被疫情所影響,在家運動量不足難以燃燒卡路里真的很是惱人;那就自己DIY低糖低脂的手搖杯吧!跟著Holly一起製作用 自然小島 纖Q即時珍珠 調和成的各式創意飲料!使用日本時下超夯的植淬L-阿拉伯糖的...
被疫情所影響,在家運動量不足難以燃燒卡路里真的很是惱人;那就自己DIY低糖低脂的手搖杯吧!跟著Holly一起製作用 自然小島 纖Q即時珍珠 調和成的各式創意飲料!使用日本時下超夯的植淬L-阿拉伯糖的天然成份,能夠大幅的阻隔庶糖不被身體吸收!採用台灣黑糖及日本海藻糖做基底,讓您好吃的同時無負擔,無化學添加物而且堅持在地製造;品質跟堅持都看的見,小朋友也能安心食用!
包裝分別有10件裝的經典黑糖方盒/天然植彩方盒 及5件裝的輕巧袋,不會一次煮太多吃到傻眼;而且冰凍復熱超簡單,只要在鍋子加熱三分鐘即可;Holly師實測,不論是做小朋友最愛的黑糖鮮奶還是天然植彩的波霸飲料都超級美味,Q彈珍珠配上彩色飲品真的超級無敵!想要在這個夏天吃的健康無負擔?快來 @natural.isle 一起來體驗這自然的饋贈!
A cup of cold boba is the best for quenching thirst on a hot, humid, summerday, but what do you do when drink places are closed during covid? and if you find a place that's opened, what if you're worried about the calories? With the pandemic and lockdowns going on, everyone is confined to their home, with little to no exercise. How do we have our cake and eat it too? Or rather, how do we have a boba, and drink it (worry free) too?
DIY boba time with Holly! @nature.isle has some delicious, naturally flavored instant boba packs that are colorful, fun, and low in calories! Using a Japanese type of L-Arabinose, a sugar reducer, @nature.isle has taken out the majority of sugar and calories, and left all the yummy stuff for you. Just place the entire pack (sealed) in hot water and boil for 3 minutes, and it's ready to go! Wanna know what else? The boba pearls are flavored by natural ingredients like gardenia, anka crystal sugars, brown sugars, and sweet potato, so you can enjoy boba in the comfort of your home, worry free. Do you know which flavour Holly likes best? Leave a comment below and tell us which one!
#自然小島 #無化學珍珠粉圓 #無添加珍珠粉圓 #纖Q即時珍珠 #L阿拉伯糖 #纖美守護者