

在 imprisonment中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過125萬的網紅BBC News 中文(繁體),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 香港《國安法》6月30日通過後當日立即實施。香港《國安法》涵蓋「分裂國家、顛覆國家政權、恐怖活動和勾結外國或境外勢力」四類罪名,最高刑罰是終身監禁。 此法賦予北京直接在香港增設國安機構與人員,一些情況下可不受香港本地法律制約;一些案件可以由北京派遣的人員直接在港偵查,檢控及審判在內地進行,引起...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅R. Y.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Summoning Elemental Grace Doriado using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, and Revendread Slayer. Duel Replay: https://duelli...

imprisonment中文 在 Kora Lini Fan Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 23:45:05

長榮航空空服員 面試流程考題分享 報考資格: 1. 具中華民國國籍者。 2. 限中華民國教育部認可之國內外大專院校以上畢業者, 不限科系;持國外畢業證書者,須經由駐外機構認證。 3. 全民英語能力分級檢定測驗達中級(含)以上程度或TOEIC 達550分以上或IELTS 4.0以上或TOEFL iB...

  • imprisonment中文 在 BBC News 中文(繁體) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-12 16:01:41
    有 624 人按讚




    Hong Kong's National Security law came into effect on June 30 Hong Kong's National Security law covers four counts of " secession, subversion of state authorities, terrorist activities and collusion with foreign or foreign powers with the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

    This law gives Beijing to create more national security agencies and personnel directly in Hong Kong, and in some cases are not subject to Hong Kong's local laws. Some cases can be investigated, prosecuted and trial directly by people sent by Beijing in Hong Kong, and trial in the mainland. And worries.

    BBC Chinese makes the following five charts to give you a detailed interpretation of this highly controversial legislation.

    Related article: https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-53332916Translated

  • imprisonment中文 在 黃浩銘 Raphael Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-09-09 19:47:30
    有 69 人按讚



    - 向在囚申請人提供每人每月10,000元定額支援金,本基金不會作任何審查;
    - 日常探訪在囚申請人的支援費用,包括在囚者日用品物資費、親友探訪之交通費等;
    - 申請者入獄後因相關訴訟而引致的開支或法援分擔費;
    - 基金日常運作的必要開支,如核數費用、職員薪金等;


    公眾人士可以銀行轉帳或支票方式捐款。支票抬頭為「香港職工會聯盟」,寄往「香港西灣河耀興道七十二號聖十字架中心六樓 香港天主教正義和平委員會收」,信件及支票背面註明「在囚抗爭者支援基金」;捐款亦可直接存入「香港職工會聯盟」設立之基金之戶口,恆生銀行︰295-164578-009。

    ( 中文版本請參閱:http://bit.ly/2wgGiE9 )

    Imprisoned Activists Support Fund (IASF)

    13 activists who protested against the North East New Territories Development and the 3 activists who "stormed" the government HQ Civic Square was re-sentenced to 6-13 months of imprisonment due to the sentence review by Justice Department.

    Imprisoned Activists Support Fund (IASF) was founded to support their financial need and litigation cost of these 16 activists while they are imprisoned and to fulfill our civil social responsibility towards them. Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee, HUI Po-keung, Andrew To Yiu-ming and Denise Ho Wan-see are the trustees of IASF and the sole decision makers for matters relating to the fund, IASF is independent from any organizations and political parties.

    To support the 16 imprisoned activists, IASF intends to raise HK$4 million from the public, which will be used for:
    - a fixed $10,000 monthly allowance for each imprisoned applicant while serving the sentence
    - buying basic necessities for the imprisoned applicants and travelling expenses for prison visits
    - Related litigation costs incurred after imprisonment
    - Operating expenditure of the Fund such as audit fee and salary

    IASF does not accept any conditional donations, and will announce the amount and identity of the donor if donations over HK$100,000 was received and the identity of donor was made known to the Trustees. IASF has set up a secretariat to assist the day to day administrative work and has entrusted The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions to set up a dedicated bank account to receive donations and to disburse payments.

    The HK$2.53 million raised on 20th August in the demonstration organized by the “North East Support Group”, “League of Social Democrats”, “Demosistō” and “Students Fight For Democracy” was donated to IASF as the startup donation. We thank Hong Kong residents for their support.


    Donation methods --

    1. Please send cheque to
    6/F., Holy Cross Centre, 72 Yiu Hing Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
    Cheque payable to "Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions"
    Attention to "Imprisoned Activists Support Fund"

    2. Bank Transfer to "Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions"
    Account no.: Hang Seng Bank 295-164578-009

    3. International Wire Transfer
    Bank Name : Hang Seng Bank Limited
    Branch : Hankow Road Branch, Hong Kong
    Bank Address : No.4, Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    Remittance Address: 83, Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
    Account Name : Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
    Account Number : 024-295-164578-009
    Swift Code : HASE HKHH

    For enquiries and donation receipts, please contact us via Facebook message or iasfhk2017@gmail.com. Donations are not eligible for tax deduction.

  • imprisonment中文 在 Wan Wai Fun 尹匯雰 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-03-08 18:42:57
    有 40 人按讚

    这一次“钟家欣”会不会变美呢?还是又“大肚”了?🙊🙈 今天购票有优惠啊!快快行动吧👏🎉🎊

    0416拉开帷幕 0308正式公开售票

    马来西亚中文电影史上第一次,由电影故事延续爆笑版的“LIVE SHOW”,即将登场!

    由于贺岁电影四个愚夫之金玉满堂,得到空前的好口碑,观众们都意犹未尽,很想知道愚夫们最后怎么样?过着怎么样的生活?小童星Lucas有留在岛上吗?中奖彩券240,000令吉,究竟在哪?我们将在这场LIVE SHOW一一为您解答!

    由银河集团主办,林德荣监制、MYFM及Melody FM为指定电台,四个愚夫之愚人狂想“SHOW”,将于2016年4月16日(星期六),晚上8点30分,在云顶云星剧场,搞笑登场!



    Jack Lim 林德榮、Jeff Chin 陳浩然、Alvin Chong 锺瑾樺、Juztin Lan 劉界輝、Wan Wai Fun 尹匯雰、Fancy Goh 吴胤婷、HouSon Ng 黄侯升、Yap Chin Fong 葉清方、Joe Chang 曾耀祖、Emely Poon 潘毖伶、Bernard Hiew 邱文博、Catherine Ang 洪瑂霞、Wayne Phoo 符雁蓉、Royce Tan 陳志康、Jym Chong 莊靖毅、Jason Phang 贾森、Dato' Norman Pang 拿督彭建偉、Chong Lai Chin 钟丽珍

    日期:2016年4月16日 (星期六)
    票价:RM 388 (PS 1), RM 288 (PS 2), RM 188 (PS 3), RM 128 (PS 4), RM 88 (PS 5)
    银河热线:03 – 2282 2020

    欲知更多演唱会和座位表的详情,请拨打银河热线03–2282 2020或浏览www.galaxy.com.my ,亦可关注Galaxy Group面子书。


    Chinese New Year Blockbuster movie “Huat The Fish” comes to live in “Huat The Show”, a stage musical come 16th April 2016. Ticket sale starts on 8th March 2016!

    “Huat The Fish” which was released in cinemas nationwide on the 4th day of the Chinese New Year this year, will be turned into a stage musical soon. The musical play shall con-tinue from where the story left off in the movie.

    Due to the overwhelming response to this blockbuster Lunar New Year movie, “Huat The Fish”, we are now offering the audience an up-close, interactive experience with the movie stars. This will be the first ever stage musical play made from a Malaysian Chinese movie. To all the fans and supporters who caught the movie in the cinemas in the last few weeks, did you wonder what came next after the ending? What happens to the 4 fishermen? Does Lucas stay with his parents on the island? Where did the RM240,000 lottery winnings go? Make yourself available this 16th April and find out at Genting’s Arena of Stars!

    Galaxy Group is pleased to bring you, “Huat The Show” stage musical in Malaysia on 16th April 2016 (Saturday), 8.30pm at Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands! ”Huat The Show” which is produced by MYFM DJ / producer / actor Jack Lim, and with MYFM & Melody FM as official radio stations, is a must-see for fans of all ages.

    “Huat The Show” is a stage play that depicts how the 4 fishermen resume their normal lifestyle after enduring all the hardships, including a year’s imprisonment. As they are toiling away, an opportunity arises again for them to make a quick buck and thus another story begins.

    For the very 1st time, fans will witness a 2-hour stage play with more 18 talented cast members and dancers, donned in dazzling costumes, singing and dancing to classic and hit songs, awe-inspiring sets and cut out scenes from the movie that were never released, as the movie is brought to life! This quality production is suitable for the entire family. Don’t miss seeing the icons in flesh!

    We promise, with an experienced, industry-leading creative team and brilliant cast, to bring this fantastic story to life in a fun and magical way! We will definitely create an unforgettable show for all the fans. “Huat The Show” will give fans the opportunity to engage with the cast while spending time with their families and friends and making memories that will last beyond the stage.

    Jack Lim, Jeff Chin, Alvin Chong, Juztin Lan, Joe Chang, Bernard Hiew, Emely Poon, Fancy Goh, Wan Wai Fun, HouSon Ng, Catherine Ang, Wayne Phoo, Royce Tan, Jym Chong, Jason Phang, Dato’ Norman Pang, Yap Chin Fong, Chong Lai Chin and more.

    Huat The Show details:
    Date: 16th April 2016
    Time: 8.30pm
    Venue: Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands
    Ticket Pricing: RM388 (PS 1), RM288 (PS 2), RM188 (PS 3), RM128 (PS 4), RM88 (PS 5)
    Galaxy Hotline: 03 – 2282 2020

    Be sure not to miss the show! The stage musical play, which promises a night of fun and laughter, you won’t forget! Book your tickets today!

    For more details, please contact Galaxy Group at 03-22822020 or visit Galaxy Group’s official website at www.galaxy.com.my or Galaxy Group Facebook page. For ticket sales, please visit www.buytickets.com.my .
    Early Bird discount:
    To celebrate the international women’s day, all fans can enjoy a 10% discount for pur-chase of tickets on 8th March 2016!

  • imprisonment中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-28 21:44:41

    Summoning Elemental Grace Doriado using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, and Revendread Slayer.

    Duel Replay:

    Skill: Not Set
    Revendread Slayer ×3
    Grandsoil the Elemental Lord ×1
    Umbramirage the Elemental Lord ×1
    Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin ×1
    Elemental Grace Doriado ×1
    Vendread Revenants ×1
    Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru ×3
    The Six Samurai - Irou ×1
    Vylon Cube ×3
    Elementsaber Malo ×1
    Elementsaber Aina ×1
    Elementsaber Makani ×2
    Deskbot 001 ×1
    Living Fossil ×1
    Overdone Burial ×1
    Palace of the Elemental Lords ×2
    Revendread Origin ×1
    Gateway to Chaos ×3
    Revendread Evolution ×1
    Vendread Nights ×1

    Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment ×1
    Ancient Fairy Dragon ×3
    Deskbot Jet ×1
    Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger ×1
    Photon Strike Bounzer ×1

  • imprisonment中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-03-24 00:54:43

    A 4-Card FTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru, Catapult Turtle, and the Skill "I Was Quicker Than You".

    Duel Replay:

    Skill: I Was Quicker Than You
    Revendread Slayer ×1
    Grandsoil the Elemental Lord ×1
    Umbramirage the Elemental Lord ×1
    Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin ×1
    Elementsaber Molehu ×1
    D.D. Sprite ×1
    Catapult Turtle ×2
    Vendread Revenants ×1
    Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru ×2
    The Six Samurai - Irou ×1
    Vylon Cube ×3
    Elementsaber Aina ×1
    Elementsaber Makani ×2
    Vendread Core ×1
    Deskbot 001 ×1
    Living Fossil ×1
    Overdone Burial ×1
    Palace of the Elemental Lords ×2
    Revendread Origin ×1
    Gateway to Chaos ×3
    Revendread Evolution ×1
    Vendread Nights ×1

    Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment ×1
    Ancient Sacred Wyvern ×1
    Ancient Fairy Dragon ×3
    Deskbot Jet ×1
    Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger ×1

  • imprisonment中文 在 R. Y. Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-14 00:26:09

    A 4-Card FTK using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, De-Synchro, and Catapult Turtle in the hand.

    Duel Replay:

    Skill: Not Set
    Grandsoil the Elemental Lord ×1
    Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin ×1
    Catapult Turtle ×3
    Elementsaber Lapauila ×1
    Vylon Cube ×3
    Elementsaber Nalu ×1
    Elementsaber Aina ×1
    Elementsaber Makani ×2
    Overdone Burial ×1
    United We Stand ×2
    Palace of the Elemental Lords ×2
    Gateway to Chaos ×3
    De-Synchro ×1

    Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment ×1
    Ancient Fairy Dragon ×1
    Armades, Keeper of Boundaries ×1

