

在 incentive動詞產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 #文末挑戰多益選擇題📝 中國經濟成長大幅放緩 將對各國產生劇烈衝擊? 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 🔥 Beijing Scraps GDP Target, a Bad Sign for World Reliant on China Grow...

  • incentive動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-03 08:00:01
    有 109 人按讚

    🔥 Beijing Scraps GDP Target, a Bad Sign for World Reliant on China Growth

    -scrap 取消、作廢,同discard
    -reliant 有賴於、仰賴…的,搭配介系詞為 on

    🧐 China broke with more than a quarter-century of tradition by not issuing an economic growth target for 2020, a stark acknowledgment of the challenges facing the world’s second-largest economy as it grapples with uncertainties around.


    -stark 荒涼的、嚴峻的、完全的、極端的、徹底的
    ✍常見用法: to be in stark contrast to sth 與某事形成鮮明對比
    -acknowledgement 承認
    -grapple with sth 努力應對、設法解決,意近struggle with

    🚨The unusual move—it’s the first time a formal target has been omitted since the practice began in 1994—suggests Beijing’s leaders aren’t eager to unleash a large-scale stimulus after China’s sharpest contraction in four decades. It foreshadows more economic pain for a world that has become increasingly reliant on China as an engine of growth.

    -omit 省略、刪除
    -unleash 發動、展開
    -stimulus 刺激(措施、因素),同 incentive
    -foreshadow 預示

    🔨China reported a 6.1% gain in gross domestic product last year—its slowest pace in nearly three decades, though within the targeted range of between 6.0% and 6.5%. The implicit acknowledgment of sharply slower growth for 2020 marks a climbdown for leader Xi Jinping during a year when he was set to proclaim the end of absolute poverty in the country and double the economy’s size from a decade earlier—political goals meant to burnish his standing ahead of next year’s centennial of the Chinese Communist Party’s founding.


    gross domestic product (GDP) 國內生產總值
    implicit 含蓄的、暗示的
    climbdown 退讓、屈服、妥協
    burnish 作動詞時有「將…擦亮」之意,同polish、brighten;作名詞時為「光亮、光澤」
    centennial 一百週年


    Economists say the ____ urban jobless rate _____ many rural migrant workers who had flooded into the country’s biggest cities seeking employment but who have since returned to their home villages and thus aren’t counted in the official tally.

    A. official / excludes
    B. private / including
    C. non-profit / included
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • incentive動詞 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-10-03 16:57:28
    有 66 人按讚


    在PTT與各媒體一片混亂的英文聽寫稿和翻譯版本之中,「Translation Matters譯」版主的費心整理很有用。很快過目後,以下對他提供的聽寫稿和翻譯版本進一步指出幾個誤點:



    ✅The first way of value, he was a conduit, potential conduit to Taiwanese patients. Foreign organ tourists who will pay more for organs than the Chinese person will.

    ->改:The first way he was valuable was that he was a conduit, potential conduit to Taiwanese patients, foreign organ tourists who will pay more for organs than the Chinese person will.

    說明:台灣病人Taiwanese patients就是他口中的更出得了錢的器官遊客foreign organ tourists,兩者是同位語,中間要用逗點分開,不能斷成兩句,否則關係連接詞who就不合文法。所以翻譯也要跟著改正,不管怎麼說,必須點出同位語的關係:




    ✅The second way that he was important to them was that He was selling Medtronic ECMO products which are some of the best in the world. They're from America. Very very good company in Minnesota.

    ->改:The second way that he was important to them was that he was selling Medtronic ECMO products, which are some of the best in the world. They're from America. Very, very good company in Minnesota.


    D) 第二種價值是,柯醫師會賣美敦力葉克膜器材,這是世界級機器、美國製造,公司很不錯、在明尼蘇達州。




    ✅The third way was that he was teaching them ECMO techniques, and this is the worst because it created, whether you meant to or not. It was creating perverse incentive to kill Falungong, wingers, Tibetans, housed Christians.

    -> 改:The third way was that he was teaching them ECMO techniques, and this is the worst because it created, whether he meant to or not, he was creating a perverse incentive to kill Falun Gong, Uyghurs, Tibetans, house Christians.

    D) 第三種價值是,柯醫師教授葉克膜的技術。這個情況最糟糕,因為不管是有意或無心,這造成了一種不正當的鼓勵。也就是葉克膜技術被利用來殺害法輪功、異議人士、藏人、被關的天主教信徒。


    說明:perverse incentive是個經濟學術語,維基百科有。這兩個字因此不好分開翻譯為「不正當/反常的誘因」,直接可用現成的中譯詞彙「反誘因」,或者,爲達更有效的溝通翻譯目的,逕行釋譯為「適得其反的效果」。winger應是Uyghurs這字的誤聽(引用處現已改正),意思也不是異議人士。

    後記:感謝幾位網友提供「house Christians」線索。

    [1] 以「基督宗教信徒」譯Christians是參考多方後的折衷,囊括基督徒(新教)和天主教徒。經查,原記者會影片(1小時40分鐘長度)中,口譯員使用的事先譯好的詞彙是「地下教會基督徒」(約38:45處),這個譯法夠好了。

