

在 hog意思產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 非洲豬瘟從沒消失 中國再次隱藏疫情? 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 🔥 China Said African Swine Fever Was Stable. Then Cases Climbed Again. 中國稱非洲豬瘟疫情穩定,但病...

hog意思 在 JK English 傑嗑英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-03 08:14:54

普通人才看 #天竺鼠車車​ 奇怪的人都看 #丸車車 ._.🚗​ ​ 🔉記得開聲音把兩部影片看完哦 ._.💛​ -​ 好啦我其實也很喜歡天竺鼠車車​ 這種莫名其妙的東西最棒了 ._.​ 而且跟丸子一樣是逐格動畫​ 有很多值得學習的地方 ._.💡​ ​ 此外​ 從片名也可以學到一些語言知識哦 ._.​ ...

  • hog意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-14 08:00:01
    有 217 人按讚


    🔥 China Said African Swine Fever Was Stable. Then Cases Climbed Again.

    - African swine fever 非洲豬瘟
    ✍️ swine 除了「豬」之外,罵人「下流坯子」時也會用這個字。

    🧐 As China has largely brought the coronavirus pandemic under control within its borders, another highly contagious disease—one affecting livestock—is reappearing and raising questions about the accuracy of the country’s reporting.

    - under control 得到控制;在控制中
    - within its borders 直譯是「在…國境內」,也就是「國內」的意思。
    - reappear 再次出現

    🙅🏻‍♂️For about four months from mid-November last year, pig farms in China reported no new cases of African swine fever, the deadly hemorrhagic disease that last year resulted in the loss of around 120 million hogs in the country. Chinese authorities said in February that the epidemic situation was stable.

    - mid-November 11月中旬
    ✍️ mid+時間=在…段時間中間,例如常聽到的「仲夏」midsummer
    - hemorrhagic 出血的
    - hog (尤指供食用的)豬

    😠 Since mid-March, China’s Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs has reported a spate of new cases across the country, supporting what some independent veterinary and farming consultants have been saying since late 2019: The disease is still rife.

    - spate (尤指不愉快的)大量突發事件
    ✍️ a spate of 接連發生…
    - veterinary 獸醫的
    - rife (指不良事物)盛行的、流行的


    ❓Quiz: African swine fever is a deadly ________ disease which resulted in the loss of around 120 million ­­­­______ in China in 2019.

    A. hemorrhagic/Snoopy
    B. hemorrhagic/hogs
    C. hemorrhoid/dogs
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • hog意思 在 大書蟲帶小書蟲來啃書 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-17 13:59:36
    有 26 人按讚

    Ehon no. 066

    愛書豬寶寶🐷THE BOOK HOG

    🐷關注《愛書豬寶寶》一陣子,等到書出版,譯者兼好友 董欣佳 (繪本的千百種滋味 版主)知道我哈這本書很久,一句話不多說,沒多久就收到熱騰騰新書。


    現在,小書蟲正經歷豬寶寶還小的閱讀過程— 大腦左右腦開發,大量吸收,還沒進入認字期,享受看圖聽聲音內化,自主摸摸書,討故事聽,當然也會有愛說話的症頭,模仿爸媽說故事,培養跟媽媽喜歡書帶來的溫暖,當小小愛書人進書店,到圖書館借還書,喜歡共讀故事的樂趣。



    🐷 雙語版 小魯文化出版

    🐷 英文版 三民書店出版

    🐷英文版 網路影片

  • hog意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-17 20:00:11
    有 23 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #正向篇
    🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 更多豬肉


    1⃣ live (or eat) high on/off the hog
    2⃣ go whole hog
    3⃣go hog wild
    4⃣ hog heaven
    5⃣road hog
    Speaking of pigs, did you know that “hog” is another word for pig? Specifically, a hog is a large pig bred to be eaten. And people eat a lot of pork, so naturally there are lots of hog-related idioms.
    首先,你知道 hog 是豬的別稱嗎?具體來說,hog「肉豬」是指專門飼養來吃的豬。因為大家愛吃豬肉,所以當然有許多跟 hog 有關的生活用語。

    One of the most interesting is 1⃣“live (or eat) high on/off the hog,” which means to live a luxurious, comfortable life. Why does it have this meaning? Because the most expensive cuts of meat come from high on the hog. Ex: Kevin has been living high on the hog since he won the lottery.
    首先,一個最饒富趣味的諺語是 live/eat high on/off the hog,指過著奢華舒適的生活。為什麼會有這個意思呢?因為最貴的豬肉肉品剛好都來自於豬的上半身。如:Kevin has been living high on the hog since he won the lottery.(凱文中樂透之後,就一直過著奢華闊氣的生活。)

    Lots of people enjoy pork, but what if you eat the whole hog? 2⃣ “Go whole hog” means to do something in a very thorough or enthusiastic way. Ex: We decided to go whole hog and stay in the presidential suite. 3⃣You can also “go hog wild,” which means to behave in an uncontrolled and excited manner. Ex: The kids went hog wild while their parents were away on vacation.
    很多人愛吃豬肉,不過若是要你吃下整頭豬呢?go whole hog 指「豁出去做某事;徹底把某件事做完」如:We decided to go whole hog and stay in the presidential suite.(我們決定豁出去住總統套房。)類似用法還有go hog wild,指「興奮過度做過頭」,如:The kids went hog wild while their parents were away on vacation.(爸媽放假出門時,小孩在家裡玩瘋了。)

    We all know about heaven, 4⃣but what is “hog heaven”? It’s a state of idle bliss and contentment. Ex: Sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching the game, Mike was in hog heaven. And finally, 5⃣there are “road hogs.” Since hogs are known for their greedy behavior, a road hog is someone who “hogs” the road. Ex: I hope the cops give that road hog a ticket.
    我們都知道天堂,但什麼是hog heaven「豬天堂」?就是形容相當愉快滿足的狀態,如:Sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching the game, Mike was in hog heaven.(坐在沙發上喝啤酒看球賽,麥可就像身處極樂之地一樣。)最後是road hog,豬一向以貪心著稱,所以road hog指的是開車亂搶路的人,如:I hope the cops give that road hog a ticket. (真希望警察給那搶路的駕駛人一張紅單。)

    1. win the lottery「中樂透」
    2. thorough「徹底的」
    3. idle「閒閒無事的」
    4. bliss「幸福」
    5. contentment「滿足」:為名詞,形容詞 content「滿足的」。
    6. give sb. a ticket「開罰單」:ticket 在這裡當「罰單」。
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

