

在 hue樂團介紹產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅昏鴉 The Murky Crows,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Very exciting about 貴人散步 @lucfest.tw 【幽默的寓言故事 昏鴉 The Murky Crows】 🔥預售票火速消失中 https://bit.ly/2020LUCkktix 有時候,你會覺得整個世界都在跟你唱反調,分手失戀啦,離職失業啦,再多發生一件慘事好像就...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,290的網紅TheWhiteEyesBand 白目樂隊,也在其Youtube影片中提到,FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1448477642067587/ ::::: OPENING SHOW ::::: 2015-1-30, 4:00pm @ MOCA Taipei ::::: 攝影 陳冠宇 後製 Awe IX 髮型 賀廣安@...

  • hue樂團介紹 在 昏鴉 The Murky Crows Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-07 19:50:17
    有 206 人按讚

    Very exciting about 貴人散步 @lucfest.tw

    【幽默的寓言故事 昏鴉 The Murky Crows】
    🔥預售票火速消失中 https://bit.ly/2020LUCkktix

    有時候,你會覺得整個世界都在跟你唱反調,分手失戀啦,離職失業啦,再多發生一件慘事好像就會不小心笑出來,這個 moment 很適合聽一些黑色幽默的帥歌,不是周杰倫那種,是昏鴉那種。


    🎧 即使水逆還是要保持英俊吧

    #貴人散步音樂節 #LUCfest #第一波演出名單
    #浪漫Duke必看 #昏鴉 #萬中選一的音樂節


    🚩 2020 LUCfest 貴人散步音樂節 🚩
    日期|11/27(Fri.) - 11/29(Sun.)
    地點|台南市中西區多場館 陸續公佈

    票價|三日票 2800、PRO PASS 3000、單日票 1500

    演出陣容| 落日飛車、當代電影大師、昏鴉、Cicada、Limi、靈魂沙發、打倒三明治、I Mean Us、孔雀眼、緩緩、四枝筆、Easy Shen Gang、王彙筑、hue、Go Go Machine Orchestra、陳穎達四重奏、謝明諺六重奏:給喬的讚歌、春麵樂隊、飛鴻、COLD DEW……and more!

  • hue樂團介紹 在 TheWhiteEyesBand 白目樂隊 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-01-28 12:11:40

    FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1448477642067587/

    ::::: OPENING SHOW ::::: 2015-1-30, 4:00pm @ MOCA Taipei :::::

    攝影 陳冠宇
    後製 Awe IX
    髮型 賀廣安@EROS Hairstyling
    化妝 Sandy Chen
    服裝 Hikky Chen
    音樂 白目二分之一


    Hikky Chen
    live art團體鬼丘鬼鏟一員,主要負責主視覺與服裝,演員,舞台設計。
    2011 服裝,裝置,攝影個展《NUNU展》,2012 Heineken Dream Space(Luminal Arts Festival)服裝展,

    The White Eyes 白目樂隊
    2004年底組成,成軍十年的The White Eyes白目樂隊音樂風格涵蓋Garage、Punk等迷幻骯髒的暴力元素,以極具煽動力的現場演出著稱。08年拿下貢寮海洋音樂季(Hohaiyan)海洋音樂大賞,專輯《Kiss Your Eyes》獲得第22屆金曲獎最佳專輯包裝,曾為The Music、These New Puritans、The Flaming Lips等國際樂隊擔任共演嘉賓,足跡踏遍國內外音樂祭,美國SXSW、日本SUMMER SONIC、春天吶喊、野台開唱等,以及各地Live House巡迴演出。

    賴士超Lai Shi-Chao


    Exhibition Introduction:

    Since the launch of ‘Art Street’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei has explored diverse possibilities for art and for all by introducing contemporary art to living space. In the spring of 2015, MOCA Taipei partners with Elite Taipei Station Store to co-present the fourth exhibition and invites Taiwan Indie bands and emerging fashion designers to co-create a duo-feast consisting of music and visual sense. Through this cross-disciplinary experimental collaboration, we discuss the visual approaches of music performance on stage.
    Since 2009 on, the White Eyes has worked with fashion designer Hikky Chen to develop a series of stage costumes and profiles, which they wear to attend many music events both overseas and domestically. This exhibition entitled Inorganic Evolution-The White Eyes X Hikky Chen could be regarded as a celebration of its founding for a decade. In addition to examine the creational history in the past ten years, the design profiles are also presented. Having an exhibition at the K1 and K2 square of Elite Taipei Station Store where the mass crowd and traffic gather, we expect to initiate a fusion of diverse creative culture and art as well as to further interpret the indie Avant-garde fashion of the White Eyes.
    Extending the Punk and Riot Girls style in the early years, the White Eyes set up strong image in the circle of Taiwan Indie bands and they won grand prize at Ho-hai-yan Rock Festival; in recent years, the vocalist and bass player Chung-yu Fan form “Half of White Eyes” side project. While persuading further experimental spirit in the music presentation, the band also engages in several cross-disciplinary projects. The collaboration between the White Eyes and Hikky Chen implies the beginning of another stage, which the long-lasting Punk spirit, rebelling, critical against the conventional concepts, respect to individuals with different values, and the pursuing of liberation are all shown in their creation.
    The stage costumes by Hikky Chen are mostly inspired by the elements in the Nature, including the mineral colors and textures, and the primitive quality of grey cloth. Therefore, most of costumes are made by retailing and assembling recycled clothing and unwanted fabrics. The colors are made from the technique of tea dying and show a warm, tender and natural hue. The texture and color hues are full of primitive charm, which is exactly like the liberation manifesto by the band. Moreover, daily life and pets of band vocalist Hsiao-gao Gao are resources of inspiration as well.
    The White Eyes organized their ten-year anniversary concert at the end of 2014. It is an important evolution for the White Eyes to present the audio sense through costumes and visual profiles. This is the intention behind the collaboration between the band and fashion designer. Based on this reason, the exhibition is organized to present the achievement of a decade. On stage, the White Eyes not only performs physically, but also expresses their music faith via unique costumes. With the concepts of inorganic evolution, this exhibition looks forward to further inspiring more diverse imaginations and possibilities of cross- disciplinary creation among creators from different fields.

