

在 holding舉辦產品中有135篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Paradise,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 跟大家分享一檔展覽資訊,我們非常榮幸能夠協助老朋友Dehara桑前往芝加哥的Rotofugi舉辦個展,並展出33件新作品,有興趣的朋友不妨前往 @rotofugi 的頁面確認更多展出資訊! With summer winding down we're pleased to be bringing ...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Brian2Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,住在台灣11年我從來沒聽過 醮 這個東西,也沒看過 米龍 今年雲林台西的五條港的安西府有舉辦道教最大的活動 做醮 或 建醮 因為這種活動他們這裡25年只有一次舉辦這種活動,我這次非常幸運可以看到台灣本地文化的另一種特色 跟我一去去看安西府的大活動~ 更了解什麼是大醮 Having lived ...

holding舉辦 在 J-Auto Show Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-04 14:58:40

Car film award 2021 Car movie contest will be held. J-AutoShow is holding the "Car film award 2021 Car Movie Contest" to promote the world's car cultu...

holding舉辦 在 大久保博人 Hiroto Ohkubo Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-11-02 15:41:47

北京にある巨大ショッピングモール内に店舗を構える、POP MARTさんの北京僑福芳草地店にて、10月23日より”INSTINCTOY CONCEPT SHOP企画”を開催させて頂く事になりました。 店内一部内装デザインを手掛けさせて頂き、ショーケースにはオリジナル作品を展示頂きます。また...

  • holding舉辦 在 Paradise Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-21 20:00:24
    有 260 人按讚

    跟大家分享一檔展覽資訊,我們非常榮幸能夠協助老朋友Dehara桑前往芝加哥的Rotofugi舉辦個展,並展出33件新作品,有興趣的朋友不妨前往 @rotofugi 的頁面確認更多展出資訊!

    With summer winding down we're pleased to be bringing you the final exhibit in our three-show run of all Japanese artists...and it's one we are personally very excited for.⁣

    Join us beginning Saturday, September 18 for "Japanese Salaryman Satoshi," a new figure exhibition by Dehara Yukinori, presented in conjunction with Paradise Toy.⁣

    For this exhibit, works will be available first to attendees of the opening weekend, but we will take requests for purchase via our previews email list and conduct a lottery for remaining pieces after the opening weekend. Sign up at previews.rotofugi.com to receive an email when works are available to request.⁣

    We are being cautious and will not be holding an opening reception for this exhibit.⁣

    Japanese Salaryman Satoshi continues through October 10th or view online at gallery.rotofugi.com.⁣


    Exhibit Details⁣

    Japanese Salaryman Satoshi⁣
    New Works by Dehara Yukinori⁣
    September 18-October 10, 2021⁣

    2780 N. Lincoln Ave.⁣
    Chicago, IL, US⁣
    Open 10am-6pm Daily⁣

    @deharayukinori @paradise2005⁣

    #art #newcontemporary #popart #contemporaryart #sculpture #characterdesign #chicagogallery #illustration #illustrationart #designertoy #arttoy #arttoys #toystagram #vinyltoys #toyphotography #toycollector #vinyltoy #vinyl #collectibles #toys #designertoys #designertoyshop

  • holding舉辦 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 12:00:40
    有 37 人按讚


    巴黎奧運和中介組織(Yunus Centre、Les Canaux)聯手打造「社企奧運」


    追蹤 #社會創新平台 #有ㄗㄜˊ商行 關注更多社會創新議題

    #SDGs #社會創新 #環境永續

    【Start-up Adventure】Paris 2024: creating an innovative Olympic Games

    Paris 2024 commits to staging economically and socially responsible Olympic Games
    Paris 2024 will reduce emissions linked to the event by 50 per cent compared to previous editions of the Games.
    The initiatives:
    ♻Actively minimise environmental impact by using 95% existing or temporary venues.
    ♻Visitors holding tickets can use the zero-emission buses for free.
    ♻Using 100% renewable energy during the Games. The competition venue is close to the contestant village, reducing transportation costs.
    Hundreds of contracts directly linked to the Games will be created in sectors ranging from construction to events, private security, catering and hospitality.
    To ensure that the Games also benefit firms in the social and solidarity economy, specific support measures will be put in place for them via the Paris 2024 solidarity platform.

    #SDGs #SustainableDevelopment #SocialInnovation #EnvironmentalSustainability

  • holding舉辦 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-21 17:00:03
    有 5,571 人按讚

    你有嘻哈魂嗎? 你身體裡也流著像頑童MJ116、玖壹壹、蛋堡、女士優先、肯伊威斯特或卡蒂B一樣的饒舌血液嗎? 身為嘻哈舞者、饒舌歌手、DJ或編曲人的你,準備好將你的技巧提升到新的爆點了嗎? 現在,一個專屬於你、千載難逢的機會來了!

    美國在台協會很榮幸與桃園市政府文化局合作舉辦「Next Level 台美嘻哈交流計畫」。特別為台灣成軍的Next Level夢幻團隊,將為本地的嘻哈表演者帶領一系列的活動,包括為期一週的密集嘻哈工作坊、即興鬥陣、文化參訪,最終以一場嘻哈音樂盛典直達本計畫的高潮。Next Level 嘻哈工作坊,即日起開始受理線上報名,截止日為8月31日! 如果你自認愛玩嘻哈,隨時想著如何讓你的才華得到世界的共鳴,請即刻手刀報名: https://reurl.cc/0jnaWk

    Next Level 是由美國國務院教育暨文化事務局所贊助的國際音樂和文化交流專案。預計在10月12 至 25日,五位美國嘻哈音樂家: Orb (舞蹈), Purple Haze (饒舌歌手), Krate Digga (DJ), 和 BLVK Samurai (編曲人) 將與團隊經理ADUM⁷一起來到台灣。除了帶來炸裂的表演,也將與本地樂手合作,展現透過嘻哈轉化衝突的溝通力量,共譜跨越文化的創意交流。Next Level 台灣計畫,隸屬於一個由眾多美國饒舌歌手、DJ、編曲人與舞者所組成的龐大網絡,旨在透過嘻哈文化串聯起全球的嘻哈社群。本計畫更多訊息請參考連結:https://www.nextlevel-usa.org/eap/taiwan


    Do you live for Hip Hop? Does the blood of MJ116, 911, Soft Lipa, Lady First, Kanye and Cardi B flow through your veins? Are you ready to take your skills to the NEXT LEVEL as a dancer, MC, DJ or beatmaker? Well here is your once-in-a-lifetime chance!

    AIT is proud to host Next Level Taiwan. In collaboration with the Taoyuan Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Next Level Team Taiwan will lead artists in a series of intensive hip hop workshops and jam sessions, culminating in a public concert and cultural outreach to show that hip hop is an important part of cultural diplomacy. From today through August 31 we are holding an OPEN CALL for artists interested in this Next Level Academy! If you consider yourself a hip hop artist and want to figure out how to share your talent with the world, please apply here: https://reurl.cc/0jnaWk.

    Next Level is an international musical and cultural exchange program sponsored by the State Department’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. From October 12-25, five hip-hop artists -- Orb (Dance), Purple Haze (MC), Krate Digga (DJ), and BLVK Samurai (Beatmaker) -- will join team manager ADUM⁷ here in Taiwan. They will perform for audiences and collaborate with local artists to promote cross-cultural creative exchange and conflict transformation. Next Level Taiwan is part of a larger network of American MCs, DJs, beatmakers, and hip hop dancers seeking to create a global community through hip hop culture. For more information click here: https://www.nextlevel-usa.org/eap/taiwan.

  • holding舉辦 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-08 18:00:11

    住在台灣11年我從來沒聽過 醮 這個東西,也沒看過 米龍 今年雲林台西的五條港的安西府有舉辦道教最大的活動 做醮 或 建醮


    跟我一去去看安西府的大活動~ 更了解什麼是大醮

    Having lived in Taiwan for 11 years, I’ve never heard of Jiao or a Rice Dragon. This year at Anxi Temple in Wutiaogang in Taisi in Yunlin, they’re holding the largest celebration in the Taoist religion, a Jiao.

    Since this kind of celebration only happens once every 25 years, I’m really lucky to get this chance to see another special part of Taiwanese culture.

    Come with me to see this big festival at Anxi Temple and learn more about “Jiao”.

    #安西府 #醮 #台西

  • holding舉辦 在 Yokez 叶玉棂 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-11-14 23:25:55

    我在今年6月舉辦了首張EP音樂會,為音樂生涯創下了另一個里程碑!謝謝大家的支持!!這是在音樂會開始之前所播出的前導影片,看了過後會更了解我喔 =p

    在來臨的11月30日,我又要舉辦音樂會了!新加坡的朋友,有空的話記得來支持我哦~ This coming 30th November, I will be holding an originals showcase at Esplanade with another talented singer-songwriter, Isaac Yong! Hope to see you then!!

    in::music: Yokez & Isaac Yong: World Through Our Eyes
    Date: 30 November 2018
    Time: 8PM - 9.30PM
    Venue: Esplanade Annex Studio
    Tickets: http://bit.ly/2yUusDn


    ▶ Yokez 叶玉棂 Facebook 官方FB

    ▶ Yokez 叶玉棂 Instagram 官方IG

    ▶ Yokez 叶玉棂 Official Site 官方網站

    ▶ Yokez 叶玉棂 Weibo 官方微博

