

在 impress是什麼產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅葉朗程,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 任職 Adidas 的 Jane 跟我說:「你對 Ultra Boost 買貴咗喇。」佢個「喇」字講得好嗲,然後佢話:「下次叫我幫你買啦。」嗰個「啦」字聽到人心亂如麻,仲回味緊。 係啦,成日買貴嘢,如果身邊有個像 Jane 的女生幫我格下價,你話幾咁木村拓哉同松隆子。 不過買貴嘢唔緊要,最緊要唔...


impress是什麼 在 ɴᴀɴᴀ ᴄʜᴇᴜɴɢ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-11 15:26:26

#痘痘粉刺肌救星 #不是廣告的自費分享 #nanac_sharing 話說由變咗口罩敏感肌之後,我努力搵咗同試咗好多產品去處理我啲敏感暗粒 呢支真係俾我燒咗好多親友講咗好耐終於有時間寫! 就係 #DRWU杏仁酸亮白煥膚精華 ✨✨ 其實如果你有留意開台灣美妝應該對佢唔陌生 超級多台灣嘅YouTub...

impress是什麼 在 ᴺᴵᴺᴵ ᴴᵁ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-28 22:57:07

- 來談談化妝這件事吧,俗話說:「女為悅己者容」,幾千年前的女人化妝是為了取悅男人,現在,我想並非如此。 認識我的人大概都知道其實我是極少上妝的,連防曬也不用的那種(更別提保養),除非有工作或是重要的聚會我才會上妝,因此我幾乎沒有什麼化妝品,也不太會化妝。 但是這一年來我漸漸開始注意美妝資訊、看美妝...

  • impress是什麼 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-26 19:27:33
    有 3,261 人按讚

    任職 Adidas 的 Jane 跟我說:「你對 Ultra Boost 買貴咗喇。」佢個「喇」字講得好嗲,然後佢話:「下次叫我幫你買啦。」嗰個「啦」字聽到人心亂如麻,仲回味緊。

    係啦,成日買貴嘢,如果身邊有個像 Jane 的女生幫我格下價,你話幾咁木村拓哉同松隆子。


    之前唔係賣廣告,對 Ultra Boost 真係好跑。每一代都有,每一代都冇令人失望。識跑嘅男人,一定要有對 Ultra Boost 旁身。

    有跑友質疑:「Ultra Boost 好跑?你識唔識㗎。」我穿過的跑鞋比我拮過的燒賣還要多,你話我識唔識?

    Ultra Boost 賣點係乜?兩個字,好款。佢嘅流線型係襯長褲短褲吊腳褲都冇得輸,而因為佢嘅線條,最簡單嘅色都可以好搶。

    咁對鞋好唔好跑呢?好跑,如果係輕鬆跑。即係話,如果你要練速度,要 hard core 跑,唔好著呢對。

    你約跑嘅靚女跑到最快都係六分,而你本身五分都輕鬆,咁一定係著 Ultra Boost 陪佢跑,因為你是要 impress her with the look but not with the pace。

    你本身虧底,又想同人用跑步拉近距離,著對 Ultra Boost 應該死得仲快。

    其實每件事都是一場 show,跑步是一場 show,吃飯是一場 show;說得是 show,就要有合適的 costume;尤其是男人,最緊要係個頭同對鞋。


    看今天步出法庭的王宗堯,腳下那雙 Ultra Boost 21,型到。


    所謂姿整,就是一絲不苟的 packaging。

    Steve Jobs 說的,packaging 是一個電影院,裏面放映著的,就是你的故事。

  • impress是什麼 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-26 15:28:29
    有 4,722 人按讚

    實際發生的情況 VS 外人所看到的情況。














    *跳躍高度是根據h = 1 / 2gt ^ 2,t = 1.154s + -0.004s(240fps)從跳躍頂點確定的

    What really happens VS what people see.

    Yesterday I posted this which seemed to rile people up. Many people think posting like this is inciting dangerous behavior. "Bad Demonstration. Ignorant people will follow this and die". Why is it always other people who are behaving irresponsibly. No ever ever comments "I might try to repeat this and die" Why is there so much distrust of other people? What makes your judgement so much better than everyone else's?

    People aren't at risk from watching a video and then trying to repeat it. If you believed people like that existed then the "fast and the furious "movies would make you too scared to leave the house for fear of reckless drivers.

    The video was filmed at a high frame rate (slow motion). Long airtime gives it the appearance of being a very high jump, but it's only 6.5 meters. While not particularly high, this is still high enough to be painful if you landed on your back or stomach. I know, because I'm not good at doing backflips, but I still try anyway. Landing on your stomach isn’t fatal, but it’s not fun either. That's why I recommend jumping feet first, hands in, as seen in the video. It's actually quite a good demonstration.

    I always tell people to check water depth and ensure there are no obstructions before jumping. But when we say "look before you jump" what we really mean is "Think before you act".

    Is it risky to climb up to the platform?
    Is the platform I am jumping from stable?
    Where is my planned landing zone?
    Are there any people or objects in the landing zone?
    Is the depth of the water suitable for jumping from this height?
    What will I do in the air while jumping?
    What is my planned body orientation for landing?
    Can I swim in these conditions?
    How will I exit the water after jumping?
    Do I need any additional equipment such as gloves or a life jacket?
    Are there people nearby? Do they know I am jumping?

    None of these are complicated questions and none require any technical training. This is just basic common sense. Most people do this automatically, without even having to think about it.

    The above isn't especially dangerous. People are generally safe and responsible when it comes to their personal safety with a few important exceptions. The real safety tips are down here:

    1) Never consume alcohol while cliff jumping. You'd be surprised how many accidents in nature involve alcohol.

    2) Never pressure anyone into attempting a stunt they are not comfortable with. If someone is scared, it's because they lack the requisite skill or experience. This increases risk. Teach. Don't tease .

    3) Know your limits. Take baby steps. Don't attempt something far above your experience level without consulting someone with more experience. Ignore anyone who is pressuring you. They're not being good friends.

    4) Don't do anything stupid to impress a girl. It's not worth it. 9 out of 10 women surveyed preferred men without head injuries.

    Now go out to the river and have some fun. Go cliff jumping. Climb as high as you feel comfortable. And if at any time if you feel uncomfortable, just back down and jump from somewhere lower, or not at all. Go with friends that you trust, and watch out for each other. Check the weather first. Prepare equipment you need in advance. You may need a flotation device. If you realize you don’t have enough equipment later, you don’t need to attempt anything you are not prepared for. Just come back and play another day.

    Follow these basic steps and you will soon realize that hysteria isn’t the proper approach to water safety. Knowledge and preparation is.

    *jump height determined using h= 1/2gt^2, t=1.154s+-0.004s (240fps), from apex of jump

  • impress是什麼 在 駐英台-景觀筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-09 19:48:37
    有 19 人按讚

    🔎第三階段 : 應徵職缺​

    🔺Part 1 : cover letter怎麼寫的5個重點​

    Cover letter是指在投職缺時,連同履歷和作品集一起寄出的一封信,他是第一眼會被看到的東西,也就是你應徵的第一個門面,關係到你的履歷、作品集會不會被點開來。​

    Cover letter的主要重點應是敘明自己是如何「符合職缺需求且合適」,並策略性地說服公司「這個人值得花時間來面試」。​

    1️⃣ 展現你對職缺公司已有了解且相當有興趣​

    他們在乎的是----你了解我們公司嗎? 為什麼你想加入我們公司? 為了回答以上問題, 研究準備工作不可少,請竭盡你的資源,無論是網路上搜尋或詢問在該公司任職的朋友、老師,徹底研究了解你想要投職缺的這家公司,他們處理的領域是? 做過什麼案子? 公司理念是什麼? ​

    2️⃣ 職缺需求看清楚: 放大優點​

    公司徵人是必一定有他的需求,請把徵才廣告詳細閱讀--工作內容有哪些? 必須要會用的軟體是?有什麼技能或經驗會加分? ​
    景觀設計要處理的層面很廣,尤其職場新鮮人可能擅長的東西不那麼全面,或是某些軟體不熟練等,因此在cover letter中可以強調你的優點,哪些部分你很擅長,且正好符合該公司的領域,或是正好某個職缺需求中的技能/軟體你相當擅長。​

    3️⃣ 價值+符合需求= 你就是他們要找的人​

    綜上所述,cover letter最核心的就是必須展現出「你的價值」,並明確點出「為什麼 他們要用你」的種種客觀條件。畢業生除了要能符合職缺需求外,也要讓人相信你有-- 願意學習的上進心、可栽培的潛能; 若是已經有工作經驗者,可進一步提到你的企圖 心--- 你想要的是什麼? 你的加入能帶給公司什麼?​

    4️⃣ 毛遂自薦-- 自己創造職缺​

    若對某間公司有興趣但沒有開缺,你還是可以寄出cover letter和履歷、作品集,展現出你的強烈 興趣與企圖心,往好處想,你就是唯一一個求職者---沒有其他競爭對手! ​
    有很多時候會有意想不到的收穫。建議可以等1-2禮拜後去電,或是再寄一封follow-up email詢問狀 況。​

    5️⃣ 簽證狀態及需求​

    若已有簽證能在英國工作或實習者,別忘記在cover letter最後提及你現在的簽證種類、可以工作的時數、簽證到期日等資訊; 但如果你需要工作簽證者,除了主動說明外,不主動提起也是個選項,與其讓公司因為簽證問題拒你於門外,何不先用履歷和作品集打動他們,說服公司你是值得的人選比較重要。​


    🔎Stage 3 : Applying for a job position​
    🔺Part 1 : How to write a cover letter + 5 key points​

    The cover letter is a key document sent in along with your resume and portfolio for a job application. It is the first item employers would see when reviewing your job application, and hence their first impression of you. The purpose of the cover letter is to grab their attention and convince them to have a look at your resume and portfolio. The contents should give an insight of your attitude, achievements, skills, experience and why you are the best candidate for the job position. You need to convince the employer that you fit in with their company culture and that you are worth the time and effort for an interview.​

    1️⃣ Display your understanding and interest for the job position.​

    Few key questions employers ask when recruiting – Do you know our company philosophy, values and culture? Why do you want to join our company? They want to know if you are genuinely interested in them, and motivated to perform if hired.

    To answer these questions, prior research and preparation is indispensable to do well. Tap into online resources, talks and the network of people – peers/seniors you know that work for the company, colleagues and teachers to thoroughly familiarize and understand the company – How does the company function? How do the teams work? What type of projects do they deal with? Which projects have they completed?

    2️⃣ Understand the job requirements: Magnify your strengths.​

    Read in detail the company job posting advertisements – What specific needs and requirements are they looking for? What basic software skills do they require? What additional skills and experience would value-add to your application?

    Landscape architects need to deal with a wide range of jobscope. For young professionals whom just joined the field, it may be tough to display a comprehensive amount of matured skillset. As such, emphasize your strengths in the cover letter and abilities that you are confident will meet the job requirements.

    3️⃣ Value + Meeting requirements = YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!​

    In summary, the purpose of the cover letter is to show your "value" and clearly point out to the employer why they should hire you. Fresh graduates should not only be able to meet the basic requirements of the job position, but also display your thirst to learn, goals and that you have potential. If you already have work experience, you can mention your ambitions – What to you want to achieve? What value can you add to the company?

    4️⃣ Self-recommendation – Creating your own job vacancy.​

    If you are interested in a particular company that is not hiring, you can still send in your application documents to show your strong interest and initiative. Do not be afraid as there likely won’t be other competitors, you might also gain unexpected benefits instead.

    After sending in your application, it is recommended to wait for 1-2 weeks before calling, or sending another email for a follow-up action.

    5️⃣ VISA status and requirements.​

    Even if you already have a visa to work or intern in the UK, do mention these details at the end of the cover letter – Current visa type, eligible working hours, visa expiry date, etc.

    If you require a work visa, some people suggest to be explicit about it while some suggest to not bring up the matter until the company ask due to the fear of their application being directly rejected prior to considerations.

    However, rather than spending time worrying over visa employment issues, why not work on your resume and portfolio to impress and convince the company that you are a candidate worthy for the effort to hire in the first place.

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