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雖然這篇hurt pronunciation鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在hurt pronunciation這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 hurt產品中有6190篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過665的網紅theurbanrhapsody.com,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Anger, aggression and bitterness are like thieves in the night who steal our ability to love and care. Is it possible to turn that negativity around a...

 同時也有9826部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Shia,也在其Youtube影片中提到,新キャラ「マジコスエリカ&リーフィア」は引くべきか性能評価をしました(  ̄・ω・ ̄ ) ◯最新ポケマス動画プレイリストはこちら! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhZxptIAllDPEN0AhsfXqeVKZkaPnB0i2 ■メンバーシップ登録...

hurt 在 ¹⁹+ Instagram 的最佳貼文

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sometimes,happy memories hurt the most...

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hurt 在 N I C O L E • C H E N [ 니콜 ] Instagram 的精選貼文

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THE VULVA FLOWER 🌸 The censorship of our bodies, the ‘offensiveness’ of the female anatomy hurt us all. I’m not talking about our identities, and fem...

  • hurt 在 theurbanrhapsody.com Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 00:39:26
    有 1 人按讚

    Anger, aggression and bitterness are like thieves in the night who steal our ability to love and care. Is it possible to turn that negativity around and chill out so we can wish our abuser well? This may sound challenging or even absurd, but it can make life's difficulties far more tolerable.

    🌞 Recognize no one harms another unless they are in pain themselves. : Ever noticed how, when you're in a good mood, it's hard for you to harm or hurt anything? But when you are in bad mood, you are more impulsive.

    🌞 No one can hurt you unless you let them: When someone hurts us, we are inadvertently letting them have an emotional hold over us. Instead, if someone yells at you, let them scream; it makes them happy!

    🌞 Respect yourself enough that you want to feel good: Don't respond to them with negativity, turn it around within yourself and began to wish them well.

    🌞 Consider how you may have contributed to the situation:  It's all too easy to point fingers and blame the perpetrator, but no difficulty is entirely one-sided. So contemplate your piece in the dialogue or what you may have done to add fuel to the fire.

    🌞 Extend kindness: That doesn't mean you're like a doormat that lets others trample all over you while you lie there and take it. But it does mean letting go of negativity sooner than you might have done before so that you can replace it with compassion.

    🌞 Meditate: Meditation takes the heat out of things and helps you cool off, so you don't overreact. A daily practice we use focuses on a person we may have difficulty with or have a problem with us. We hold them in our hearts and say: "May you be well! May you be happy! May all things go well for you!"

    Been there, done that and I know by first-hand experience that reacting to hate and bitterness is only allowing yourself to feel bad for something you didn't do (in most cases). The best thing you can do is put yourself out of the drama and be at peace.  

    What do you do when someone mistreats or angers you? Comment below. 

    #thegiftofgiving #peacefulvibes #becompassionate #personalgrowthjourney #socialmediainfluencer #healingthroughwords #sharminjeet

  • hurt 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 06:00:36
    有 76 人按讚

    1) It doesn't hurt to _____
    →「〜しても損はない / 〜してみたら」
    例えば、アニメを見て日本語を勉強しようか迷っている外国人の友達に対し、「It doesn’t hurt to watch anime. Actually I think it’s a great way to study Japanese.(アニメを見ても損はないよ。実際、とても良い勉強法だと思うし。)」という具合に使うことができます。
    ✔「It doesn’t hurt to ask」や「It never hurts to ask」で「聞くだけ聞いてみたら」を意味する。
    ✔「It won’t hurt」や「It can’t hurt」と表現してもOK。
    I know you like your English teacher but it doesn't hurt to take lessons from other teachers.
    I know that he's really busy with work but it never hurts to ask. He might help you out.
    It won't hurt to try. That's the only way you'll find out.
    2) Hurt someone's feelings
    嘘をついたり、ひどいことを言ったり、裏切ったりして相手の気持ちを傷つけることを「Hurt someone’s feelings」と言います。Hurtは身体的、そして精神的な痛みの両方に対して使うことができ、一般的に人を悲しませる意味合いが込められています。
    ✔「私は〜に傷ついた」は「I was hurt by _____.」と表現する。
    Why did you lie to her? You really hurt her feelings.
    I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it.
    I can't believe you made fun of me in front of everyone. I was hurt by that.
    3) Hurt one's chance to/of _____
    この表現を直訳すると「チャンスにダメージを与える」ですが、一般的に「チャンスをダメにする」や「好機を妨げる」などの意味としてよく使います。例えば、プロ野球のドラフトに選ばれるくらい才能がある高校球児がスキャンダルに巻き込まれた際、「That incident is going to hurt his chances of getting drafted.(あの事件のせいで、彼のドラフト選抜のチャンスはダメになるだろう)」という具合に使われます。
    ✔「イメージダウン・イメージを悪くする」は「Hurt one’s image」、「評判を傷つける」は「Hurt one’s reputation」と表現する。
    You failed one of your classes? That's going to hurt your chances to study abroad.
    Barry Bonds is a great baseball player but his use of steroids hurts his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame.
    That actor was caught drinking and driving. That's going to hurt his reputation.
    4) (That) hurts
    →「(それは)応える / きつい / 辛い」
    精神的なダメージを受けて心が痛んだり、何か問題が発生して困難な状況に置かれた状況などの“辛い”気持ちを表現する際にもよくHurtを用います。例えば、人材不足に悩まされて困っているうえに、有能な部下が退職届を出してきたと嘆いている友人に対して、「That hurts(それは辛いね。)」と言うことができます。
    The fine for the speeding ticket hurts. I'm all out of money.
    The truth hurts doesn't it?
    You totaled your car? That's got to hurt. How are you going to get to work?

  • hurt 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-29 09:44:47
    有 37 人按讚

    Dickinson 的“It ceased to hurt me, though so slow”, 因為時間的流裡漸漸變得麻木,而已經不再刺痛你的傷痛。這種傷痛其實從未消失,只是改變了型態。這些傷痛曾包覆著你,你曾穿戴著它,但現在已經不再合身,你只能把它脫下來,掛在房間的一角。但是真正的那種肝腸寸斷,卻是一直形影不離,被編織在你內心深處最柔軟的角落。
    It ceased to hurt me, though so slow
    I could not feel the trouble go –
    But only knew by looking back –
    That something – had benumbed the Track –

    Nor when it altered, I could say,
    For I had worn it, every day,
    As constant as the Childish frock –
    I hung upon the Peg, at night.

    But not the Grief -- that nestled close
    As Needles – ladies softly press
    To Cushions Cheeks –
    To keep their place –

    Nor what consoled it, I could trace –
    Except, whereas 'twas Wilderness –
    It's better – almost Peace – (F421/J584)

    然而,遺忘卻一直是最殘忍的。從遺忘中被凝視,在遺忘中驚鴻一瞥。第一行的“To be forgot by thee”,游移在主動和被動之間。記憶能夠選擇,遺忘充滿盤算。但能夠由遺忘中的驚鴻一瞥被憶起的,往往是我們最想忘卻的部份。

    To be forgot by thee
    Surpasses Memory
    Of other minds
    The Heart cannot forget
    Unless it contemplate
    What it declines
    I was regarded then
    Raised from oblivion
    A single time
    To be remembered what —
    Worthy to be forgot
    Is my renown (J1560/Fr1601)

