

在 imagination公司產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅上報,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【國際】#上報國際 蘋果公司宣布往後2年內iPhone將不再使用Imagination公司的繪圖晶片,這對他們是非常大的打擊,Imagination的股價已暴跌69%。 #蘋果 #英國 #繪圖晶片 ▶快加上報好友!(Line ID:@upmedia) 瀏覽每日重要新聞→https://line...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Guitar Josa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,"We Create Space For Your Imagination" 我們為你的想像創造空間 這段話是印在GFI System效果器盒子裡面 經過今晚的直播之後 我才完全能體會到這段話的意思 這家公司太強了 音色真的沒有極限 !! 建議大家直接看Jam的片段 你就能用最快的時間 感受到G...

imagination公司 在 Tsai (2dogg) Hsiang Huang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-23 10:18:37

Title art for "最美的風景 / Fight With The Demon" Marz23 ft. 莫宰羊 Official Music Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f56eHwC8jEQ p.s: It contains ...

imagination公司 在 ambrabella Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-03 08:18:36

2021公司的首部作品🌶️🌶️ 杜甲A-Ma在台北最酷的朝聖地大稻埕進駐了。這是一間亞洲首間以辣椒為主的香料概念體驗店,創辦人李威辰花了15年時間的準備,將探索走訪產地累積的辣椒知識、故事與記憶全部都裝在這些瓶瓶罐罐裡。 杜甲A-Ma將華人傳統家庭必備的醬、油、粉、食品及辛香料,打造五大系列,編織...

  • imagination公司 在 上報 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-04-04 22:30:00
    有 44 人按讚



    #蘋果 #英國 #繪圖晶片

    ▶快加上報好友!(Line ID:@upmedia)

  • imagination公司 在 Guitar Josa Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-17 01:24:20

    "We Create Space For Your Imagination"

    這段話是印在GFI System效果器盒子裡面

    這家公司太強了 音色真的沒有極限 !!
    你就能用最快的時間 感受到GFI System最獨特的魅力
    那充滿想像力的聲音 新奇 新鮮

    我完全愛上了 ~ !!
    喜歡 ^___^

    謝謝 Enjoy it ~ !!

    GFI System Specular Tempus:https://bit.ly/3ptCdbO

    GFI System Synesthesia:https://bit.ly/2KviQk3

    0:00 Open
    5:54 Jam
    12:47 talking
    14:45 訊號 : Gt - Pedal - Amp - Cab Sim - GFI - RME
    17:14 GFI介紹
    27:30 Synesthesia
    1:11:08 Specular Tempus
    1:42:37 Together 2顆一起使用
    2:06:09 Jam02
    2:17:20 Jam03
    2:25:38 總結&心得
    Paypal ▶ https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/josaguitar
    歐付寶 ▶ https://p.opay.tw/LzPAz
    謝謝你們 !
    我會持續做出好內容給大家收看的 !

    Follow me on
    🎸IG : https://www.instagram.com/josaguitar/
    🎸Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/MrJosaguitar
    🎸Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JosaGTplayer/


  • imagination公司 在 National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-24 13:32:38

    展期: 2020/8/21-2020/11/8
    地點: 新竹241藝術空間
    Date: August 21~November 8, 2020
    Venue: Hsinchu 241 Art Space

    This exhibition juxtaposes the ancient and modern to explore the changes in the form, history, and ecology of animals, and proceeds to link these to contemporary life using art, technology, and nature, thereby creating a new perspective by which viewers can appreciate artistic beasts.

    This exhibition, Bestiarum Vocabulum: NPM x Hsinchu 241 New Media Art Exhibition, marks the debut of the “Digital Bestiary” created by the National Palace Museum, which employs new media art to provide a fresh perspective on the animals depicted in the painted scrolls of the Museum collections. In addition, this exhibition has also invited the Hsinchu Zoo for a first-time collaboration on a digital zoo that combines ancient, modern, real, and imaginary elements.

    Through three primary themes, “Finding Beasts with the Aid of Drawings,” “The Birth of Artistic Beasts,” and “Ecosystems of Artistic Imagination,” this exhibition explores the process of how animal drawings on ancient painted scrolls and albums are transferred to modern screens, and how new media can replace paintbrushes to generate myriad creative effects that integrate with modern perspectives to produce a bestiary of phenomenal artistic imagination. “Finding Beasts with the Aid of Drawings” opens with the Kunyu Quantu (Great Universal Map), offering a glimpse of how knowledge of European natural history and zoological history spread in the Qing Court and how this information was interpreted. The augmented reality work, The Universal World of Ferdinand Verbiest, is displayed here, and presents the 17th century view of rare beasts as an opening prelude to this exhibition. This section also includes a collaboration with the Hsinchu Zoo to provide a creative interactive comparison of modern animals in the Zoo with the historical animals depicted in works from the Museum collections.

    國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
    發行人 Issuer 院長 Director/吳密察Wu, Mi-Cha
    副院長 Deputy Director/余佩瑾 Yu, Pei-Chin
    副院長 Deputy Director/黃永泰 Huang, Yung-Tai
    策展團隊 Curatorial team
    教育展資處 Department of Education, Exhibition and Information Services
    處長 Chief Curator/ 徐孝德 Hsu, Hisao-Te
    副處長 Deputy Chief Curator/ 謝俊科 Hsieh, Chun-Ko
    科長 Section Chief/ 吳紹群 Wu, Shao-Chun
    策展人Curator/賴志婷Lai, Chih-Ting
    網站事務 Website Administrator/黃瀞萩、黃郁涵、陳曜瑋Huang Ching-Chiu, Huang Yu-Han
    設計與施作 Design & Construction
    西米創意設計有限公司Cmie Design

    鳴謝 Acknowledgements
    新竹市政府 Hsinchu City Government

  • imagination公司 在 風傳媒 The Storm Media Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-11-21 11:45:00






    范疇 Kenneth C. Fan

    1. ⼀一國多港:香港的第四種想像. Sep 2018
    2. 中國的救贖 -香港的另類想像. Sep 2018

    1. One Country, Multiple HKs: The fourth imagination for Hong Kong. Discourse by
    Kenneth Fan. Powered by Joey Kuo 2018 @ Sum-Coo.com
    2. China's Redemption: The alternative Imagination for Hong Kong. Discourse by
    Kenneth Fan. Powered by Joey Kuo 2018 @ Sum-Coo.com


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