang telling us the sweet and sour time when we were young☺️
    The melody was from the movie《Secret》 directed by Jay Chou himself and maybe he likes it sooo much that he developed the interlude into a romantic song!

    The melody is sentimental, and it speaks out those words the boy didn't tell the girl.
    That's literally our real life, isn't it lol
    Not until many years later do we realize that the friendship was misunderstood as the indistinguishable love. (sighhhhh)
    Therefore, when we watch dramas/TV series/movies, we will resonate with the stories therein.
    We will cry when they are tragedy in the end, or be satisfied when they are finally happy ending!

    It's like taking the time machine when listening to this as a grown-up.
    The song takes us back to the time when we were innocent and shy moments with "that one."
    BTW, it's interesting to think that the promise of growing up together was so sincere for me but now I call it as a dandelion’s promise.
    I'm wondering if it's because that no matter how sincere the promise was, after growing up, we will eventually be led to our own ways as if it's meant to be 🙃

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!

    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
    For Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



