inexorable 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. inexorable. adjective.
#2inexorable中文, inexorable是什麼意思:無情的… - 查查在線詞典
adj. 1.無情的,鐵面無私的。 2.不可動搖的,不屈不撓的。 短語和例子.
#3inexorable的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
inexorable中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 無情的;不屈不撓的;不可阻擋的;無法改變的。英漢詞典提供【inexorable】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#4在中文中翻译"inexorable" - 例句英语
使用Reverso Context: This is an inexorable law governing social advancement.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"inexorable"
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inexorable (a.)無情的,冷酷的,不屈不撓的. ... 線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 ... Inexorable \In*ex"o*ra*ble\, a. [L. inexorabilis: cf. F. inexorable.
#6inexorable - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
inexorable · 查看更多. KK[ɪnˋɛksərəb!] ... inexorable · 查看更多. IPA[ɪnˈeksərəbl]. 美式. 英式. adj. 不可阻擋的; 無法改變的;無情的. 牛津中文字典 ...
#7inexorable - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"inexorable" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... We know all too well the inexorable rise in greenhouse gas emissions from transport ...
#8Inexorable 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Inexorable 释义: You use inexorable to describe a process which cannot be ... 美式英语: inexorable /ɪˈnɛksərəbəl/; 巴西葡萄牙语: inexorável; 简体中文: 不可 ...
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#11INEXORABLE 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
INEXORABLE ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“INEXORABLE” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#12inexorable 中文意思是什麼 - Dict.site 線上英文字典
inexorable 中文 意思是什麼. inexorable 解釋. adj. 形容詞 1. ... Breakup of the former soviet union - the inexorable law of antinomy in russia ' s character
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#16Japan's Grappling with Modernity in the Arts - 博客來
書名:Inexorable Modernity: Japan's Grappling with Modernity in the Arts,語言:英文,ISBN:9780739118412,頁數:269,作者:Nara, Hiroshi (EDT), ...
#17inexorable中文翻译- 法语词典_单词乎
法语inexorable的中文翻译:a. [书] 毫不容情的,无情的,很难打动的严酷的,严厉的不可避免的,无法逃避的近义词cruel, impitoyable, implaca,inexorable例句, ...
#18inexorable - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS在线词典
#19inexorable的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
inexorable 的中文意思翻譯:adj. 無情的,鐵面無私的; 不可動搖的,不屈不撓的; 不能變更的; 不可阻擋的。inexorable的中文翻譯、inexorable的發音、柯林斯釋義、 ...
inexorable 的中文意思:无情的,铁面无私的;,点击查看详细解释:inexorable的中文翻译、inexorable的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握inexorable这个 ...
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請稍後再試。 準備好了嗎,指揮官? 進行《星海爭霸II》. 瀏覽系統需求→ · 立即免費遊玩前往Battle.net 商店 · 前往Battle.net 商店. 接收最新資訊. 繁體中文.
#26inexorable 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释inexorable这个英文词呢? inexorable这个英文词,中文意思如下:残酷。 Meaning of inexorable for the defined word.
#27inexorable tide - 人氣推薦- 2022年4月| 露天拍賣
買inexorable tide立即上露天享超低折扣優惠和運費補助,新註冊會員天天享優惠,快來露天參加各種 ... [ALG卡牌專門] SOM 秘羅地創痕Inexorable Tide 難阻浪潮英/中文.
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inexorable中文 意思: inexorable [in'eksәrәb(ә)l] adj.無情的..., 學習inexorable發音, inexorable例句盡在WebSaru字典。
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繁體中文, English. 繁體中文. 繁體中文. English. 台灣, 香港, 日本 · 新加坡 · 馬來西亞. 香港. 香港. 台灣日本新加坡馬來西亞. 電訊合作夥伴:.
#31GLOBALink | China's reunification inexorable trend of history
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday the reunification of China is an unstoppable trend, and there is no ...
#32inexorable的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
#33inexorable 單字中文解釋 - 英語字源解析
inexorable. [ɪnˈeksərəbəl] in‧ex‧o‧ra‧ble. 形無情的, 冷酷的. 字尾. -able. 形容詞(能夠). © 2020 - 英語字源解析Troy-Lab.com -. 最後更新12/20/2020 21:03:58.
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KAYA THE INEXORABLE是你要找的商品嗎?飛比為你即時比價, ... [ALG卡牌專門] 凱德海姆Kaya the Inexorable 無蹤卡婭無邊框英/中文. 120. 露天拍賣. 選項取消.
#35定义Inexorable | Gymglish
仍然觉得使用“Inexorable”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧! 免费试用. 您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Inexorable”上犯错的小贴士呢?
#36inexorably - WordReference.com 英汉词典
inexorably - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. inexorably advadverb: ... The conservative candidate's lead in the polls was inexorably increasing.
#37英语: “inexorable” - 大词典
大词典网为您提供英文inexorable是什么意思,inexorable在线翻译,inexorable翻译解释,inexorable中文意思,inexorable用法,inexorable读音,inexorable音标,inexorable ...
#38inexorable的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
in.ex.o.ra.ble. inexorable的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [inˈeksəəbəl] KK音标发音: [ɪnˈɛksɚəbəl]. inexorable的词性: adj.(形容词).
#39inexorable的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇 - 英语人
inexorable 的基本解释: adj. 无情的, 冷酷的. Facts are inexorable. 事实是无情的。 相关中文词汇: 无情的 · 冷酷的. 拼写相近单词: inexorableness · inexorably.
#40inexorable - 读音、用法- DictABC.COM
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#43With Inexorable Suffering: CD 和黑膠唱片 - Amazon.com
California's OUR PLACE OF WORSHIP IS SILENCE embodies the aural suffering that is their sophomore offering and Translation Loss debut "With Inexorable ...
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#45法语inexorable在线翻译成中文 - 有道词典
a. 毫不留情的,无情的;严厉的,严正的;刚毅的,坚定的;必然的. 相关文章. 双语例句. Elle aime en silence, libre et inexorable. 她喜爱寂静、自由与命定。
#47APEC Conference on Urbanization, Population Aging and ...
18 to 19, 2021. As we knows, rapid urbanization and an aging population are two inexorable and intersecting demographic trends in Asia-Pacific region as a ...
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包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“inexorable law” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#49Inexorable Infotech Private Limited | LinkedIn
Inexorable Infotech Private Limited | 300 followers on LinkedIn. More leads=More growth | B2B and B2C Lead Generation & Data Services.
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查看«Inexorable logic»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Inexorable ... Inexorable logic: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语.
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Scars of Mirrodin (SOM) · 繁體中文. 249 cards • Released 2010-10-01 ... 難阻浪潮 Inexorable Tide. Inexorable Tide (SOM) · 博識都龍獸 Lumengrid Drake.
关于Inexorable的意思和用法的提问 ... Q: inexorable 和adamant 和unyielding 和有什么不一样? ... 汉语和中文和中文老师和汉语老师有什么区别吗? 和有什么不一样?
The Inexorable Shift Towards an Increasingly Hostile Cyberspace Environment: The Adverse Social Impact of Online Trolling Behavior," Contemporary Readings in ...
#54Section 15 Race and Color Discrimination - US Equal ...
If the statistical disparity is gross, it alone can establish a pattern or practice claim, such as when there is an “inexorable zero.
#55The inexorable rise of the robots: Trade journals' framing of ...
... the workplace, the manner in which they are reported by news media becomes increasingly of interest. Combining quantitativ... 中文翻译: ...
#56definition of inexorable by The Free Dictionary
Define inexorable. inexorable synonyms, inexorable pronunciation, inexorable translation, English dictionary definition of inexorable. adj. 1.
#57CrossFit IneXorable - Instagram
660 Followers, 653 Following, 110 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from CrossFit IneXorable (@crossfit.inexorable)
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翻譯者可能不熟悉中文或原文語言,也可能使用了機器翻譯,請協助翻譯本條目或重新編寫,并注意避免翻译腔的问题。明顯拙劣的翻譯請改掛 {{d|G13}} 提交刪除。
#59inexorable - Sesli Sözlük
inexorable çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... inexorable. listen to the pronunciation of inexorable. İngilizce - Türkçe ...
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中文 的草書體很難讀。 2. For centuries, cursive handwriting has been an art. New York Times Apr 28, 2011 cursory (adj.) /'kɝsərɪ/ perfunctory ...
#61Inexorable Evolution of the Diesel Engine, Smartstream D3.0
Hyundai/Kia Motor Corporation has revealed the Smartstream D3.0 Engine in the 2019 Powertrain Conference. This Diesel engine features the ...
#62Inexorable Tension 歌词- Geek - RapZH 中文说唱数据库
RapZH 中文说唱数据库. ... Inexorable Tension. Individual Tracks Ep · Geek. 歌词. 暂无歌词. 专辑信息. 1.Nightly Road. 2.Inexorable Tension.
#63The inexorable logic of sharing economy - Opinion - China Daily
The Internet enables creative new business models that increase not only a market's efficiency but also the utilization of our various ...
#64To the God of Pain by Sarojini Naidu. Part 1 of 2. UNWILLING ...
Language Exchange App · AI Grammar Checker; 简体中文 ... Performing thine inexorable rites. For thy dark altars, balm nor milk nor rice.
#65RAGE - Steam
不支援繁體中文 ... extinction from a massive asteroid headed towards Earth, world leaders are faced with the inexorable task of ensuring human survival.
#66China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia - WSJ
... grown accustomed to contemplating China's inexorable rise was reminded that nothing, not even Beijing's power, can be taken for granted.
#67File:Casa Punchauca, El inexorable paso del tiempo 29.jpg
Downloadall sizes Use this fileon the web Use this fileon a wiki Email a linkto this file Informationabout reusing. File:Casa Punchauca, El inexorable paso ...
#68Observing the 'inexorable death' of glaciers in real time
A new, dynamic glacier inventory makes the impact of climate change and the changing landscape visible.
#69CSR- DiDi official website
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ... DiDi's Mission Is to Make Traveling Better. It Is Our Inexorable Commitment with Unyielding Social Responsibilities. Vision ...
#70Daniel Will-Harris - Yin Yang Watch - Google Play 應用程式
Day/Night. Hot/Cold. Full/Empty. The Yin Yang is a study in opposites, contrasts, two halves of a whole, both required for the other to ...
#71What does inexorable mean? - Definitions.net
Find a translation for the inexorable definition in other languages: ... Select another language: - Select -; 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified); 繁體中文 (Chinese - ...
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#73inexorable - 共读书房
His own career continues its inexorable ascent. 他事业的上升势头锐不可当。 来自柯林斯例句. Centralized financial management is an inexorable trend in the ...
#74inexorable 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
... 中文, 字 » Char. Detail, 字 » Etymology. 詞 Word; 类属 Thesaurus · 类属 Examples; 筆順 Strokes; 字 Character; 字源 Etymology; Preferences. inexorable.
#75Inexorable Changes in US Foreign Policy? - Carnegie Council ...
US English 中文 Español Français Русский. Advanced. About. Welcome · Our Mission and Vision · Staff and Trustees · Fellows ...
#76You can help track the inexorable progress of this year's ... - Grist
WNYC's Cicada Tracker project asks volunteers to build simple temperature detection units, and place them eight inches below the ground. When ...
#77An Effective Show Of Inexorable Rock From Grand Funk
Rock critics have tended to be rather patronizing about Grand Funk Railroad. It's a loud band, and a crude one, they've complained.
#78The Franchise Law Review
However, the apparently inexorable march towards the globalisation of commerce has again continued unabated despite, or perhaps even because ...
#79inexorable 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
黛安娜里弗斯說她哥哥家死神一樣無情。 With the taking shape initially and improving gradually of the socialist market economy in china, it is an inexorable trend ...
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inquisitive在线中文翻译、inquisitive读音发音、inquisitive用法、inquisitive例句等。 本站部分功能不支持IE浏览器,如页面显示异常,请使用Google Chrome,Microsoft ...
#81Death of last river dolphin in Laos rings alarm bells for ...
A slow and inexorable extinction. While injuries sustained through entanglement in fishing nets directly led to the death of the last ...
#82[Read] (Books) Aurelia, Aurélia: A Memoir - Podcast on Firstory
... of their marriage, its deep joys and stinging frustrations; it is also a book about time, the inexorable events that determine beginnings and endings.
#83The world needs the Arctic Council now more than ever
Governing the Arctic effectively, and peacefully, requires Russia's participation and consent. The Arctic climate will continue its inexorable ...
#84inexorable - 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
(正统英式(RP)) IPA:/ɪnˈɛksɔɹəbəl/, /ɪnˈɛksɹəb(ə)l/; (通用美式) IPA:/ɪˈnɛksɚəb(ə)l/. 音頻(澳式), 0:03, (文檔). 斷字:in‧ex‧or‧a‧ble. inexorable.
#85Western Australia's $40m native sandalwood industry risks ...
on an inexorable pathway to extinction in the wild." Piles of sandalwood in a shed. Piles of sandalwood ready for processing. (Supplied: Jody D ...
#86Part 1: Happiness; Chapter 3: The Practice for Transforming ...
The law of cause and effect is strict and inexorable. Buddhism teaches that unseen virtue brings about visible reward.
#87VU13 BY DEVIN JAMES Flashcards | Quizlet
Syn: relentless, inexorable, unappeasable. Ant: lenient, indulgent, permissive, flexible. infinitesimal. so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute
#88Festival de Cannes: les frères Dardenne et Lukas Dhont en ...
Fabrice Du Welz pour «Inexorable»: «Je suis complètement aimanté par Benoît Poelvoorde». Par Fabienne Bradfer.
#89福爾摩斯歸來(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
inexorable purpose in his gray eyes. I exchanged some remarks with him, therefore, and obtained his courteous permission to write the short note which you ...
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I seem to be in the grasp of some resistless, inexorable evil, which no foresight and no precautions can guard against.” “Tut! tut!” cried Sherlock Holmes.
#91新探案(中文導讀英文版) - Google 圖書結果
If ever I saw a murderer's mouth it was there—a cruel, hard gash in the face, compressed, inexorable, and terrible. He was illadvised to train his moustache ...
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It was like Fate itself, and was inexorable. Slowly it shifted up along the jugular. All that saved White Fang from death was the loose skin of his neck and ...
#93Antonio Carbonell: - secretOlivo
Me aburre la idea de volver al punto de partida, porque el cambio es inexorable además de necesario, el rio de la vida nos lleva.
#94The Persistence (English) - PlayStation Store
The Persistence challenges you to survive aboard a doomed deep space colony starship in the year 2521. Stranded, malfunctioning and caught in the inexorable ...
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