

在 indifference中文產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅大詩人的寂寞投資筆記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這三本經濟學小說,印象最深刻的橋段:單價低的產品價格波動大,單價高的產品價格波動小。 譬如30元的平價飲料在柑仔店、超商、全聯、大賣場,價格差距常常會超過兩成,若是3萬元的高價飲料,價格差距足夠吸引人去做功課,尋找便宜的管道入手。 同樣的道理應用在於投資上,也是非常有感覺的,隨便聽明牌買1張,漲...


indifference中文 在 那些電影教我的事 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 13:27:09

冷漠不是不想關心,只是每個人都忙著包紮自己的傷口。 Perhaps indifference is just a result of everyone being busy tending their own wounds. 我們與惡的距離 (The World Between Us), 201...

  • indifference中文 在 大詩人的寂寞投資筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-16 20:49:25
    有 49 人按讚






  • indifference中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-22 07:41:03
    有 195 人按讚


    話時話,呢排記得keep 住like and share,主動入嚟睇,同埋設定做see first.真係搵食艱難。但感激大家

    1. 小故事,可能有人聽過。甘地坐火車,跌咗一隻鞋落路軌,執唔返。結果佢就快手除埋另一隻鞋,掉埋落路軌。寓意好明顯:與其攬炒,不如益人。對方執到一隻鞋冇用,佢自己留住一隻鞋又冇用 —但佢掉埋另一隻,執到嗰個有一對,就會有用

    2. 然後又講返Econ 101,substitutes and complements,同一款對鞋嘅左邊鞋同右邊鞋,就係perfect complements, 個”indifference curve”,一個個L字咁。用人話,就係度個Utility.一隻左一隻右,很好。三隻左三隻右,更好。但三隻左一隻右,同一隻左一隻右,應該係一樣嘅 (當然,你拎去炒就可能唔同,Lets say 米高佐敦最後一場著過嘅鞋,左邊畀人整唔見咗,得返右邊,都有得炒的)

    3. 不過,又要改寫了。而家,買鞋就可以單丁咁買!其實好多年前已經有人提出過,但當然冇乜人真係大規模做。而家電商Zappos就可以畀你買一隻鞋。介紹返,間公司而家係萬惡嘅Amazon的

    4. 點解要賣單邊鞋?倒唔係因為有人漏低一隻在路軌。

    5. 首先係有人截肢,冇咗一隻腳(*),呢個「市場」幾大,但一路冇人理。

    6. 另外亦都因為,其實好多人都係大細腳(其實我都係),左右腳唔同碼嘅。而家亦可以畀你買左右邊唔同碼。

    7. 認真,其實胸圍都應該有得咁玩吧?正如大細眼好平常,兩邊胸一大一細都好常見,但好似冇乜人理呢個問題。真係藍海呀!寫個proposal 去呃 funding啦。You heard it first from Ivan

    (*)六字故事:Sorry soldier. shoes sold in pairs。另一玩法就係For sale: baby shoes, never worn。中文呢?「她含了他的它」。


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  • indifference中文 在 Miss Nancyelle 南西大爺 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-10 20:59:07
    有 118 人按讚


    Dear Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

    Have you ever visited Taiwan? It is a small island right next to China that has an area of 35,808 square kilometers with 23.6 million inhabitants. YES. We have our own constitution, our own government and our democratically elected leaders. We are a sovereign state.

    And YES. Taiwan is a developed country. Although Taiwan has been excluded and blocked or barred from many international organizations and communities due to China’s interference and suppression, Taiwan still managed to have the best healthcare system and advanced medical technologies among the best in the world.

    Do you still remember? In the end of 2019, it was Taiwan that warned WHO and China about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, but Chinese authorities silenced doctors and refused to admit. Then what have you done?

    You did not make it public! You tolerated China’s lack of transparency and decided to be their accomplice in making the coronavirus pandemic a global catastrophe.

    You deliberately put people’s health at risk, and now the whole world suffers from China’s initial denials, continuous cover-ups and your inability. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had 91,595 deaths by today. How much more to come?


    No one judges you because of your race or skin color, nor hairstyle nor gender, but your dereliction of duty! And, hey, those judgments and complaints actually come from not only Asia, not just Europe, but all over the world!

    You have always treated Taiwan’s absence in WHO with indifference. Like a wicked ally of China. And when this whole coronavirus gone wild, you continued to refuse all the kind warnings and messages from Taiwan. We’re always here, and we’re willing to help.

    How dare you accuse Taiwan of these unfounded allegations when you’ve always been the person with power who keeps discriminating and trampling Taiwan and Taiwanese people the whole time?

    In Taiwan, we value human rights, liberty and equality. We are always described kind and friendly. Yet facing injustice, on no account must we endure. We strongly oppose your malicious smear and bullying. We demand a public apology from you to Taiwan and Taiwanese people.


    彈到屎 / 動詞 介詞 名詞 /

    n. 台語念比較傳神




    昨天氣到決定寫一封英文信,結果寫到大半夜可惡。好久沒寫英文作文,好生疏喔天啊😂 我只想做個好國民,但當個好國民有點累🙄



  • indifference中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • indifference中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • indifference中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

