[爆卦]iniquitous pronunciation是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 iniquitous產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Gorepot(血麻),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, We will make a new split with bosses gonna be super lit boss @gangrenectomy_official (Italy) & @txmurdercrew (USA) & @blastocystiaslam (Germany) & @co...


  • iniquitous 在 Gorepot(血麻) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-31 09:23:57
    有 62 人按讚

    We will make a new split with bosses gonna be super lit boss @gangrenectomy_official (Italy) & @txmurdercrew (USA) & @blastocystiaslam (Germany) & @coprolalia__slammingbdm (USA) - Unleashing Echoes Of Iniquitous Torment [Split] [Pathologically Explicit Recordings] (2021) (Slamming Brutal Death Metal)

    Cover art by @adidechristianize


  • iniquitous 在 黃傑龍 Simon - 窮富翁 好人好事 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-05 10:29:02
    有 31 人按讚

    I studied in Sydney, Australia for 7 years from 1990. Below is received from a old Aussie friend by WhatsApp. I did some FCs, and seems this was written in May 2020. Not sure if he has any new/updated views.

    *Australian ABC Radio Peter Goers:
    With China, many Aussies are absolute hypocrites.*

    ‘Revolution is just a T-shirt away,” sings Billy Bragg.

    *The T-shirts are made in China like everything else. We wear and consume the proof of the success of the Chinese Revolution and they drink our wine, use our iron ore, eat our tucker and enrich our entire tourism and education sectors.*

    It is almost impossible for almost anyone in the world to go a single day without buying or using something from China.

    *China is the engine of the world and now rules the world economically. * We once ludicrously feared Reds under the beds. Now they’ve made the beds we lie in. One in five people in the world is Chinese.

    *The People’s Republic of China (as even ardent conservatives attest) achieved the greatest social, political and economic miracle in world history by raising 1.5 billion people out of feudal poverty into a middle class in 50 years*

    China has wisely followed the American and British examples of economic colonisation of the world but avoided the appalling errors of fighting useless and expensive wars. *China has not caused a war for hundreds of years.*

    The economy of the world is predicated on China. *We ignore China’s communism when we make money from it, but because of the COVID-19 virus we are suddenly sabre-rattling and loathing China’s political system. Hypocrisy rules.*

    Britain lied about COVID-19 mortality rates, and Trump’s US continues to exacerbate the virus. Has Australia demanded an inquiry into those countries? No. Japan has been building islands for decades with no international criticism. China builds islands and we send gunboats.

    Australia rails against China’s human rights violations yet we continue to imprison refugees in concentration camps and continue to treat Aboriginal people appallingly. Australia is the nation which persecuted and demeaned the Chinese and others through the iniquitous White Australia policy.

    Australia continues to treat the Chinese with racism and suspicion through an apparent genetic disposition to distrust them. We despair of Chinese surveillance of its citizens yet increase surveillance on our own. We despair of the Chinese persecution of minority races yet we are eternally trying to weaken our own Racial Discrimination Act.

    Our Government is trying to suppress the press. We welcomed the English lords Vestey and McAlpine owning half of northern Australia, we allow American surveillance and military bases and yet we resent any Chinese investment in Australia.

    China is a developing nation and is far from perfect – but we have much to learn from it. The cold war against China is damaging and dangerous. The British tried twice to poison and weaken the Chinese through opium addiction, invaded China and stole Hong Kong. There are Australians and Americans who’d gladly try to repeat that.

    Sadly, Sinophobia is back officially and publicly as Australians are spitting on Chinese-Australians. Shame.

    We are encouraged to criticise China but we rail against Chinese criticism of us. Isn’t Professor Kam Louie, of Hong Kong University, right when he says Australian leadership is “male, pale and stale”, and aren’t the Chinese right when they say Australia is America’s dog?

    The Chinese came to Australia before the British, traded peacefully with Aboriginal people and had the good manners not to invade, claim the country and dispossess and massacre them.

    The US and Britain are dying. China is flourishing. Napoleon was right when he said 200 years ago: “China is a sleeping giant. When she wakes, she will move the world.”

    Australia must move with and not against China with respect and showing good example. Then we grow together in the great leap forward. Put that on a T-shirt made in China.

    *Peter Goers can be heard weeknights and Sundays on ABC Radio Adelaide”*

  • iniquitous 在 吉隆坡美食大胃王 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-05-15 17:12:05
    有 10 人按讚

    【Empire Damansara竟然有独具一格 #欧式猪肉料理餐厅 ?多种 #猪肉料理!好吃又好玩的 #Cheese_Wheel_Pasta!Steak综合拼盘等等~热爱猪肉料理的您,赶紧到 #Jekyll_Hyde 一饱口福呗!】

    【Jekyll & Hyde 】以二合一concept呈现两处不同风格的餐饮厅,《Jekyll》西餐料理和《Hyde Bar》!Jekyll的室内风格比较class,环境清幽,非常fine dining 格调,而Hyde Bar的室内风格比较像酒吧。两种风格都超舒适,情侣、闺蜜、家庭聚会都超正的捏~!

    从点餐到食物呈现,您都可以感受到这里的点点心思喔!看看他们家的menu就让您胃口大开了哟~ 他们家的主打招牌好料,其中有超正的《The Iniquitous Burger》(自家特制的猪肉bacon内陷 +黑炭包~)!
    脆口烧猪腩肉《Crispy Pork Belly》、招牌猪排 #Signature Pork Ribs 等等…爱猪肉料理的您,口水流下来了呗~?

    推荐必点!好吃又好玩的《Cheese Wheel Pasta》!因为可以自己来弄!热烘烘的pasta捞上浓郁香滑的芝士,自己动手搅拌~那阵阵的芝士香邪恶到没朋友~!

    更不要错过他们家的For Savages Only (猪扒、猪肩肉、鸡肉、Steak和羊肉的综合拼盘),Braised Lamb Shank焖羊腿也不错吃的捏!这里也有很别致的breakfast餐点哟~

    【Jekyll & Hyde 】也有套餐,分别为:
    1)Full Course Couple’s Menu~ 给双人分量的套餐,加上环境的清幽情调,简直棒棒哒!价钱从RM79起。有6款不同的套餐选择,每个套餐都包括一杯Orange Juice和其中一杯House Red Wine。
    2)Family Set Menu ~ 家人聚会?有家庭套餐,点餐没烦恼!价钱从RM188起。有4款不同的套餐选择(可供3至5人享用)。

    【Jekyll & Hyde 】营业了4年,这里无论环境、服务或精致的餐饮都有一定水准的哟!这里可以容纳多达30人,绝对适合于生日派对、婚宴派对、公司聚会等等。凡是25人以上的聚会,还免费装潢decoration!实在贴心周到~

    店名:Jekyll & Hyde
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JekyllHydeMY/

    营业时间:Tue - Sun, 11am - 11pm (Every Monday OFF)

    联络号码:03-7731 6313

    地址:G18 & G19, Empire Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8 , 47820 Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    让我们一起攻略Klang Valley数之不尽的美食!
    Instagram link : https://www.instagram.com/gourmethunterkl
    Wechat Official Account : Gourmet_Hunter_KL
    YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEAn2FgWJiuHmhZwfZAF-A

  • iniquitous 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • iniquitous 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • iniquitous 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

