

在 increasingly用法產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅Hi家教 在家學外語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Hi家教時事英語筆記 近期台灣的疫情升溫,這幾天有個名詞大家一定不陌生,就是「校正回歸」啦!今天跟著編編學習幾個簡單生字哦~ #校正回歸 backlog #確診病例 confirmed case #疫情爆發 outbreak #潛伏期 incubation period #死亡人數 d...


  • increasingly用法 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-26 15:10:43
    有 9 人按讚



    #校正回歸 backlog
    #確診病例 confirmed case
    #疫情爆發 outbreak
    #潛伏期 incubation period
    #死亡人數 death toll

    #校正回歸 backlog
    英文是backlog,log在英文中有紀錄之意,而船長的航海紀錄本寫的就叫log。登入網站的動作為log in,所以backlog就是代表後來才登錄的資料,我們就稱為「校正回歸」哦。

    Did you hear the news, The CECC announced that new cases and the backlog of 400 cases added to previous days.

    #確診病例 confirmed case
    All of the household and healthcare worker contacts of the confirmed case have been traced.

    #疫情爆發 outbreak
    這裡有一個單字要特別注意,那就是和outbreak很像的 breakout ,代表「突破、越獄」的意思。是完全不同的意思哦,千萬不要搞混這兩種用法。

    The covid-19 outbreak in whole world is unprecedented.

    #潛伏期 incubation period
    Have you ever traveled to or lived in a foreign country during the incubation period?

    #死亡人數 death toll
    Toll常用在當「過路費」的意思,但美式英文裡toll還有一個重要的意思,高強度的受苦折磨、傷害 a high degree of suffering or damage,這樣就能理解為什麼會翻成死亡人數囉。

    The situation was growing increasingly complex and the death toll was rising daily.


  • increasingly用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-08 21:32:57
    有 353 人按讚

    A #dirty magazine 色情雜誌,a dirty movie 三級電影,一句 give her a dirty look,或會誤解為「色迷迷的眼神」,這是錯的。 A dirty #look ,係 #𥇣死你。
    A dirty look 「𥇣」死你
    明報英文 | 毛孟靜

    一日,在家偷拍家狗動靜,狗兒回眸一瞪,明顯不高興的眼神,用廣東話表達,就是:「影咩影,『𥇣 』死你吖嗱。」用英文講「𥇣 」死你,第一個想到的是:Give you a dirty look。

    要留意,我們說 a dirty magazine 指色情雜誌,a dirty movie 係三級電影,一句 give her a dirty look,有人或會誤解為「色迷迷的眼神」,這是錯的。句子是說:給她一個憤怒 angry、表示反對 disapproving 、反感 disgusted 的眼神;簡單一點,就是怒視、「𥇣 」或矋。

    · The other passengers gave me dirty looks for taking up too much room on the bus. 因我霸佔了太多空間,巴士上的其他乘客都向我怒目而視。

    若在網上一查 a dirty look 的中文翻譯,會出現「骯髒的外觀」,這自然也是錯的。要記得,dirty 除了解作不潔、憤怒,亦可解作「不可接受、令人反感的事物」。

    像 dirty word(s) 髒話,好像就代表粗口,就與性有關?不一定呢,看以下 dirty word 的用法:
    · For environmentalists, "disposable" has become a dirty word. 對環境保護者來說,「即用即棄」已變成一個髒詞。

    · "Quarantine" is quite a dirty word among business travellers amidst the pandemic. 在大流行病期間,商務客視「隔離」一語如髒話。

    回說 a dirty look,若要進一步形容憤怒,可說:
    · Getting increasingly annoyed, I decided to give her AN EVIL EYE. 我益發惱怒,決定向她惡狠狠地瞪眼。

    · He had a dark look in his eyes, AN EVIL STARE. 他眼睛裏閃過一份陰沉,散發敵意。

    這個 evil,固然也解作邪惡,但一般是指「不懷好意」;當中確也包含仇恨 hateful、惡意 malicious 以至恐嚇 threatening 的味道。
    · I saw him giving me the evil eye, so I turned around and walked the other way. 看到他用敵意以至恐嚇的眼神瞪過來,我於是掉頭走另一條路。

    或問,不管 a dirty look 或 an evil stare ,平鋪直敘說 an angry look、an angry stare 不就可以了嗎?當然可以,但文字就少了色彩。還有,不喜歡用不等於不用知道 —— 尤其是 a dirty look 是常用語,聽人家說了,不要誤解意思也就好。中文同樣會形容一個人「眼放飛劍」,是說眼神之凌厲如有殺意。英文用短劍 daggers,眾數。

    · Daggers were coming out of her eyes. 她眼放飛劍。
    . He obviously hates me. He stares daggers at me. 他一定是憎恨我,他向我眼放飛劍。
    · He saw her sour and angry face. He was getting daggers from her. 他看到她一臉惱怒,一直在向他發放飛劍。


  • increasingly用法 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-24 19:07:46
    有 477 人按讚

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國🇺🇸

    Trump Administration Turns Up Pressure on China on Several Fronts

    WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is intensifying U.S. pressure on China, piling on visa bans, sanctions and other restrictions that are battering already unsettled ties between the world’s two largest economies.

    📌 文章第一段就以這個主題為切入點,施壓的領域包括簽證禁令、制裁和其他限制。

    🖋 intensify pressure on 的意思就是 turn up pressure on。pile on (堆積),在修辭學裡有「轉化」的作用(將虛擬實)。ban (禁令)、sanction (制裁) 和 restriction (限制)常於國際新聞出現的詞語。

    Attorney General William Barr, in a speech Thursday, warned U.S. businesses that they are at risk of collaborating with a Chinese government that ultimately seeks to supplant them in its expanding state-run economy. Administration officials are also discussing banning travel by China’s Communist Party members and their families to the U.S., people familiar with the matter said.

    📌 文章第二段引述美國司法部長在一篇演說中對企業家的警告:中國政府最終或許取締他們!這段也提到美國官員考慮禁止中國共產黨員和家屬去美國。

    🖋 Attorney General (司法部長)是美國高級官員,他想美國企業發出嚴厲的警告,用at risk of + noun phrase 來表達。administration official 是常用的片語,指政府官員。

    Discussions are in early stages, with no timeline for being put into effect, the people said. If put into policy, advisers and policy analysts said the ban would strike at the legitimacy of the increasingly powerful party.


    🖋 timeline (時間表)是常用用語,其他常見的用語包括 policy、adviser、policy analyst。legitimacy (合法性)是個高階字,在有關政治的文章常常出現。

    The administration has amped up a broader confrontation with Beijing in recent weeks by imposing sanctions on a member of the Communist Party leadership, signing legislation that targets other Chinese officials and holding full-scale military exercises in the South China Sea.


    🖋amp up (放大) 是個轉化的修辭片語,impose(施加)跟sanction搭配的,legislation是law的同義詞,target在這裡是及物動詞,千萬別加at。

    All this has come after President Trump for months has blamed China for covering up the initial corona virus outbreak that his administration has struggled to contain in the U.S.


    🖋 blame 是基本的動詞,要記住它的用法,cover up (掩飾) 很常用,另外,contain在這裡的意思不是包括,而是遏制。


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    Andrew Restuccia and William Mauldin

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    🎁 領獎期限: 07/26 20:00

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