April 13, 2018
The President of the Philippines Says Sorry to Hong Kong
During his visit to Hong Kong, the president of the Philippines, ...
April 13, 2018
The President of the Philippines Says Sorry to Hong Kong
During his visit to Hong Kong, the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has officially apologised for the 2010 Manila hostage crisis, where a sacked Filipino police officer hijacked a Hong Kong tour bus and eventually killed nine people as a result of the Filipino authorities’ incompetent handling of the situation.
Language Enhancement:
Hijack (n./v.)(騎劫)
此字可作可數名詞或動詞(作名詞時使用 hijacking(s) 也可以);「騎劫」是以武力奪取交通工具的控制權。
e.g. Car hijacks have been on a steep decline in recent years.
e.g. The robbers hijacked a taxi as they were making their escape from the bank.
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