為什麼這篇impressed介系詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在impressed介系詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者junxool (陽光宅男)看板TOEIC標題Re: [討論] 分詞構句上的問題時間Fri Se...
Thanks for Englearner's collecting and organizing these supporting proof and
data to certify the validation for omitting "because" and "so" in ing-phrase
structure sentences once such conjuntions concern about the property of causes.
These resources, as well, prove it precise that the author's contend and the
content of this part in 圖解英文法 should be backed up with concrete information
However, without Tucson's efforts to point out the doubt and complexity of
this specific rule, we won't have this precious opportunity to disscuss and
exchange on this notion in so much detailed condition.
※ 引述《EngLearner (英語客)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《tucson (tucson)》之銘言:
: : Sentences & Complex structures by Marcella Frank
: : ISBN: 986-77+0-92-8
: : P. 89
: : 其中有提到”分詞片語”也可能同時包含after和because的雙重義務
: : Having eaten too much, he became sleepy.
: : 因此此時可加以保留連接詞以免產生意義上的誤解. 但是使用because連接詞時一般正式
: 用法使應該使用子句方式, 少數非正式用法可能有分詞出現.
: 表原因的 because 和 as 要不要省略,直接看你所舉的那本書就有答案了。
: 你打錯字了,書上是寫 "雙重意義"。
: 所謂「分詞片語可能同時包含after 和 because 的雙重意義」指的是這句話可以雙重
: 解讀:
: After he had eaten too much, he became sleep.
: Because he had eaten too much, he became sleep.
: 而不是等於你所說的可以保留 "because"。
: 分詞的多重解讀是可能發生的。[1] 所以我們更應警慎區分哪些連接詞可保
: 留。
: 你可以翻到這本書的 90 頁,更可以清楚判斷。
: 在這頁練習,作者寫了:
: B. 將下列表示時間與原因的副詞子句改為分詞片語,注意哪一種分詞可以加上時間字詞。
: Example:
: a. Because they were impressed by the young man's qoalification, they offered
: him a good job with their firm.
: Impressed by the young man's qoalification, they offered him a good
: job with their firm.
: b. While he was walking in the park, he suddenly had a heart attack.
: Walking in the park, he suddenly had a heart attack.
: (also While walking in the park …)
: 這個練習是要你(妳)注意哪一種分詞可以加上時間字詞。作者b例句把while保留的方式列
: 出,卻沒有保留 a句的 "because",這已經很明顯了。
: 有些書列出可以保留的連接詞 [2] [6]。有些更直接說明
: because是不存在於這種句構中 [3] [4] [5]。
: [1]
: Some participial phrases have characteristics of both adverbials and
: adjectivals:
: Standing near a huge puddle, Jan got thoroughly splashed.
: Here the opening verb phrase could be extended into either an adjectival who clause (Jan, who was standing near a huge puddle, got thoroughly splashed) or an adverbial while clause (While she was standing near a huge puddle, Jan got thoroughly splashed). The sentence would be correctly analyzed either way.
: (Martha Kolln ,Understanding English Grammar, 8th ed., pp. 154)
: [2]
: -ing clauses can be used after many conjunctions and prepositions. They are
: common with after, before, since, when, while, on, without, instead of
: and as. Note that -ing forms after prepositions can often be considered as
: either participles or gerunds-the dividing line is not clear.
: .
: .
: .
: She struck me as being very nervy kind of person.
: (Michael Swan, Practical English Usage, 3rd ed., pp.384)
: 這裡的 "as"很明顯是講介系詞,不是你說的表原因。
: [3]
: We can also reduce adverbial clauses construction containing because, since,
: and as to -ing phrases. Again, the subject in the main clause must be the
: same as the subject in the adverbial clause.
: .
: .
: .
: These reduced clauses do not include the adverbial. That is, it is
: not possible to say "Because taking the bus, we saved a lot of money."
: (Jan Frodsen and Janet Eyring, Grammar Dimensions, 4th ed., pp.304)
: [4]
: We can also form reduced adverbial clauses by using subordinating conjunctions
: such as before and as if with a present participle.
: Before you leave, switch off all the lights.
: Before leaving, switch off all the lights.
: He stood there, as if he was waiting for someone.
: He stood there, as if waiting for someone.
: Note that because is not used in this way.
: (Not He stood there, because waiting for someone.)
: (George Yule, Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced, pp.205)
: [5]
: (f) Because she needed some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.
: (g) Needing some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.
: (h) Because he lacked the necessary qualifications, he was not considered
: for the job.
: (i) Lacking the necessary qualifications, he was not considered for the
: job.
: Often an -ing phrase at the beginning of a sentence gives the meaning of
: "because" (f) and (g) have the same meaning.Because is not included in
: a modifying phrase. It is ommitted, but the resulting phrase expresses a
: cause and effect relationship, as in (g) and (i).
: ( Betty Schrampfer Azar,Understanding and Using English Grammar , 3rd ed., pp. 376)
: [6]
: Not all conjunctions and prepositions are able to function as introducers of
: non-finite dependent clauses. Those that can do so form a subset of the total
: class of each.
: Subset of conjunctions
: when Take extra time when driving at night.
: while (time) While talking, he jotted everything down on a pad.
: while (concession) While agreeing basically with your proposal,
: we would nevertheless suggest certain
: amendments.
: though Though feeling unwell, she made an effort to
: appear cheerful.
: if If travelling abroad, watch out for pickpockets.
: (Angela Downing and Philip Locke, English Grammar: A University Course, 2nd ed., pp.296)
: 如果文法書不是唯一真理,你說的話更不是唯一真理。身為英語學習者,不能只
: 憑自己錯誤的解讀就妄下斷論,要多去參考比較,不然各說各話, 「見仁見智」的結果
: ,只會造成亂用。英文既是國際語言,除了本身母語人士使用 (美國、英國、澳洲、
: 紐西蘭、南非、愛爾蘭、加拿大),還有其他非母語人士使用,也因此產生ㄧ些差異。
: 要平衡差異,非文法很難做到。而ㄧ般人認為的狹義文法就是一堆規則,其實不然。
: 廣義的文法絕不侷限於死的規則,它包含文化、意識形態、心理層面、說話藝術等。
: 廣義文法會隨時空而改變,但也有一定的準則,等到相當人數的母語人士開始改變使用
: 習慣後,也在重要的報章雜誌出現後,才會逐漸受到廣泛接受。所以不要再邊緣化文法
: ,它不是憑你ㄧ個人的力量可以撼動的。
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