

在 hilarious英文產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= ちょっと厄介な「Literally」の用法 ================================= 皆さんは“Literally”という英語をご存知でしょうか?本来の意味は「文字通り」になるんですが、実はネイティブの...

 同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過373萬的網紅Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Today me and friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get boba tea (bubble tea) in Chinatown and she totally shocked the owner with her perfect Mand...

hilarious英文 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 11:59:07

- 往右滑學「好笑」的5個單字✨ ⁡ #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️ ⁡ 📌 hilarious 非常滑稽的、引人發笑的 ⁡ He didn't like the film at all, but I thought it was hilarious. 他根本就不喜歡這...

hilarious英文 在 Gary ?? 英文老師 (小籠包老師) Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 13:29:34

我發這個影片後收到了威脅 I got threats after I posted this video 🤣 我在抖音上評論了“Angelababy”這個名字,後來發現有一位蠻有名的模特叫Angelababy @angelababyct (在加拿大長大我從沒聽說過她, 所以我沒有想嘲笑她) 她所有...

hilarious英文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 05:50:21

Words to use instead of VERY Part Two [#每日生字🌋 ] [#synonyms🌋 ] 上次我地講左關於情感既字,未睇快啲去睇啦🏃🏻 今次到形容性格啦!平時淨係諗到very kind, very nice既就真係要睇下啦 以下呢啲vocab你又識幾多個呢? - ...

  • hilarious英文 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-11 11:30:09
    有 73 人按讚

    1) Literally
    LiterallyはFiguratively(比喩的に)の対義語で「文字通り」を意味する副詞です。言葉の表現を文字通りそのままの意味で解釈をすることを表します。例えば「It's a pain in the neck」は「〜が面倒だ」を意味する比喩的な表現ですが、文字通りの意味(Literal meaning)で解釈すると「首が痛い」となります。
    I didn't mean it literally.
    He took what I said literally.
    He stabbed him in the back? You mean literally or figuratively?
    2) Literally
    日常会話では、どちらかというと上記のような使い方ではなく、物事をちょっと大げさに言ったり、自分の気持ちや感情を強調する役割として使われています。例えば宝クジで1等を当てた友達が「My heart literally stopped for a second」と言った場合、実際に心臓が1秒止まったと言っているのではなく「マジで驚いた」を意味します。
    I literally almost died from laughing too hard. That comedian was hilarious!
    I was literally freaking out when the cockroach started flying.
    He literally has no friends. He just stays at home and plays games all day.

  • hilarious英文 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-26 11:23:34
    有 248 人按讚

    This is HILARIOUS!!!🤣🤣🤣
    Connection, not perfection.


  • hilarious英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-22 22:56:41
    有 124 人按讚

    小高一龍騰B2L6 “No Wonder He’s Special”,介紹一位臉部天生畸形(deformed)的男孩,克服心理障礙(psychological barrier)去上學、承受霸凌(bullying)、最後用自己的知識和熱忱征服同學的心。
    這改編自同名小說的電影Wonder 「奇蹟男孩」,俐媽把三年前的po文再分享給大家,真心推薦!
    📽 俐媽英文教室—奇蹟男孩篇:
    • bullying (n.) 霸凌🤛🏼
    • pregnant (a.) 懷孕的🤰🏻
    • genetic mutation (n.) 基因突變🧬
    • stare (v.)(n.) 盯著看(at N)
    • petrified (a.) 嚇壞的(petri-: stone)
    • weird (a.) 奇怪的
    • ordinary (a.) 平凡的
    • hilarious (a.) 嬉鬧的
    • rude (a.) 粗魯的
    • gross (a.) 噁心的😖
    • be supposed to V 應該⋯
    • helmet (n.) 頭盔⛑
    • astronaut (n.) 太空人(astro-: star)
    • activate (v.) 啟動
    • campus (n.) 校園🏫
    • cafeteria (n.) 自助餐廳
    • commercial (n.) 廣告
    • audition (n.)(v.) 試鏡(audi-: listen)
    • precept (n.) 格言
    • motto (n.) 座右銘
    • quote/cite (v.) 引用
    • motivate (v.) 使有動力🚀(mot-: move)
    • aspire (v.) 立志(-spir: breathe)
    • bonus (n.) 獎金💰
    • braid (n.) 辮子
    • recess (n.) 休息時間(-cess: go)
    • light the mood 放鬆心情
    • plastic surgery 整型手術
    • thesis/ dissertation (n.) 論文📝
    • universe (n.) 宇宙🌌
    • science fair (n.) 科展🔬
    • elective (a.) 選修的(-lect: choose)
    • dodge ball (n.) 躲避球🤾‍♂️
    • scholarship (n.) 獎學金💵
    • illustrator (n.) 插畫家🎨
    • applaud (v.) 鼓掌👏🏻
    • contagious (a.) (接觸)傳染的
    • plague (n.) 瘟疫
    • nauseous (a.) 暈眩的😵
    • throw up (phrase) 吐🤮
    • suck (v.) 爛透了
    • guilt (n.) 罪惡🤥
    • phony (a.) 假的
    • accuse (v.) 控訴(sb of sth)
    • deed (n.) 行為
    • monument (n.) 紀念碑
    • switch (v.) 變換
    • defend (v.) 防衛🥊
    • gobble (v.) 大口吃🍴
    • grave (n.) 墳墓
    • rehearse (v.) 排演
    • pretend (v.) 假裝
    • Break a leg! 祝演出成功!
    • eyesore (n.) 刺眼/礙眼的東西👀
    • fart (v.) 放屁💨
    • tolerance (n.) 容忍
    • psychologist (n.) 心理學家
    • nature reserves (n.) 自然保育區🏞
    • choir (n.) 合唱團🎵
    • graduate (n.) 畢業生👨🏻‍🎓
    • quest (n.) 追求(for N)
    • attraction (n.) 吸引力(-tract: pull)
    • float (v.) 飄浮
    • medal (n.) 獎牌🥇
    • ovation (n.) 起立鼓掌🙌🏼
    • blend in (phrase) 融入
    • stand out (phrase) 傑出
    • wonder (n.) 奇蹟
    👍🏼You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.
    You are a wonder in my life.
    #俐媽英文電影 #俐媽英文電影奇蹟男孩 #俐媽英文電影wonder #俐媽好書推薦 #俐媽好書推薦wonder #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽網版篇

  • hilarious英文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-15 04:00:04

    Today me and friend Jillian (@JJsays - 雪莲说) went out to get boba tea (bubble tea) in Chinatown and she totally shocked the owner with her perfect Mandarin! Then we went around Chinatown and chatted with different people in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Fuzhounese. Very funny prank and social experiment — and then next time we go get dim sum in Chinese, which was equally hilarious! For more language learning vids remember to subscribe!

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc

    Check out my Chinese course:

    Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

  • hilarious英文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-04 05:02:03

    Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and got food and chatted with locals in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. They were totally stunned!!! This is Part 2 of our Fuzhounese adventure in NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown of Sunset Park (8th Avenue).

    It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Check out my new beginner course and learn Chinese exactly how I wish I'd learned it: http://bit.ly/3tgq4d8

    Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

  • hilarious英文 在 Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-01-30 05:51:26

    Thanks to ExpressVPN for the sponsorship; go to https://expressvpn.com/xiaomanyc and find out how you can get 3 months free! Today I went to NYC’s Brooklyn Chinatown as a clueless white guy and ordered food in the rare Chinese dialect of Fuzhounese. The other patrons in the restaurant were completely shocked!!!

    It was a really fun prank and social experiment to see Chinese people’s reactions — both the waiters and the other patrons in Sunset Park were totally shocked! Then we walked around in the Chinese New Year parade and chatted with vendors and other people in Fuzhounese and Mandarin; their reactions were hilarious as well!

    Thanks everyone for supporting me on my language learning journey — part 2 of these Fuzhounese videos coming up very soon! And also Happy Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year!!!

    Want to learn fluent Chinese like me?
    Sign up for my free newsletter and discover how you can pick up Chinese quickly using my weird but effective method: http://bit.ly/37gTpLc

    Check out my Chinese course:

    If you guys like the music in my videos, you can check out all the AMAZING music Epidemic Sound has at my affiliate link here: http://share.epidemicsound.com/xiaomanyc

    Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLNoXf8gq6vhwsrYp-l0J-Q?sub_confirmation=1
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xiaomanyc/
    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomanyc/

