

在 ignorance中文產品中有30篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅半瓶醋,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 各位好,我是旅法文字工作者,因疫情返台定居。 近日和大家一樣開始追《艾蜜莉在巴黎》,根據個人生活經驗和看法開始分集寫長篇的無濾鏡文化討論,歡迎喜愛法國文化的劇迷一起分享。 個人淺見請多指教,有任何想瞭解更多的文化討論也歡迎私訊提出。 其他集討論請見個人主頁公開貼文,謝謝閱讀。 《Emi...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,610的網紅Tony Capatch 柯龍,也在其Youtube影片中提到,After having read and being exposed to blatant ignorance. I decided to share my thoughts abt the situation as a whole. 今天看完一個文章有很多無知。所以我就是在這片説明我想法 M...

ignorance中文 在 Kelvin▪Street | Taipei, Taiwan Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-06-18 22:50:53

A story about "wondering" (內有大量中文) When I created the work "wondering", I just started. I was passionate about the future and full of curiosity. I was...

  • ignorance中文 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-12 17:36:39
    有 93 人按讚




    《Emily in Paris》 無濾鏡文化討論 01/
    Live to work or work for living?


    第一集從超美式的配樂就開始預告我們這是一個「超美視角」的影集,對巴黎的粉紅泡泡就像是Emily在男友看球賽的酒吧點的那杯白酒一樣不知所以然,那瓶算是促成Emily巴黎記的香水,也被她形容「像是穿上詩詞」- 這也是所有留法人在抵達戴高樂機場之前對巴黎生活想像的最佳註解。

    Emily住在小巴黎地價最貴地段:第五區的Place de L'estrapade,房仲口中的Chambre de bonne佣人房也是我在巴黎第二年住的房型,但大小只有Emily的一半並且還是三折式的沙發床。至於「調情」,必須說法國人確實有一個對話保有曖昧空間的傾向,但「曖昧」的意思就是不一定有,所以像房仲那種開門見山的搭訕是少有的 (房仲通常也不會幫你搬行李,我的房仲甚至人連出現都沒出現),法國人會做球給你,讓你會有一點心癢,這裡舉一個簡單的例子:



    這部影集有讓我看下去的第一個moment,就是同事Luc在下班後跟Emily的那席話。Live to work or work for living?生活為了工作還是反者?這裡是在第一集出現的第一個哲學問題,我在法國考試的時候也寫過類似的題目:我們需要工作才會快樂嗎?在這裡就先不針對這題再多贅述,因為我自己也還卡在這個工作能不能定義我是誰,以及我是否在做會使我真心快樂的工作,還是我的工作能支持我的快樂這件事。


    第一集討論最後就用Luc的金句結束:「無知成就自大」。(Let’s call it the arrogance of ignorance.)

    附上我的巴黎chambre de bonne實照,謝謝收看。

  • ignorance中文 在 寰雨膠事錄 國際新聞 Gaus.ee 台 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-29 07:30:04
    有 28 人按讚

    呢期CCP 真係好 ignorance

  • ignorance中文 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-29 17:34:29
    有 119 人按讚

    Watch the “Tearless Sky” trailer now! This romantic stage play by Symphony Theatre has just debuted in August!





    同名主题曲 – 《没有泪的天空》在易桀齐和伍冠彦的编曲下,由饰演杜小梦的钟洁希填词并演唱 。美籍音乐家兼演员的李安生 在美国得过音乐奖,也为《红楼梦》话剧创作了主题曲与插曲,深获好评。 此次,为本话剧操刀制作填词,以磁性声线献唱插曲《在一起》,并以中英双语演唱《永恒》。男主角林霆坚,真情真爱以动人歌声勇敢表达《幸福女孩》。




    想要购买话剧入门票?请点击这里 :

    【询问联络】016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)

    Want to purchase tickets? Visit the following link:
    【Contact us: 】
    Contact number: 016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)

    How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny? 🤩🤩🤩
    And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?

    Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
    As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
    We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
    In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.

    💦 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars well-known artist Jessie Chung. Symphony Theatre artists John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play alongside many experienced actors.

    💌Lead actor Terry Lim portrayed Jia Baoyu in the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” after coming first in a global audition. His portrayal of Jia Baoyu has been praised by the audience, and he is known for his superb acting skills. John Lee is an American musician and actor. He is an award-winning musician and has written two songs for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. Two songs written by him will also appear in the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Both actors are performing arts and music majors.

    💝Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.

    💖Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
    As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow.
    We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
    In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.

    🎉Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded stage play. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display spectacular, vivid backdrops created through 3D technology, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled. It will premiere on August 28 at Symphony Theatre.
    Stay tuned for more updates!

    Performance dates:
    First show: August 28, 2020
    Second show: August 29, 2020
    Third show: August 30, 2020
    Fourth show: September 4, 2020
    Fifth show: September 5, 2020
    Sixth show: September 6, 2020
    Duration: 2 hours 30min
    Time: 8 p.m.
    Venue: Symphony Theatre
    Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

  • ignorance中文 在 Tony Capatch 柯龍 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-11 06:30:00

    After having read and being exposed to blatant ignorance. I decided to share my thoughts abt the situation as a whole.

    My Instagram: @tony_capatch

    My Facebook: @capatchfitness https://www.facebook.com/capatchfitness/
    Or search (柯龍)

    Epidemic sound - Known by Dylan Sitts

  • ignorance中文 在 BrotherPedro Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-03-24 07:44:08


    考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵

    另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twitch上看實況所以Twitch也會有同步直播歡迎參考:

  • ignorance中文 在 BrotherPedro Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-03-09 20:41:44

    The Nation情報局的線民Bakay在被威脅後失蹤
    Vhart 釋出行動影片指控整個事件都是政府自導自演...

    考慮訂閱吧! 每個訂閱對我都是非常大的鼓勵

    另外, 有鑑於一些人提到他們比較喜歡在Twitch上看實況所以最近我會開始同步直播在我的Twitch頻道上,歡迎參考:

