

在 immersive沉浸式產品中有88篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,471的網紅黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Do you remember the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival held in Switzerland this June? This was the very time that Taiwan was officially f...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過119萬的網紅Laowu老吳,也在其Youtube影片中提到,At Dead Of Night is part horror film, part horror game and part ghost hunt. It blends live-action and graphics to create a unique immersive horror exp...

immersive沉浸式 在 香港人.遊香港 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 13:11:02

香港好去處:【亞洲首個ART TECH體驗展!40位藝術家!大型投射+區塊鏈NFT科技!打造沉浸式藝術體驗!】 首屆「Digital Art Fair Asia」藝術科技體驗展(DAFA)即將登陸中環!是次展覽將多個藝術品以實體及虛擬形式展出,當中展出超過40位國際及本地藝術家的數位及 NFT 藝...

immersive沉浸式 在 港式情侶HKstyleCouple Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 13:43:18

速報:女士名額已經爆滿!!尚有少量男士名額,喂仲等?快D報名啦 ! 想體驗一場最自在又難忘嘅Speed Dating?不如以動物身份,應邀參與一場索寓言主題嘅配對晚宴吧! 〖 沉浸式單身配對晚宴」:伊索愛情餐桌餐桌 《Aesop à Table》 〗 Aesop à Table 伊索愛情餐桌(...

  • immersive沉浸式 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-24 21:35:38
    有 31 人按讚

    Do you remember the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival held in Switzerland this June? This was the very time that Taiwan was officially featured in the festival. The NIFFF launched “Formosa Fantastica” and set up a category for immersive content. Huang’s latest work “Samsara” has also taken part in the festival.

    According to Verizon Media’s analysis data for the first quarter of this year, Taiwan’s interest in accepting immersive performances is higher than the global average. Also, the contents and forms of Taiwanese immersive experiences are highly diverse. Perhaps that was the reason for the NIFFF to choose Taiwan as their featured country this year.

    And how does Taiwan develop the field of immersive experience? Check out the article below!

    還記得今年六月時在瑞士舉辦的紐沙特奇幻影展嗎(Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, NIFFF)?這是首次官方以臺灣為主題國,推出「奇幻福爾摩沙」單元並設立「沉浸式內容」類別。黃心健則以最新作品《輪迴》參與展出。

    根據Verizon Media針對今年第一季調查數據分析可得知,台灣沉浸式體驗接受度高於全球平均!且臺灣的沈浸式體驗內容與形式發展多元,由此或許可理解今年NIFFF為何以臺灣為主題國了!

    更多內容請見文章《 不僅是代工大國——臺灣,你的下一步是沉浸式「內容大國」》🔗 https://taicca.tw/article/7bf306cf?fbclid=IwAR3wlQwL2OghQd4QEtqBVcH-2c8zhY7RrZ21idxZnEMHkvXUA71c6uS-YBY

    圖為今年NIFFF 論壇「SAUVAGE展覽之延伸座談一:臺灣沉浸式內容作品」邀請《Oil邊境》製片François Klein、《輪迴》導演黃心健、《蘚的歌唱》導演蘇柏維、《星際大騙局之登月計劃》導演徐漢強與主持人Laetitia Bochud進行線上對談 。

  • immersive沉浸式 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 22:01:45
    有 958 人按讚

    2021 ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL Garden Taipei/ Formosa
    2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節台灣展區「台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊」
    展區 ✨【沉浸之旅】(Immersive Tour )
    預告片來囉 ✨ https://youtu.be/6TvpTQIYWaw

    VR comes with a memorable immersive experience, making it possible to temporarily tear down the limit of time and space to temporarily let audiences experience the freedom of movement and their desire to explore the world. Therefore, in “Immersive Tour”, as the first part of the “Taiwan Grand Tour”, viewers can wander among the mountains, oceans, and rivers in the digital world, even outer space! Five scenes inspired by unique Taiwanese landscapes with cultural and biological features will be shared with the audiences, such as “The Starry Sand Beach” (Directed by Hsin-Chien Huang and Nina Barbier), “Moondream Reality-Rebirth”(Directed by Chi-Yen Chiang, Ami Wu), the shuttle VR 360 stereo video of “TAIPOWER D/S ONE.” (Directed by Ghung-I Hung and Shih-Chou Wen), “Floating Childhoods” (Directed by Hakka Public Communication Foundation and Wen-Chieh Chang), “Blue Tears EP1” (Directed by Hsiao-Yue Tsao), and “Samsara” (Directed by Hsin-Chien Huang). A link for a time-limited experience and viewing of this program will be available.

    VR具有沉浸式的特殊體驗,暫時抽離時間與空間的限制,讓我們重新感受到行動的自由,以及探索世界的渴望,因此在「沉浸之旅」的展區中,作為「島嶼壯遊」的第一步,觀者可以遊走於數位世界裡面的山、海、河,甚至延伸到外太空!我們將為觀眾分享六件富有台灣獨特地景、生物以及文化元素的作品,分別為 《星砂》:Nina Barbier/黃心健、《夢境現實:帝江化生》:江其諺/吳文琪、《台電電幻1號所穿梭VR 360》:洪仲儀/温世州、《浮光童夢》:張文杰/客家公共傳播基金會、《藍眼淚Ep.1》:曹筱玥、《輪迴》:黃心健。

    ⭐️ 明日 9/7(二) 將舉辦「奧地利電子藝術節台北福爾摩沙花園」開幕記者會線上直播(10:00~11:00),進到活動頁面按下 #參加,直播時就會有通知囉😎😎😎 https://www.facebook.com/events/692257535064255?ref=newsfeed

    ✨線上展覽時間為2021年9月8日至12日! 敬請期待🤩🤩🤩

    ✔️【食壤計畫】展區介紹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl80hcdI_jY
    ✔️奧地利電子藝術節大會花園 https://ars.electronica.art/new....../de/formosa-grand-tour/
    ✔️台北/福爾摩沙花園:島嶼壯遊 專區 http://garden2021.metarealitylab.com/

    ​#arselectronica21 #gardentaipeiformosa

  • immersive沉浸式 在 港式情侶 HKstyleCouple Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-22 18:32:30
    有 27 人按讚



  • immersive沉浸式 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-22 23:46:08

    At Dead Of Night is part horror film, part horror game and part ghost hunt. It blends live-action and graphics to create a unique immersive horror experience like no other.

    《At Dead Of Night》是Baggy Cat Ltd.是一部恐怖电影题材的真人互动冒险游戏。At Dead Of Night将恐怖电影与幽灵狩猎玩法相结合,融合了实景和图形,创造了独一无二的身临其境的恐怖体验,为了玩家提供独特的沉浸式体验。

    #atdeadofnight #deadofnight

    LIKE & SHARE 如果你喜歡這個系列哦 ;DD

    Part 1 開始看清單: shorturl.at/hpGRW
    關注我的頻道別錯過任何更新 : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
    關注老吳Facebook個人帳號 : http://goo.gl/c0a2DW

  • immersive沉浸式 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-22 22:24:20

    At Dead Of Night is part horror film, part horror game and part ghost hunt. It blends live-action and graphics to create a unique immersive horror experience like no other.

    《At Dead Of Night》是Baggy Cat Ltd.是一部恐怖电影题材的真人互动冒险游戏。At Dead Of Night将恐怖电影与幽灵狩猎玩法相结合,融合了实景和图形,创造了独一无二的身临其境的恐怖体验,为了玩家提供独特的沉浸式体验。

    #atdeadofnight #deadofnight

    LIKE & SHARE 如果你喜歡這個系列哦 ;DD

    Part 1 開始看清單: shorturl.at/hpGRW
    關注我的頻道別錯過任何更新 : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
    關注老吳Facebook個人帳號 : http://goo.gl/c0a2DW

  • immersive沉浸式 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-16 23:47:35

    At Dead Of Night is part horror film, part horror game and part ghost hunt. It blends live-action and graphics to create a unique immersive horror experience like no other.

    《At Dead Of Night》是Baggy Cat Ltd.是一部恐怖电影题材的真人互动冒险游戏。At Dead Of Night将恐怖电影与幽灵狩猎玩法相结合,融合了实景和图形,创造了独一无二的身临其境的恐怖体验,为了玩家提供独特的沉浸式体验。

    #atdeadofnight #deadofnight

    LIKE & SHARE 如果你喜歡這個系列哦 ;DD

    Part 1 開始看清單: shorturl.at/hpGRW
    關注我的頻道別錯過任何更新 : http://goo.gl/3TVkJT
    關注老吳Facebook個人帳號 : http://goo.gl/c0a2DW

