[爆卦]i'd rather用法是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇i'd rather用法鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在i'd rather用法這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者foolishbi (墨)看板NBA標題[外絮] 交易大限前的拓荒者時間Sun Feb 5 0...


來源:The rose garden report (Sean Highkin 拓荒者隊伍記者)
https://reurl.cc/LX9drK (拓荒者球迷信箱答疑)


We're in the middle of my least favorite week of the NBA calendar.

There are no trades yet—just a lot of waiting and a lot of rumors. And with
that comes a lot of stress for everyone. For those of us on the media side,
it's trying to chase this stuff and figure out which whispers we hear are
real and which ones are posturing. For you, the fan, it's spending hours
killing time on the Trade Machine wondering why your team's GM won't just do
something already. For the GMs themselves, there are a lot of moving parts to
juggle—multiple talks about the same players with different teams, figuring
out what works under the salary cap, mitigating leaks and leverage plays.
只是玩玩Trade Machine來殺時間並質疑總管怎麼還沒開始動作。可總管的層面有

It's even worse for players. Even the guys that swear they don't read social
media or pay attention to this stuff are lying. Everyone in every locker room
sees the same rumors you see and knows who's on the block, even if they don't
talk about it in the open. They hear you screaming online to trade them. Some
are affected by it, some are not. The players who know they're being traded
know that means they're going to have to move their families to a new city on
short notice. You can make the argument that NBA players get paid a lot of
money to deal with these headaches, but that doesn't mean they're not real.

It makes everyone in the building on-edge, especially within teams in
situations like Portland's, where losses have piled up lately and everybody
knows changes are coming. Even Damian Lillard, the most even-keeled player
I've ever covered, snapped at a reporter a couple weeks ago for asking a
question about the trade deadline after a bad loss to the Lakers, and he's
the only guy on this team that knows he's not getting traded. Everyone's
feeling it, and everyone would rather it be in the rear view.

The Blazers are in a very different spot now than they were a year ago. In
February of 2022, they had already made the decision to shut Lillard down for
a core muscle surgery and pivot the rest of that season towards what they
called "player development," which really just meant losing a lot of games to
get a high draft pick. Everyone knew C.J. McCollum was being shopped, along
with other high-priced veterans like Norman Powell and Robert Covington who
weren't going to be part of the long-term plan and didn't click with
first-year head coach Chauncey Billups. The organization was still picking up
the pieces from last winter's investigation and eventual firing of president
of basketball operations Neil Olshey, and it wasn't clear how much authority
Cronin would have to make a major trade as an interim GM still trying to earn
the permanent job.

Now comes the hard part: taking a roster with some things to like but a long,
long way to go to become elite, and reshaping it again into whatever the
contending version of the final years of Lillard's prime will look like.


"Do you think the Blazers' recent play this season will affect Jerami Grant's
willingness to re-sign with Portland this year? And more importantly, if
Grant and his team force Cronin to wait until unrestricted free agency—when
they're competing against Memphis and 'maybe' Los Angeles, will he be worth
paying $120-$160M in salary over 4-5 years? Would that turn the Blazers into,
as Hollinger describes them, "Wizards West?"
120-160M/4or5y的合約? 會不會讓拓荒者變成火靈哥描述的那樣"西區巫師隊"?」

I don't think a few bad weeks in January changes anything on either side. The
Blazers didn't trade for Grant to let him walk after one season, and Grant
from what I know is very happy here.

Grant recently told The Athletic that he's unlikely to sign the four-year,
$112 million extension he's eligible for right now, which isn't a surprise.
Why would he lock himself into a number he's outplayed this season when he'll
be able to get more years and more money by waiting six months? It's probably
going to be one of those deals that gets "agreed to" at 12:01 on June 30,
like Anfernee Simons this past summer, because the Blazers and Grant's
representatives will already have a good idea of what makes both sides happy.
So I wouldn't expect any drama there.
Grant最近告知The Athletic他不太可能簽下112M/4Y的續約合約,這其實不令人意外。
何必現在接受呢? 但很有可能成為自由市場剛開市就談妥的合約之一,像是去年的賽門

I'd expect the deal he ultimately signs to be somewhere in the range of $30
million per year over four or five years, enough above the $28 million annual
salary that would be his max now for him to be able to say he earned a bigger
deal, but not so much more that it kills Portland's cap sheet long-term.
Grant turns 29 in March; even if he's able to get a fifth year by waiting
until the summer to re-sign with Portland, his next contract will take him
through his age-34 season. It's not crazy at all to think he'll still be a
productive player by then, and the final three years of the deal will be
under the much higher salary cap that's expected to come when the league's
new TV deal kicks in in 2025.

You're going to see the number of $233 million thrown around as the max Grant
could sign for this summer, but that's just what he's eligible to get under
league rules. It's not going to be close to that. As we see every summer when
deals get reported in the opening minutes of the free agency period, teams
and players often have handshake agreements already in place. Given the
positive things both sides have said about each other here, I'd be shocked if
that wasn't the case with Grant and the Blazers.


"We gotta trade Hart, right? I mean...we just gotta. We won't let him walk, so
if we don't trade him, we end up signing him, when we don't really want
to...at least that's my guess.

SO - who do you see out there? Who makes sense? Would Hart get us Vanderbilt?
Do the Bucks make sense for Hart? Ingles? SO - do you think we trade him, and
if so, who do you see out there? If you don't think we trade him, do you
think we end up signing him? For how much? Thanks! So happy I subscribed.
I'll certainly be a long term subscriber. Thanks for your work."
「我們會交易Hart,對吧? 我是說,可能必須交易。我們不會讓Hart變空氣,所以假如

那你有什麼消息嗎?交易誰合理? Hart for Vanderbilt(Jazz)?公鹿對Hart有興趣嗎?
換Ingles? 如果你覺得拓荒者不會交易Hart,那你認為拓荒者會續約嗎?開多少價碼?」

Nothing is done until it's done, but I'll be very surprised if Hart is still
a Blazer at this time next week, for all the reasons you've laid out. Nassir
Little has played well enough to start since coming back from his hip injury
last month, and re-signing Hart for what his market value will be doesn't
make sense financially considering the other money they'll have committed to
starters and how far the roster still has to go to be a contender.

I don't like to get too deep into hypothetical trade targets because I
actually talk to the people involved here, so I'm wary of what I say I think
they could get for Hart being misconstrued as reporting that they've actually
had those talks, but I will say that Hart easily has the most value of anyone
on the roster likely to be moved. He checks all the boxes of being on a good
contract and being a valuable and versatile enough player that every team in
the league would want him, to where Portland could get something of value for
him. That's why I think he's just about certain to be moved.

"There's been lots of talk of Hart, Nurk & Winslow being available on the
trade market.

But I'm wondering, of all the other guys not discussed as much, who do you
think is the one most likely to be traded that might be a surprise to the
fanbase? Watford? GP2? Nas? We've heard Dame and Ant are untouchable, Grant
and Shaedon also but little else.

Interested to hear your thoughts."
的球員中,有你認為最有可能被交易的球員,並會讓球迷震驚的? Watford? GP2? Little?

The three you named at the top—Hart, Nurkic and Winslow—are the most likely
to be gone in a week, and I'd add Keon Johnson to that list, too. Not because
the organization doesn't like him—they do—but there just aren't minutes for
him in the rotation with so many other guards. He's also a former first-round
pick in just his second year in the league, meaning he has two more years
after this one on a cheap rookie contract, and has had nice moments when he's
gotten on the floor, so other teams might look at him as someone with upside
they could take a flier on.
且我還會加上Keon Johnson到這個名單內,不是因為拓荒者不喜歡Keon,正因為喜歡,

I would also push back on there being that many "untouchable" players on the
roster. I don't think anyone not named Damian Lillard is flat-out off limits
in any kind of trade talks. The three you named, Simons, Grant and Sharpe,
are not being shopped and are extremely unlikely to be moved, but I don't
think they'd be non-starters in a truly franchise-altering deal, whatever
that may be. The previous general manager refused to even listen to any trade
offers involving C.J. McCollum for years; I don't get the sense that Cronin
has that same non-negotiable stance on anyone outside of Lillard.






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1675551625.A.C62.html
FelixChiu : 推翻譯 02/05 07:09
gm79227922 : 推翻譯 02/05 07:10
DPP48 : 抓眼球是什麼意思啊 02/05 07:13
josephpu : 推 02/05 07:14
flyintmtc : 推,辛苦了 02/05 07:14
flyintmtc : 獲得關注 02/05 07:15
Kerere : 抓眼球是吸引目光 英文直翻用法XD 02/05 07:17
qaz122444 : 這隊沒救了,小李當核心就是上限不高,更何況老了 02/05 07:26
JusufNurkic : Grant能留住就好 推 02/05 07:29
josephpu : 不過Hart不都打3號嗎,還是槍西拿他當小球C....? 02/05 07:29
CheerWesley : Nurk早就該走了 02/05 07:31
pooroo : 可能是Hart莫名很會抓籃板吧,所以才戲稱他中鋒 02/05 07:35
確實XD 開玩笑為主 不過槍西擺過
RUSH2112 : 推 02/05 07:36
josephpu : 原來如此xd 02/05 07:54
ymsc30102 : 看來要再一次一覺醒來發現隊友都不一樣了嗎 02/05 07:58
Ansel : 翻譯推 02/05 08:01
ginopun10477: hart要走的話 可惜 02/05 08:02
e8e88 : 起床隊友又要全換了嗎? 02/05 08:06
wegblon : qaz 酸民閉嘴吧 小李生涯沒有全明星的另一個副手 02/05 08:12
cloudyst : 小李:春天到了 隊友又要換一波了 02/05 08:13
wegblon : 只要小李帶隊幾乎都有進季後賽 02/05 08:13
attpp : 球場最音的地方挖一下 02/05 08:13
One102bird : 希望Hart可以留下來呀 很有活力可以感染隊友 02/05 08:31
lovesinker : Hart Nurkic一定得走一個 不然哪來錢續Grant 02/05 08:36
Bigcookie2 : Nurk該處理掉了 院長等級 02/05 09:00
l998 : 很喜歡Hart QQ 02/05 09:03
s310213 : Hart很棒吧,處理掉Nurk吧 02/05 09:06
youtoo : 感謝 f 大翻譯,我很喜歡阿拓與阿拓版的氣氛,即使 02/05 09:15
youtoo : 跟 Keon 搬家還是會繼續幫阿拓加油的!希望如果 Keo 02/05 09:15
youtoo : n 有交易可以幫阿拓更上一層樓 02/05 09:15

ocean0817 : 推翻譯 02/05 09:26
youtoo : Nurk 有實力在但是跟槍西的戰術不合,換地方很好用 02/05 09:37
youtoo : 的 02/05 09:37
bearbig : 記得Nurk前幾天低位影響力的圖不是最低效的代表 02/05 09:45
※ 編輯: foolishbi ( 臺灣), 02/05/2023 09:52:43
greedfat : 沒事早點睡起床就都不一樣了喲 02/05 10:08
skylove21 : 原來金門王我也會關心我拓 誰沒救還不好說呢ww 02/05 10:20
caLvinyzc : 阿拓加油 02/05 10:22
skylove21 : 不希望hart走啊 雖然沒外線但防守很好用 02/05 10:23
skylove21 : 真的需要個穩定的內線 Nurk受大傷後就不太穩了 02/05 10:24
skylove21 : 不過說真的市場上要好長人真的難 02/05 10:25
TVXFQ : 小哥最近表現有好到可以替代Hart? 02/05 11:48
skylove21 : little還很raw吧 Hart除了籃板基本上什麼都能來一點 02/05 11:49
skylove21 : 完全不覺得hart這個位置阿拓誰能很好取代 02/05 11:50
skylove21 : hart這種萬精油很適合阿拓體系 只是進攻較去年萎靡 02/05 11:51
skylove21 : 但也是因為小李回歸還有grant吃掉不小進攻球權 02/05 11:52
TVXFQ : 我也記得很raw想說內文說到他不錯 02/05 11:53
joystation : Hart 就三分投射只有32%已經到了會放被投的程度了 02/05 12:14
joystation : ,不然真的是很好的球員 02/05 12:14
SuikaJasper : 推 這個記者講話很實在欸也不亂爆料 02/05 15:41
SuikaJasper : 不是能替代hart,但正因為他很好,在主幹不夠強時重 02/05 15:43
SuikaJasper : 簽這種就很容易變成熱火小牛那種千萬綠葉戰隊 02/05 15:43
cpu885 : 推 02/05 16:58
eno03 : 推翻譯 這次不會一覺醒來 先發都不見了 02/05 17:10

