

在 inner電腦版產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅寵物雜貨舖寵物精品,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 不要再給狗寶貝們吃這麼不健康的零食了!! 完全都是用化學產品製作出來的唷! 電腦版:http://goo.gl/fGjD1o 手機版:http://goo.gl/d5QeiI 我們要給狗寶貝們吃的就是 無任何添加的完全天然的啃咬零食! 派脆 羊腿骨!無添加完全天然的! 試試看吧!!讓...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MPWeekly明周,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2009年5月2日 結束20年愛情長跑 汪明荃羅家英拉斯維加斯結婚 阿姐 #汪明荃 入行超過五十年,圈中地位舉足輕重,事業成就驕人,不過在感情路上,就經歷過少少波折。 一九七一年,阿姐正式由麗的轉投無綫,同年與從事製衣行業的商人劉昌華結婚,可惜當時阿姐在TVB備受力捧,擔任多部電視劇的女主角,...

inner電腦版 在 夢露 MONROE Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-26 12:32:19

. 〰️ 身為一個可以三天不出門重睡眠的宅系女子💁🏻 不僅要宅的舒服,更要宅的有質感 所以居家服一直都是我非常重視的宅關鍵 舒服的居家服真的能讓睡眠品質大提升 如果你也喜歡軟綿綿像雲朵般的居家服 @innerhows 的莫代爾棉質系列會是非常好的選擇 不僅透氣還非常親膚,還像被雲朵擁抱般的柔軟☁️...

  • inner電腦版 在 寵物雜貨舖寵物精品 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-11-17 19:48:27
    有 57 人按讚

    派脆 羊腿骨!無添加完全天然的!


    How can one of the most popular chew sticks on the planet be so dangerous for your pets, you ask? I mean, most dogs chew on rawhide for hours on end, and not only does it keep them busy, but they seem to last forever.

    Well if you understood what it took to make this toxic “raw” leather stick, you would quickly understand what the problem is.

    Aside from the horror stories circulating all over social media these days, of pets needing emergency surgery after consuming rawhide, the majority of pet parents today, especially the newbies, believe that this chew is some sort of dried up meat stick. Let me debunk that myth right away!

    A rawhide stick is not the by-product of the beef industry nor is it made of dehydrated meat. Rather, rawhide is the by-product of the “Leather Industry”, so theoretically it is a leather chew. Sounds awesome, right?

    “Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.” TheBark.com

    So, how does this leather, which is conveniently rolled up into pretty shapes, actually get made into those rawhide chews?

    Follow along my friends and I will enlighten you on how this hide travels through a leathery process where it transforms from hide to a not-so beautiful, colorful, chew stick. Here is a paraphrased tutorial that was explained by the whole dog journal several years back:

    STEP 1: Normally, cattle hides are shipped from slaughterhouses to tanneries for processing. These hides are then treated with a chemical bath to help “preserve” the product during transport to help prevent spoilage.

    (No one wants to purchase a black, spoiled rawhide stick!)

    Once at the tannery: the hides are soaked and treated with either an ash-lye solution or a highly toxic recipe of sodium sulphide liming. This process will help strip the hair and fat that maybe attached to the hides themselves.

    (No, no one wants to see a hairy hide…)

    Next on this glorious journey, these hides are then treated with chemicals that help “puff” the hide, making it easier to split into layers.

    The outer layer of the hide is used for goods like car seats, clothing, shoes, purses, etc. But, it’s the inner layer that is needed to make the rawhide. (Oh and other things like gelatin, cosmetics, and glue as well!)

    STEP 2: Now that we have the inner layer of the hide, it’s time to go to the post-tannery stage! Hides are washed and whitened using a solution of hydrogen peroxide and/or bleach; this will also help remove the smell of the rotten or putrid leather. Bonus!
    (Research also shows that other chemicals maybe used here to help the whitening process if the bleach isn’t strong enough.)

    STEP 3: Now it’s time to make these whitened sheets of this “leathery by-product” look delicious! So, here is where the artistic painting process comes in.

    “Basted, smoked, and decoratively tinted products might be any color (or odor) underneath the coating of (often artificial) dyes and flavors. They can even be painted with a coating of titanium oxide to make them appear white and pretty on the pet store shelves.” - whole-dog-journal.com

    “…the Material Safety Data Sheet reveals a toxic confection containing the carcinogen FD&C Red 40, along with preservatives like sodium benzoate. But tracking the effects of chemical exposure is nearly impossible when it’s a matter of slow, low-dose poisoning.”– thebark.com

    Ok, now that these hides have been painted, it’s time for the final process.

    STEP 4: Getting it to last forever!

    Because the FDA does not consider these chews to be food, really it’s a free for all when it comes to the manufacturers of these leather strips, and the products they may want to add to these chews, to get them to last forever. Any sort of glue can be added here to get these bad boys to never come apart.

    When tested: Lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium salts, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals have been detected in raw hides. So it’s safe to say that any sort of glues can be used as well!

    Finally, it’s time to package and attach all the glorious marketing labels to the product.

    Check out the fine print warning that’s attached with some of these rawhides:
    “Choking or blockages. If your dog swallows large pieces of rawhide, the rawhide can get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract. Sometimes, abdominal surgery is needed to remove them from the stomach or intestines. If it isn’t resolved, a blockage can lead to death.“

    (Oh, how lovely…)

    And there it is! It’s now ready to be shipped to store shelves where it can be purchased for our loving animal companions.

    How do proactive veterinarians feel about these chews?

    Here is world-renowned veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker's take on the matter:

    “The name ‘rawhide’ is technically incorrect. A more accurate name would be processed-hide, because the skin isn’t raw at all. But the term “rawhide” has stuck.

    Rawhide chews start out hard, but as your dog works the chew it becomes softer, and eventually he can unknot the knots on each end and the chew takes on the consistency of a slimy piece of taffy or bubble gum. And by that time your dog cannot stop working it -- it becomes almost addictive.

    At this point, there’s no longer any dental benefit to the chew because it has turned soft and gooey, and, in fact, it has become a choking and intestinal obstruction hazard.“

    P.S. Ready for the jaw dropper?

    An investigation by Humane Society International stated in their report, “In a particularly grisly twist, the skins of brutally slaughtered dogs in Thailand are mixed with other bits of skin to produce rawhide chew toys for pet dogs. Manufacturers told investigators that these chew toys are regularly exported to and sold in U.S. stores.”dogingtonpost.com

    Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

    "An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

  • inner電腦版 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-05 18:00:14

    2009年5月2日 結束20年愛情長跑 汪明荃羅家英拉斯維加斯結婚

    阿姐 #汪明荃 入行超過五十年,圈中地位舉足輕重,事業成就驕人,不過在感情路上,就經歷過少少波折。

    2009年5月2日 結束20年愛情長跑 汪明荃羅家英拉斯維加斯結婚

    #翁美玲 轉眼已去世36年,這位薄命紅顏離世時才26歲。1985年5月14日凌晨4點左右,翁美玲被她當時的緋聞男友鄒世龍,發現在九龍塘廣播道寓所內開煤氣自殺,送往九龍塘浸信會醫院搶救後不治,當時傳媒報道均猜測她自尋短見,是因感情出現問題。

    翁美玲生於1959年5月7日,中學時隨家人移民英國,1980年參加英國倫敦華裔小姐選美獲得亞軍,成為回港的契機,翁美玲於23歲時回港,參選1982年 #香港小姐 ,雖然未能入三甲,但從此踏進演藝世界,先擔任無綫節目主持人,並簽訂5年藝員合約。全文:https://bit.ly/3o6AiL7

    1995年5月28日 Terri告律師疏忽令其損失3億分手費 趙世曾:給了一筆相當大數目的錢

    船王趙從衍三子 #趙世曾 是上流社會出名的 #花花公子,他自言曾有過萬女朋友,與他戀愛過的女星包括盈盈(蔡珍妮)、姚煒、方怡珍、陳鳳芝和樂蓓等。九一年趙世曾和廿三歲的美越混血兒 #TerriHolladay 在遊船河中邂逅,二人旋即墮入愛河,翌年趙世曾更與Terri舉行大型的海陸空訂婚儀式,出動遊艇和直升機,晚上在家中舉行晚宴,李嘉誠、何添等人也有出席,這場世紀訂婚儀式過後,原來二人一直未有正式註冊結婚,只是同居關係,Terri九三年誕下兒子趙式正,兩年後與趙世曾分手。

    1977年6月5日 蘋果 推出 AppleII  喬布斯 改變世界

    1977年6月5號,#蘋果 公司推出的 #AppleII 電腦,徹底改變了人類的歷史和生活,並為PC(Personal Computer)發展拉開傳奇的序幕,當日 #喬布斯 與共同創立蘋果公司的拍檔 #沃茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak)在西岸電腦展(West Coast Computer Faire),首次發布新產品Apple II,淨機價賣六百美元,連同附帶鍵盤的外殼加上熒幕,全套售價一千二百九十八美元,折合港幣大約一萬元,在當年來說完全是奢侈品,但賣點十足,標榜可以用來玩遊戲,同時在商業和財政運算方面,幫你計算交稅金額等。全文:https://bit.ly/3fvn2g9


    明周娛樂 Web/ https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/
    Instagram/ https://www.instagram.com/entertainment.mpw
    Mewe / https://bit.ly/39s8vgS
    明周文化 https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/
    想食明周 https://www.facebook.com/foodiempw/
    INNER https://www.facebook.com/innermpw/

  • inner電腦版 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-31 08:00:11

    1977年6月5號,#蘋果 公司推出的 #AppleII 電腦,徹底改變了人類的歷史和生活,並為PC(Personal Computer)發展拉開傳奇的序幕,當日 #喬布斯 與共同創立蘋果公司的拍檔 #沃茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak)在西岸電腦展(West Coast Computer Faire),首次發布新產品Apple II,淨機價賣六百美元,連同附帶鍵盤的外殼加上熒幕,全套售價一千二百九十八美元,折合港幣大約一萬元,在當年來說完全是奢侈品,但賣點十足,標榜可以用來玩遊戲,同時在商業和財政運算方面,幫你計算交稅金額等。全文:https://bit.ly/3fvn2g9

    明周娛樂 Web/ https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/
    Instagram/ https://www.instagram.com/entertainment.mpw
    Mewe / https://bit.ly/39s8vgS
    明周文化 https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/
    想食明周 https://www.facebook.com/foodiempw/
    INNER https://www.facebook.com/innermpw/

  • inner電腦版 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-24 11:00:16

    【 #醫健知多D 】雙手又痛又麻,尤其深夜入睡後,痛麻情況由手掌伸延到手臂,嚴重時甚至會半夜痛醒,腕管綜合症正是因肌肉勞損,引致手部疼痛麻痺,令人備受困擾的痛症,最常見於家庭主婦、清潔工人或長時間使用電腦的文職人員,因肌腱膜發炎導致神經線受壓所致,物理治療師及註冊中醫師 #陳國正,為大家介紹三組動作,可有效紓緩 #手部痛症。


    明周娛樂 Web/ https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/
    Instagram/ https://www.instagram.com/entertainment.mpw
    Mewe / https://bit.ly/39s8vgS
    明周文化 https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/
    想食明周 https://www.facebook.com/foodiempw/
    INNER https://www.facebook.com/innermpw/

