

在 idea電腦椅產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【享受露營樂】首先要擬定露營用品Checklist ⭐露營用品可買可租 ⭐迷上露營的話通常裝備越買越多 #星期二提升正能量 野外留宿初體驗 即Check必備露營用品 受疫情困擾的日子,大家都想走向大自然,到郊野地方活動一下,去露營的念頭油然而生。作為露營初哥,對於露營要帶甚麼沒有概念?今日就同大...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅殭屍生存之夜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Music:Teddy Bear Waltz 〔直播網址〕 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpa1... 〔主頻道網址〕 https://www.youtube.com/user/nksh20434 每天何時直播什麼遊戲都會在臉書專頁寫明,有時變更或耽誤請見...

idea電腦椅 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-02 04:41:31

【享受露營樂】首先要擬定露營用品Checklist ⭐露營用品可買可租 ⭐迷上露營的話通常裝備越買越多 #星期二提升正能量 野外留宿初體驗 即Check必備露營用品 受疫情困擾的日子,大家都想走向大自然,到郊野地方活動一下,去露營的念頭油然而生。作為露營初哥,對於露營要帶甚麼沒有概念?今日就同大...

  • idea電腦椅 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-26 17:48:25
    有 77 人按讚





    睡袋一般分為木乃伊式和信封式兩種,木乃伊式包覆性比較高,較為保暖,但不適合喜歡轉身的「反瞓」人士;而信封式睡袋將拉鏈拉開可以當被子用。購買時要注意保溫範圍 (Temperature Rating),說明睡袋適合哪種溫度使用。如果想提升睡眠質素,可以加上充氣床墊,在野外都有一夜好眠。






    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Getting ready for your first camping trip
    A checklist for you

    We have all been trapped at home for months during the pandemic, and many of us would love to get closer to nature. Hence, the idea of camping outdoors might pop up in our minds. As someone without camping experience, where do you start?

    Let us go through a checklist together! If you plan to rent camping gears or borrow them from friends, make sure you learn how to use them, particularly the tent and canopy tent. Learning the proper way of installing and keeping these items can help you avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

    .Camping tent
    Do consider the weight and size of the camping tent, and if it is appropriate for the season. Tents that are lighter in weight are generally more expensive but they can significantly reduce the campers’ burden.

    Determine the size of the tent based on the number of campers. We recommend you to follow the formula ‘number of campers +1’, meaning two campers to share a three-person tent. This will give everyone enough space to store his or her items and to chill, particularly during winter.

    Opt for tents that are made from breathable materials when camping in spring and summer, and ensure they come with windows and proper mesh to allow air circulation and prevent insects from entering. During autumn and winter, opt for tents with good insulation.

    .Sleeping bag
    It is generally divided into two types: the mummy and the envelope. The mummy type can retain more heat as it is closed and form fitting, but it is not suitable for individuals who are used to tossing and turning during their sleep. The envelope type is more basic, as one can use it as a blanket once he or she unzips the sleeping bag.

    When purchasing a sleeping bag, do take note of its temperature rating, as it will give you a hint of its ability to retain warmth. If you wish to improve your sleep quality, add another layer of inflatable mattress beneath the sleeping bag.

    .Canopy tent
    Canopy tent may seem negligible, but it will bring great comfort because it can protect campers from wind and rain and function as a shade screen. It would be an enjoyment to cook, dine and play beneath the canopy.

    .Lighting equipment
    This is exceptionally important for night use, and we should choose the right equipment based on the itinerary and the campsite condition. Headlamps would come in handy for night hiking. While some can repel insects, some even come with a fan to cool users down. It is also good to bring along a torchlight in case of emergency.

    .Folding tables and chairs
    If you do not wish to eat on the ground or rock then it is wise to prepare your own tables and chairs, which should be sturdy and lightweight. If they do not come from the same set, make sure they are all of the same height.

    .Cooking utensils
    Opt for portable and foldable lightweight utensils. All you need is just a pan and a stock pot for soup, and they can all be used for frying, cooking, grilling, stewing and steaming. If necessary, bring along a multifunction stew pot so you can prepare more dishes at one go.

    .Power banks
    It is a known fact that city folks cannot live without smartphones so make sure you prepare high-capacity power banks. If you are planning to bring items that consume high electricity such as notebooks, rechargeable light equipment, and fans, do consider using solar power banks instead.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #露營 #露營用品

  • idea電腦椅 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-29 15:17:35
    有 708 人按讚









    1. 校園全面量測體溫:

    2. 入境與健康狀況通報:
    若耳溫≥ 38℃、額溫≥37.5℃或出現呼吸道不適等類流感症狀,也請立即通報衛保組03-5743000(週一至周五,上午8時至下午5 時)或生輔組03-5711814(24小時)
    個人通報: https://reurl.cc/RdKgy9
    單位通報: https://reurl.cc/72ZNMQ

    3. 視訊及彈性教學:

    4. 記錄課堂出缺席:

    5. 加強清潔消毒:

    6. 關懷諮商:





    校長 賀陳弘

    Feb. 29, 2020

    Dear faculty members, students, and staff,

    How are you?

    As the epidemic is heightening, we are going to embrace the beginning of this new semester which was postponed for two weeks.

    I would like to thank many administrators who have worked together since the Lunar New Year holidays to install a few prevention measures before school begins. These measures include the designation of home-quarantine dormitories so that students returning from Hong Kong and Macau could safely finish a 14-day period of home quarantine. Luckily, they have all peacefully exited the quarantine dorms and ready for the new semester like the rest of us. Also, the respectful cleaning staff worked even harder than usual to prepare a clean and safe environment for everybody.

    I also thank the officers of NTHU Student Associations for being active since the first day when we set up the University Epidemic Prevention Team. You have conveyed the points of view of the student body, you have provided many great suggestions, and delivered the university announcements to students in superb ways.

    However, as the school is about to begin, some students and professors still stay in their countries, not able to return to Taiwan. NTHU has prepared flexible study programs, including online learning resources, and we sincerely wish them peace and that they can continue their study with no interruption. Hopefully, if the epidemic becomes less severe, they will come back to join us soon.

    You will certainly find out that the campus is going to implement various additional epidemic-prevention measures. Though these measures can be inconvenient, we ask everybody to comply to them for the sake of everybody’s well-being. The measures include:

    1. A comprehensive plan for body temperature measurement:
    We have set up 19 body temperature booths (15 in the main campus, and 4 in the Nanda campus). Those who have normal temperatures will be marked with a sticker. I ask everybody to remind one another of this, so that we can be sure that everybody’s temperature is normal inside all the university buildings. Just in case if your temperature turns out abnormal, the Division of Health Services will inquire some of your personal information and follow up accordingly.

    2. For faculty and staff members: if you entered Taiwan from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, Italy, and countries listed under Travel Notice Level 1 or 2 (such as Japan, Singapore, Iran, and Thailand), please report to the Division of Health Services from this link: https://reurl.cc/RdKgy9. Your department or division are also requested to file in a separate report https://reurl.cc/72ZNMQ.

    3. Video-based and flexible study programs:
    To ensure that students continue to study in case that they cannot return to campus, we have asked teaching assistants to record and upload the lectures to the university e-learning systems (if the professor approves). If video recording is not plausible, we ask the professor to assign TAs for make-up classes and study consultation.

    4. Class attendance:
    If a confirmed COVID-19 case occurs in NTHU, we will need to clarify the patient’s disease contact history. Therefore, we have asked all teachers to check attendance at all time, perhaps by taking a picture, so that we have accurate records for every student’s presence and absence. For laboratory personnel management, we ask all the lab directors to thoroughly keep track of lab members’ entrance and exiting date and time.

    5. Disinfection:
    The cleaning staff will need to wear a mask and gloves at work. Bleach with 1:100 dilution will be used every day to disinfect places that are easily reached or touched by human body, including elevator buttons, doorknobs, staircase handrails, desks and chairs in meeting rooms, kitchenettes, social halls, and so on. Similarly, the toilets will be disinfected daily with 1:100 diluted bleach.

    6. Caring and consultation:
    During this difficult time, we might all be somewhat fearful and emotionally affected. Please do not panic over rumors; let us care for each other and do not exclude or speculate against anybody. If you find that your anxiety and worry is affecting your sleep or normal daily routine, you are encouraged to contact the University Counseling Center.

    The epidemic is going to affect our life inevitably when the new semester begins. I wish that, as much as we can, we will study and do research normally, and keep making progress on our beautiful campus. Perhaps, we can enjoy picking up our books and laptops to study outdoors (weather permitting) on the lawn. Enjoying lunch at the lakeside may also be a good idea.

    The most basic things we can do are to wash hands frequently, to have good ventilation indoors, and to wear a mask whenever necessary. I believe that these approaches will be effective.

    When we go through this difficult time, we will care for and help one another even more than before, the school environment will become healthier and cleaner, and I believe that we will cherish every moment we spend here at NTHU as the most memorable time of our life.

    Let us embrace the new semester with the most careful mind and a healthy heart!

    From Your President, Hong Hecheng

  • idea電腦椅 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-09-28 09:40:16
    有 27 人按讚

    "我過去太多的失敗,是因為一直在做自己喜歡的產品,而不是市場要的。AppWorks 每屆都會舉辦 mentor day。完結後,看見傳回來的評分,可以理解別人怎樣理解我們的產品。這些意見可轉化成 Landing page 的痛點解決文案 。"
    - 來自香港的 AW#15 阿石

    下一屆也如火如荼的在招生中! 歡迎加入 AppWorks Accelerator #16,有許多大東南亞區域的創業家以及 AppWorks 校友都在這邊,讓創業的路上不孤單! ✍️ 立刻申請 -> https://goo.gl/V2hJZZ

    【尋找 Seafood 的故事】




    數年前,渣打發給我白金信用卡只有 $5000港幣信額額。原因是欠過債,多次創業失敗中沒出過糧。


    昨晚,一位很久沒見面的朋友約我出來談創業。令我回想起,什麼時候進步得最快。就是當我開始走出房間,離開設計師的椅子,懂得開門造車。去參加 networking,認識了各行各業的老闆。碰到一位又一位的 seafood(師父),跟他們去學習。

    一次參加商會。碰巧遇到一位木工seafood,名叫威信哥。LV 、愛馬士等世界級品牌都是他的客戶。

    『嗯, 那MOQ一隻可以嗎?』我即時再問。那時銀行存款只得三、四位數字。心想,反正死不了。


    用有限信用卡信額投放了第一個 Facebook 廣告。接到訂單,賺到現金的話,不用先付製作費,而是即時再加大廣告費,擴大回報。因威信哥給我一個月數期。




    他指著公司裡的魚池說:『養魚,先養水。』不愧為seafood ,每次都是一句起,兩句止。留白,點到即止、無聲仿有聲、潛龍勿用。

    故此我總要問另一位 seafood : Google。用0.2秒得出結果:『先創造優質的氛圍,才會有優質的人材』。時隔數年,還記得這句說話。


    於今年,我們成功申請加入 Appworks。其他 startup 朋友好奇,我們既然沒打算找投資者,為什麼要來,還要跑來台灣?

    來Appworks之前 ,我只認識林之晨。已忘記什麼時候買了他第一本著作。來了兩個月,發現:

    這裡有好水,好 seafood。

    Seafood day:
    AppWorks 每屆都會舉辦 mentor day。完結後,看見傳回來的評分,可以理解別人怎樣理解我們的產品。這些意見可轉化成 Landing page 的痛點解決文案 。

    這裡最大特色,經常有免費午餐、晚餐。每個星期五會聚了一班 startup 朋友來。知識上學習最多的,其實是從其他 startup 身上學習。過去我只認識 Ai (Adobe illustrator) ,現在明白了更多 AI (artificial intelligence);跟不同行業,不同的地方的startup 交流。大開了眼界。

    AppWorks #16 第一階段截止日 10/23:


    後記:mentor day 完結後,我跟林之晨說,你們的 appworks school 辦得很好,我把他 copy 到了我的行銷育成計劃裡。『很好啊』他回覆。正想再請教他如何『養魚』,例如,Appworks 同事無限有薪假期是如何操作?然後,他電話剛巧響起。有機會再分享一下。

    我爸跟林之晨很相似,一個養魚,一個養 seafood。

    下圖:1) 傳說中的威信哥。2) Mentor day


  • idea電腦椅 在 殭屍生存之夜 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-08-19 08:00:00

    Music:Teddy Bear Waltz
    〔直播網址〕 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpa1...
    〔主頻道網址〕 https://www.youtube.com/user/nksh20434


    《臉書專頁》 https://www.facebook.com/rusiru20434
    《巴哈小屋》 http://home.gamer.com.tw/homeindex.ph...

    直播程式:OBS / 剪輯軟體:Aviutl
    CPU:i7 6700 / RAM:DDR4-2400 16G
    顯示卡: MSI GTX970 4GD5T OC 鎧甲虎
    鍵盤:Tt eSports Knucker
    滑鼠:雜牌電競滑鼠 / 耳機:雜牌耳罩式耳機
    麥克風:Samson Meteor Mic USB
    電腦桌:租房子附的 / 椅子:人體工學升降椅

    "Teddy Bear Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

    "Teddy Bear Waltz"

    Instruments: Flute, Glock, Clarinet, Cellos, Violas, Basses

    Feel: Bouncy, Bright, Relaxed

    Technically speaking, I think this one is in 6/8 time... in which case, the tempo it 75. If it was notated in 3/4 time, the tempo would be 225 bpm. This piece took almost exactly one year to go from initial idea to produced piece. What was I doing for a whole year!? I mean... it doesn't exactly sound that difficult.

    Download Uncompressed

    ISRC: USUAN1700064
    Uploaded: 2017-08-14

    75 bpm Soundtrack